The magical AT command is:


Generally the phone number to call is:

Username and password are irrelevant. This information works for me at least, connecting to Orange, using a Merlin u740 modem.

Here is my wvdial.conf

[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init5 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet";
Modem Type = Analog Modem
Baud = 460800
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Dial Command = ATD
Phone = *99***1#
Password = shay
Username = shay

Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:
eli elizur wrote:
Hi guy's,
any one ave experience with configuration of modem - air card sierra wireless 850 ?

I do, although I don't remember much except that it's a pcmcia card which has a USB controller, to which internal hub connected an internal USB serial modem. You're supposed to get all that configured, do an AT dial and talk PPP with whatever at the other end.

There's some magical AT command that you need to send it to turn on and really work but alas I do not remember what it is.

Hope this helps,


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