On Mon, Mar 17, 2003, Yedidyah Bar-David wrote about "Re: Request for update on the 
current Linux Distributions.":
> Hi,
> Is there a real, urgent, need for a new religious war? There are tons
> of places on the net for such comparisons. Why don't you search google
> for e.g. "linux distribution comparison"?
> Last time there was a weeks-long thread about gentoo/Debian/RedHat and
> some more, without conclusive results. I do not think this time (a few
> months later) we will have some radical changes.

I think in this case, there's no reason for a flame war :)

The guy basically asked for a "faster distribution". With all due respect
to the various distributions and their specific advantages and disadvantages,
significant speed difference isn't one of these things. Other that +-10%
that you can perhaps gain from better compilation parameters, the performance
of all GNU/Linux distributions are basically the same because they all use
basically the same components. Even if the speed difference was 20%, it
isn't something you'd notice as a desktop user.

If you find, say, OpenOffice, to be a huge memory hog and annoyingly slow to
start, well, it will probably be just as large and slow on another
distribution. If one distribution ever finds a magical way to make OpenOffice
smaller and faster, you can bet that the other distributions, or even the
OpenOffice creators themselves, will pick up on that trick and pretty soon
all distributions will have it.

So I suggest you chose your distribution based on the variety of software
it includes, the quality of its integration, the support and update system,
and your personal habits and tastes. Speed is probably not a major factor
in choosing your distribution - unless for your specific needs require every
percent of speed that you can possibly get.

Nadav Har'El                        |     Monday, Mar 17 2003, 14 Adar II 5763
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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http://nadav.harel.org.il           |tell him we don't want any!"- Groucho Marx

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