1. We might not care about their bad TV, but THEY DO. Notice that I wanted
to listen to radio. So it is still a valid complaint, and one that the IBA,
as a customer facing institution, funded by tax money paid by everyone,
should want to address.

Let us also not allow the best to become the enemy of the good. The fact
that there are other places to complain about should not stop us from
addressing the current problem and issue.

2. Give me/us the address to complain to the NII and I will write them as
well. Maybe one address for the tech support guys, and another for consumer

3. While I agree with you on the priority, the usage level, in my eyes, is
vastly different. We use the NII , online, a few times a year at most,
while, if we listen to Israeli radio or watch TV shows, you'd use the site
several times a day at least.

As you know, the multiple of the level of nuisance and its probability is
what adds up to impact, so it may well be that IBA, a minor frequent
nuisance, is more pressing than the rare, more serious one of the NII.



On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 5:52 AM, vordoo <vor...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>  On 2012-12-08 11:08, Steve G. wrote:
> Why don't we ALL send email such as this to these collective of dunces,
> until we can get some satisfaction?
>  It is not like the IBA is a global leader in their broadcast technology,
> they are just a bunch of lazy incompetents who can't manage to open their
> services to all sections of society because of thoughtlessness and lack
> of thoughtfulness.
> Because they are dunces & we don't care that much abut TV, in particular
> mostly bad  TV.
> If at all start a fight, I would vote for the National Insurance Institute
> of Israel, looks to me higher in the "has to be accessible to all" list.
> Thats my 2c :-)
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