Quoting Tzafrir Cohen, from the post of Sun, 03 Apr:
> On Sun, Apr 03, 2011 at 10:41:13AM +0300, Tom Rosenfeld wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > We are looking for help setting up KVM in our production environment.
> > We have been using Vserver, but want to move to KVM which has many more
> > tools for management.
> For the record, the direct replacement for Linux VServer would be OpenVZ
> or (for newer kernels. Not Centos 5.x) potentially lxc.

I have had a very good track record with Proxmox VE:

It's a Debian with both KVM and OpenVZ, built-in clustering and a
unified Web interface to create and manage the machines.

The butterfly effect
Ira Abramov

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