On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 16:47:44 +0200, Omer Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, according to http://osdir.com/slash3992.html
> Tier 1 suppliers in USA charge lower prices for PC with MS-Windows XP
> pre-installed than for PC with no OS or with Linux.

1. The pricing and configurations are from brand name makers *direct*
channels for pre-configured systems. The article does not even attempt
to check VARs.
2. If we follow up on that, try and get a PC with NT, 95, 98, DOS or
Solaris from the same channels, you will  get nowhere.
3. Pricing is the vendors decision. It might not (and some times does
not) reflect on the actual BOM (Bill Of Materials) - the actual cost
to the vendor.

> However, in spite of his claim to be Linux supporter, the writer of the
> article fails to mention the most important TCO-affecting factors:
> 1. Training!!!
> 2. Sysadmining a large network of computers.
> 3. Dealing with computer worms and viruses.

I disagree. It is easier to find mediocre (read cheaper) Windows
Sysadmins then it is to find mediocre Linux/Unix Sysadmins. When
looking for *good* Sysadmin, pricing and availability even up.
This means that the SMB and SOHO market have (in their eyes) less
resources to turn to.

> The original PC purchase price, regardless of bells, whistles, doodles
> or doodads, and regardless of the OS it was shipped with, is only a part
> of the TCO.
>                                          --- Omer
> --
> My own blog is at http://www.livejournal.com/users/tddpirate/
> My opinions, as expressed in this E-mail message, are mine alone.
> They do not represent the official policy of any organization with which
> I may be affiliated in any way.
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