On Wed, Feb 26, 2003, Eli Segal wrote about "Re: Software design document":
> Just one thought ...
> Why would anyone want users to leave windows ..
> I say, if someone is happy with his windows .. let him be
> linux is alternative and that's the good part

The bigger issue that (I believe) is raised in that link I gave is that why
should we, people who like Linux and develop for it, want to waste our time
to help Windows users.

For example consider someone who loves LaTeX but writes in Word format to
please other (Windows-using) people. Or someone for whom postscript is most
convenient but generates PDF anyway, because he believes Windows-users prefer
it. Or some free software developer that spends (say) 10% of his development
time to make sure his program works under Windows, rather than spending that
10% on something really important to him (assuming this developer himself
does not user Windows and is not planning to use it anytime soon).

This is obviously a very fanatic view of things, and I don't completely
agree with it. But he does make a valid point.

Nadav Har'El                        |   Wednesday, Feb 26 2003, 24 Adar I 5763
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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http://nadav.harel.org.il           |the nothingness still shows through.

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