This is a rather slim review of the HP Roadshow last week. As I did not take notes, or kept the agenda I don't have the names available, but I do think the outline will suffice.

HP joined forces with locale and foreign forces to display an arsenal of Linux based offering (not quite FOSS....):

SAP on the corporate ERP level
Novel (SuSe and eDriectory)
Ligad (hardware)
Expert (Integration)
Etagon (Oracle on blades)
John Bryce (training)

A very nicely rounded collection, I thought, especially as most of the crowed seemed to be from the corporate middle management level.
The lectured focused mainly on the corporate data centers and the implementation of commercial and "certified" solutions on Linux (on HP hardware, of course).
To my taste, there was two much promotion of vendors, and not enough case studies. Maariv and the unavoidable IAI stories were there, and ROI and TCO were used to no end, but I felt more was needed.

The final part, a panel, which included only one user (IAI) and was a bit too vague on on concrete questions (Linux on desktop / laptop, groupware solutions, distribution selection and Debian support). There was a general agreement that the SMB market is the main target for Linux in the near future, but no real world solutions were displayed.

I think HP managed to get a better crowed then IBM did (more suits and less techies), showed a better collection of solution providers and FUD defenses, but was too vague on FOSS support and usability.

-- ========================================= Gil Freund Sysnet consulting ----------------------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] voice: +972-52-676906 Fax: +972-8-9356026 =========================================

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