015 used to support ipv6 natively with no extra payment - But had no
demand for this service.

If there is a demand, contact me off list, and I will check what's the
current status of the service.

-----Original Message-----
From: linux-il-boun...@cs.huji.ac.il
[mailto:linux-il-boun...@cs.huji.ac.il] On Behalf Of Geoffrey Mendelson
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 8:08 AM
To: Hetz Ben Hamo
Cc: linux-il
Subject: Re: the cost of switching to IPv6?

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 3:29 AM, Hetz Ben Hamo <het...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know TCP/IP but I'm not an expert on this issue, so I want to ask
> about the following scenario:

Neither am I, but here goes.....

> According to an article in The Register
> (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/04/30/ipv4_depletion/), ARIN (the
> group that gives IP's) will make life a bit harder when companies
> would ask for additional IP's.

ARIN are going nuts with power. They have been sending people who own
number blocks email asking them to join without payment, but if you do
you agree to pay for your number block (probably an inital and
recurring fees) when they decide to start charging. If you don't agree
they can't make you pay, but they are liable to start giving away the
ranges of people who don't pay.

> So, I was wondering: I'm almost sure that by now, most of the big
> ISP's here in Israel have some IPV6 infrastructure and some IP's, but
> what would it take to migrate clients to IPV6? here are more specific
> questions:

They probably don't. IPv6 costs more money to maintain and slows
things down in a  mixed environment. I found that things get faster
here because I only have a local IPv6 infrastructure that is poorly
supported, if I turn it off whenever possible.

Considering my (and others recent experience with local ISPs, I would
debate the existence of an IPv4 infrastructure at Israeli ISPs.

> 1. Can a translation from V4 to V6 can occur at the ISP level,
> removing the need to replace home routers/modems?

No, it would be of no use. They would have to use some sort of IPv4 to
IPv6 conversion on the fly in their routers which adds cost to
maintain, run and support. Most of the web service providers only
provide IPV4 connections anyway, and they and their ISP's would have
to upgrade.

Obviously they will someday, but I'm sure the big companies will try
their best to avoid it.

> 2. If not, what would be required to be done by the end user/home user
> if his ISP will switch to V6?

A new router with ISPv6 support and translation. Since 99% of the home
users in Israel tunnel, they would have to change the tunneling
software. Considering you can buy an IPv4 router with 80211.g Wifi for
130 NIS it will be a long time before an enhanced IPv6 router will
come down to the price that everyone will pay for one.

> 3. If someone has a server at a hosting company, or he gets a static
> IP, does he/she needs to ask for another V6 IP?

Yes, you need both. There is only one DNS system, so you won't have to
change anything, just make sure your DNS provider supports IPv6 and
you keep your IP addresses updated.

Because of the way things work around here, I would expect that you
will be able to get IPv6 service soon from your ISP. You will have to
pay extra for the service (probably commerical rates at first), and
get a new router.

For the first year or two, you probably won't get to any sites outside
of your ISP until IIX is upgraded and the other ISPs upgrade their
networks and interconnections.

The main factor is money, most companies, especially in these times
won't spend money for new technology just because it is new
technology, and I doubt that any ISP can justify IPv6 unless they can
charge real costumers real money to do it.

How much would you be willing to pay extra for IPv6? 100 NIS a month?
500? 1000? How many people you know would be willing to pay anything
at all?

Geoffrey S. Mendelson N3OWJ/4X1GM
Jerusalem, Israel

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