Hi, I have an 80 page OpenOffice document (Hspell's "niqqudless.odt")
which I wrote, shamefully, assuming Microsoft's TrueType fonts.

Now, I wanted to switch this document to use only free fonts, such as
the Culmus fonts for Hebrew, Nimbus Sans for English, and the DejaVu
fonts for other languages in this document (Arabic, Turkish, Greek, Russian,
etc.). The result will not only be freeer - it actually looks better!

Starting the transformation was easy - I modified the few main paragraph
and character styles that I was using, and in a few minutes, most of the
document was converted to the free fonts.

But my problem is that the long document *still* uses the non-free fonts in
some places. I can see this if I export the document to PDF, and run "pdffonts"
on it. I indeed found a bunch of places where this happened (e.g., I
explicitly used a certain font on some word, instead of relying on a style),
but couldn't find *ALL* of them, so my document still depends on these
non-free fonts.

I wonder if anybody knows how I can use OpenOffice, or some other tool,
to find *where* in the document a certain font is being used?

As a last resort, I plan to open the .odt file and read the XML where
this information has to exist - but before I do that, I wonder if
someone knows an easier OpenOffice option, or tool, exists.


Nadav Har'El                        |                    Sunday, Jan 22 2012, 
n...@math.technion.ac.il             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Earth First! We can strip-mine the other
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |planets later...

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