On Tuesday 24 June 2003 16:18, Gilboa Davara wrote:
> But the percentage is getting lower and lower.
> My guess it that in general close to 80% of the programmers getting out
> to the workforce today, will 'do' java/C#/VB most of their professional
> life... and with "design" (YUCK!) tools getting better and better, most
> developers are on their way to become (Winders only) apes.

What is it that you people find so evil about Java and .NET? Is it the safety? 
Is it the rich object model? Is it the reduced development time? Or your 
point is that - the more we mingle with obscure crashes caused by memory 
overruns - the smarter we become? I think there are better challenges in a 
hacker's job than those buggers.

In fact, I'd be more likely to compare C# to Perl than to C++, as it reminds 
me more of Perl in its overhead (ie. not fit for real time jobs but okay for 
most applications), simplicity and API richness (ala CPAN). Unlike Perl, it 
excells in code clarity, type safety (meaning more errors are detected at 
compile time) and API robustness (most stuff in CPAN is excellent and yet the 
NET Framework is more polished).

> As for editor. Thank god, I don't see VI or Kate crashing on me every 5
> seconds. (VC1.5/3/4/4.2/5/6 style)

Don't remember Visual Studio 6 (the C++ one) crashing on me recently (maybe 
you were running some unstable extensions?) and Visual Studio 7 seems as 
solid as rock.

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