On 05/12/2012 12:11, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
2012/12/5 Dan Shimshoni <danshi...@gmail.com>:
Hello, Nadav,
Instead, I decided to buy a 2-terabyte WD My Book Live for >$160.
For this price, I got both the 2TB hard-disk and a tiny (ARM-> based server in 
one package.

What do you mean by "ARM-based server" here ? I don't sure
I understand. Does this product include some tiny ARM server?
Do you have access to this server by telnet/ssh, and is there a BSP
open source package ? I see you have ethernet connection there.
I look in WD site, and I don't see that they mention an ARM
based server there:


Can you please give a link/elaborate about the product you are talking about ?

Basically it's a disk + server to handle cifs/nfs....
Eliyahu - אליהו


For this price, I got both the 2TB hard-disk and a tiny (ARM-based)
server in one package.

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Nadav Har'El <n...@math.technion.ac.il> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 04, 2012, David Suna wrote about "Home made NAS":
     I have a bunch of old machines lying around which are currently just
     collecting dust.&nbsp; I would like to collect the disks from all of
     them, put them together into a single server to act as a file server

A couple of years I started doing something similar to what you are planning.
I took an old computer, and stuck in it a bunch of hard disks I had from
previous years - one was 1 terabyte, another 300 gigabyte, and a third
80 gigabytes. The computer ran Linux, and served files (mostly CDs and DVDs)
on my home network with NFS and Samba.

But then I realized how annoying this setup was: the computer was very big,
noisy, and had to be on all the time. The old disks (especially the 80
gigabytes) were a joke, and I all three disks summed together were
smaller than a just new disk I could buy.

Instead, I decided to buy a 2-terabyte WD My Book Live for $160.

For this price, I got both the 2TB hard-disk and a tiny (ARM-based)
server in one package. The package is 10 times smaller than my old computer,
nearly silent, and uses up less electricity, and came preconfigured with
the server software (it runs Linux, but you don't have direct access to

So in my opinion, unless you're completely broke, and/or treating this
as nothing more than an educational experience, building a NAS out of
old equipment is waste of your energy.

Nadav Har'El                        |      Tuesday, Dec 4 2012, 20 Kislev 5773
n...@math.technion.ac.il             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |If you notice this notice, you'll notice
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |it's not worth noticing but is noticable.


I use WD MyBook Duo 2x3T.
Transfer rate more than enough for HD over N-wireless network.

On A side note:
Above storage is used (among other devices) by two Apple Tv 2 (jb with Xbmc) and for fun, I will add a Raspberry Pi model B which cost me almost 50$ in the USA. (ATV2 cost 103$ w/tax)


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