On 06/28/2012 12:52 PM, David Smith wrote:
> Want your own virtual server with real root access for cheap?
> Several friends renting a dedicated server on a server farm are looking
> for more participants to share the cost and resources.
A word to the wise - don't.

I managed such a group oh so many years ago (1998-200x for some small
value to x - don't remember the details). It was an actual shared
server, no viable virtualization at the time, called "fiasco". It lasted
for quite a while, but at the end, it dissolved.

Recently, I broke up a partnership (two people sharing a server), and
went completely solo. At 10€/month
(http://giga-international.com/?show=vserver) I rather doubt you'll
manage to be much cheaper. The headaches of people not paying on time
(and, trust me, this being a friendship powered alliance, you will not
erase a server merely because someone is a couple of days late) got the
best of me. I would rather pay a couple of dollars extra a month, but
know that I am completely master of my own domain.

As for the service I'm receiving - CPU's good. Memory is as advertised.
Bandwidth is more than any local connection can conceivably consume. IO
seems a little spotty at times, but none of my applications are IO
intensive, so I'm fairly happy. Please bear in mind, however, that your
setup might end up having the exact same IO problem, for exactly the
same reasons.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

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