On Tue, Feb 18, 2003, Uri Itscowits wrote about "Re: Guessing filesystem while 
> First I want to thank everybody for the time & effort,
>  ( although some responses show, 
>     some guys did NOT spend enough time reading my problem all the way  {:<   )

I hope my response wasn't one of those. I did read your message, but frankly
it wasn't very easy to understand what you're trying to do. In particular it
isn't clear if you are looking for a ad-hoc hack that will work on a particular
system, or some universal set of heuristics that will work on old systems
(without e2labels, with lilo, bootable Linux partition, etc.) as well as new
(with e2labels, grub, etc.).

It also wasn't clear why you are so against trying to mount the partitions one
by one (the list of partitions is in "fdisk -l", as I said) and checking if
they have "/-like" files (/bin/ls, /root, /etc/passwd, etc.).

> Since no one gave me a good answer, 
>  (except for Muli's, which was my idea to begin with)

Be careful, if you are invested in an answer before you ask the question, you
might not be open to better, or at least different, answers ;)

> PS
> no need to CC me in person, I'm on the list, & it floods my mailbox.

Tough luck. Join the pro-Reply-To: crowd (of which I'm a proud member).

Nadav Har'El                        |     Tuesday, Feb 18 2003, 16 Adar I 5763
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