Today Ha'aretz published a response from Captain Internet to the "Angry 
Linuxers" (as they called it). The response is mild - it includes statements 
like (sorry for the rough translation): "lately there was a huge improvement 
with the Hebrew support", "many people are happy with it" but also: "Linux 
still can't replace Windows as a single operating system and no matter how 
fed up you are with Windows" (well he should come to my office for a visit, 

So we may have won the battle for attention, but not the war. Still, I'l sure 
that next time the Captain will think twice before publishing half-truths and 
incorrect information about Linux

Unfortunately, despite several attempts by Shachar and Ira, we couldn't get 
the Captain to meet "Hamakor" face to face for further explanations. However, 
we're very happy with the community support and the wave of responses that 
came to Hamakor and the various Linux forums.

We were notified on 50 responses sent to Ha'aretz in protest of the article - 
this excluding the large number of responses in walla's comments section (who 
syndicated the Ha'aretz article) and excluding those who responded but didn't 
tell us. Many of those responses were very creative and well-put, although we 
were just as happy with the "plain" support emails that showed there are a 
lot of people that care.

Now, enough with the protests, lets get ready to party...

- Aviram

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