On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 09:57:30AM +0300, David Suna wrote:
> A client would like to put up large amounts of video to be made 
> available for download.  Can anyone recommend a reliable, inexpensive 
> service for large amounts of online storage (at least 20 GB) that 
> supports FTP upload and download and HTTP download?  The videos are 
> primarily for download so streaming is not a requirement (pseudo 
> streaming will suffice for any streaming needs they have).  The servers 
> must have good connectivity from the US.  I am willing to pay more for a 
> more reliable service but price is still a consideration.

Is this the person that was looking for a programer to write a windows
app to build an iTunes type store? (rip CDs and DVDs and generate
XML files), then ftp them to a server. 

If it is I'm glad they took my advice and abandoned Access and windows. 
> On a related note: does anyone have a recommendation for a library that 
> can be used in a web application that can manipulate MPEG files?  I want 
> to build an interface that will allow a non-technical user to specify an 
> online mp3 file, a start time and an end time and generate a new mp3 
> file with only that segment of the original file.  Ideally I am looking 
> for something that can be called from PHP.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED]  N3OWJ/4X1GM
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