On Fri, Mar 28, 2003, Yedidyah Bar-David wrote about "Re: Linux for machines with 
large memory":
> While I did not try that myself yet (but did use up to 4GB), from what
> I read it's trivial - simply select 64GB in "High Memory support"
> when you compile your kernel (CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G=y).

And if you have between ~0.9 to 4 GB, you'll need to select "4GB" in that menu.
PAE does not have to be used, but other tricks do, to be able to map virtual
memory and (most, or some of) physical memory into the same address space.

> Each process will still be limited to 4GB.

Actually, it will be limited to slighty less than 3GB, because the remaining
1GB is used by the kernel, by default, to map physical memory. With some
hacking you can get this limit closer to 4GB but at the price of the kernel
having less physical memory to use for DMA and stuff like that.

As far as I know (and I'd be very happy to be corrected about that!) there
is no way to have one process on an i386 be able to use more than 4GB of
virtual memory; That's because this process will be using pointers, and
i386 points are 32bit wide and so can only refer to 4GB of address space.
Anyway, as I said in the previous paragraph, your practical limit for one
process will be (by default) 3GB, not 4GB.

Nadav Har'El                        |     Sunday, Mar 30 2003, 26 Adar II 5763
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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