>> There is no problem whatsoever to set the clock to other 
>> speeds. , it's jsut a #define in the kernel sources (look for HZ)
>> In kernel 2.6.x this #define is configurable via the regular "make  
>> *config" facility. For 2.4.x there's a patch that accomplish the same 
>> and I've used it for several projects with not problem. For 2.2 you can 
>> just change the value of the HZ define yourself. A value of 1024 is
Good to hear. It indeed a good feature.

>> With this patch, nanosleep (and even usleep) will give you what you want.

It can, unless one need various different timings with low common
denominator ...
Another issue is periodical vs. random activities. While for periodical
tasks you
can set the clock easily, a task that activated from outside (some interrupt
a device) and then send a signal (discrete) and need to wait up to 1mSec (as
timeout if no response) can't do with 1000Hz. If you tolerate 100uSec it can
with 10000Hz clock but no one want such a clock - it will kill the system.
such a random timing events you need an auxiliary timer.
 So, it depend of the application characteristics and allowed jittering.

>> *IMPORTANT* If timing is important to you as it seems it does, make sure 
>> to use sched_setscheduler() and sched_setpriority() to give real time 
>> priority to the proccess that requires these short sleeps, otherwise 
>> NONE of the methods suggested above (by me or other people) is 
>> guranteed to work. In fact, it's guranteed not to work :-)
Notes :
1. Interrupt masking can create a latency. Make sure you remove all
unnecessary services and applications.
2. If periodic task is needed, read some fast clock right before you
to find jittering and do the correct extrapolations (i.e.
level thread->your algorithm may take different time each cycle).
3. If activating auxiliary timer that need arming every time make sure you
do it as soon as posible (in the periodic case - in the ISR itself) so you
have time sweeping.

Good luck.

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