sure lets act like spinless people in order to please the great RMS,
how about changing it to RFC (RMS fun club?)
if it's for his honor great, if it's to please him so he would agree to
see us....

btw oleg the part about we going to contact RMS so don't overflow him
and then saying that if only 10 people can you meet him then all the rest
should wait for whatever, it sounds kind of bad.
it's like saying his mine his mine anyone who want to talk to him should
go through me.
well just noting I guess if anyone has the right to do that it's you and
mulix being the celebraty of our LUG;)

oh and one last idea,
How about asking him for an interview for whatsup?
something in slashdot style where people send questions and he get
to answer the few more asked ones. I think that would make a lot of
people happy.

Ely Levy
System group
Hebrew University
Jerusalem Israel

On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Ira Abramov wrote:
> > Quoting Shlomi Fish, from the post of Wed, 18 Dec:
> > > > last time (I think) we decided both ways were acceptable and fine. we
> >
> > > Are you suggesting we change the banner to read "Israeli GNU/Linux
> > > Users"?Temporarily or Permanently? Anyway, I like "Israeli Group of
> > > Linux Users" better.
> >
> > as I said, both are fine. last time RMS was invited to lecture for a LUG
> > that didn't call itself GNU/Linux he ended up lecturing TO them and
> > almost conditioned his lecture on them changing the name...
> >
> > I think it would be nice to change, if only for a month.
> >
> Hmm.. I don't think I agree with you. We can introduce ourselves as the
> Israeli Group of Linux Users/Israeli GNU/Linux Users - your preference.
> But I don't see changing the logo as a step that I would like to take. I
> don't have objections of calling a Linux system a Linux system and not a
> GNU/Linux system. There is no point in temporarily changing our name just
> to satisfy Stallman's whims. (it's not a very honest action if you ask me)
> > >Judaism is essentially a peopleship, that the
> > >Jewish religion is a small (and unnecessary) part of.
> >
> > ahem, don't confuse religion with politics and theism (belief systems
> > where metaphysics are involved) with kfia datit. Definitions of
> > Nation/people/religion and the Jewish questions are problematic and
> > POV-dependant, and the philosophical discussions are very interesting but
> > off topic here.
> Agreeed.
> > however do yourself a favor, even if you DO thinksome

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