On 09/01/2009 11:21 PM, geoffrey mendelson wrote:


> Apple is actually a pretty decent supporter of FOSS, they just chose not
> to use the GPL, which lead them to BSD instead of Linux, and they kept
> parts of their operating system and technology proprietary. They have an
> obligation to their stockholders to maintain the value of their
> investment. They also pay their employees fairly and have good benefits,
> something that some people on this list feel is their right as
> consultants marketing FOSS, but not the right of the developers of it.
> Geoff.

A company which shuts down websites (to let their PR keep rolling on
launch), forces other to remove videos (wired), uses the DMCA to hold
down a wiki site (just to keep a format hidden) and much more are no
supporters of FOSS.

The "obligation to stockholders" is a lame excuse (just like, "it's a
company, they need to make money") for keeping a fake "FOSS"/"Cool" mask.


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