On Wed, 20 May 2009 18:21:01 Meir Michanie wrote:
> What do you think about using CENTOS with livna as a home desktop?
> I want to install it and forget about it.
> For Grandma, I need skype, im, flash, video camera.

It depends on your needs. If you want just some very common tasks -
like browsing, spreadsheet etc, then you can use CentOS (I do).

Beware that many media application won't work, or you won't be able
to install them with yum. Just last week I needed to rip a DVD, to
my surprise there was a package for CentOS: DVDRIP-0.98.10-6.el5, I
installed it just to find out it does not work. Googling around, I
found it is a known problem but without a solution (the same package
works on Fedora 10).

CentOS is very stable OS when used as server, not as media center.

For desktop use, I'll stick with Fedora, not necessarily the last one.
You have about 1.5 years maintenance from the distribution of a new
version. Fedora 11 will be available sometime in June.


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