On Saturday 27 June 2009, Amos Shapira wrote:
> 2009/6/27 Noam Rathaus <no...@beyondsecurity.com>:
> > Hi Amos,
> >
> > I haven't done anything special and I am able to see all the movies :)
> I can view the video just fine on FF3/Ubuntu 8.10/9.04.  But I want to
> be able to download it to a file on disk and view it later.
> DownloadHelper can do this for many sites, but it didn't provide the
> pop-up menu for reshet.ynet.co.il.

Don't know about download helper, but you can use tcpdump, while the movie 
starts, and watch for 'GET' messages for "flv" files. something like this:
| $ tcpdump -i eth0 -s 512 -l -A port http | egrep "Host:|GET.*flv.*HTTP"

Then use wget on the URL you find. Not a one-click-your-mother-proof 
solution, but works most of the time.


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