
It appeared to me at first that i4i was a patent troll so I promptly ignored
the fracas.
but they appear to be a legit software house.

Their injunction came shortly after Microsoft was awarded a patent related
to using XML in Word - which suggests to me that they are trying to make
money by contesting the MSFT patent on grounds that MSFT has deep pockets
and can afford to pay them money.

The case is ludicrous

the judge wants to forbid MSFT from selling Word in the US on grounds  of a
patent-infringement that cannot be proved to protect a company that relies
on Word to sell it's product.

I think this is called "Chelm"

Danny Lieberman
http://www.software.co.il/wordpress Danny on data security
Twitter:  http://twitter.com/onlyjazz

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Jonathan Ben Avraham <y...@tkos.co.il>wrote:

> My dearest fellow list members,
> Can someone explain to me what the i4i-MS tiff is about? Do i4i's patent
> claims regarding their XML technology affect other uses of XML besides MS
> Office? That is, on this issue should we be backing MS?
> Many thanks,
>  - yba
> --
>  EE 77 7F 30 4A 64 2E C5  83 5F E7 49 A6 82 29 BA    ~. .~   Tk Open
> Systems
> =}------------------------------------------------ooO--U--Ooo------------{=
>     - y...@tkos.co.il - tel: +972.2.679.5364, http://www.tkos.co.il -
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