On Sun, Jun 01, 2003, Yehuda Drori wrote about "Re: SCO SCO SCO (or whatever)":
> Shahar and all other on linux-il whom concern.....

Shachar already replied to you well, explaining why he didn't advertise
on whatsup because it wasn't on *his* list of most-frequently visited
sites, but that shouldn't stop whatsup from covering Hamakor activities
and announcements, or from virtually anybody (including you yourself)
from picking up Hamakor announcements from other sources and sending them
to whatsup.

Seeing whatsup's look and feel, I assume that whatsup wants to be an Israeli
slashdot-like site, right? Well, as you can see slashdot is not a site in
which *original* news is presented - it *always* points to news written in
other sites (it just organizes it better and picks the most interesting
pieces of news). So you should not be offended if Hamakor news appears on
other sites (hamakor.org.il, etc.) and whatsup just points to it...

And on a different topic, here are a few quotes from your message:

> whatsup is defiantly today the largest place on then net which deals
> with LOS matters and try to bring as much info and knowledge to the public.
> many of the sec. group I mentioned above visiting on a regular daily basis
> the best and widest channel he can get to it..
> get out of the bubble the linux-il and Iglu and get more involved in 
> the forming community that takes place in the last months.

Ok, care to back up your claims? You claim that whatsup is the biggest
and best discussion forum in Israel about Linux, and that linux-il is a
bubble filled with elitistic elders.

How many actual readers (not one-time visitors) does whatsup have (linux-il
has several hundreds, I think)?
How many threads on whatsup get meaningful replies and not just "chatter"?
How many of the "really important" announcments get sent to there?
How many of the "second group" (newbies) actually read whatsup every day
like you said?
What makes whatsup the *best*, like you said?

Don't get me wrong, I do think that whatsup is an interesting site, I do
read it quite often and I even participated in a few threads (as an "anonymous
linuxer"). But I think that some of your claims about its importance are
a bit exaggerated, and the thought that Hamakor (or Shachar in this case)
failed to contact Globes just because they didn't write on whatsup is
really silly, in my opinion.

The sad truth (or at least, my guess) is that any article in globes or
article on the online ynet probably get read by 10-100 times the number of
people that read whatsup. If something appears in the printed Yediot
Achronot, the ratio probably jumps to 1000. So Shachar *did* try to contact
what he probably considered the best and most-read media!

P.S. I'm not an Hamakor representative in any way, form or shape, so please
don't go trashing Hamakor based on what I wrote above...

Nadav Har'El                        |         Sunday, Jun 1 2003, 1 Sivan 5763
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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