
While a little bit niche, and while unfortunately not enough Arabic
speaking folks are in the hi-tech scene in Israel, I still send this query,
and feel free to ask an Arabic speaking friend.

Is there an open standard/de  facto standard/implementation of Arabic
transliteration. From Hebrew or from English.

I'm interested in implementing an open source transliteration library, and
I want to base it on some sort of standard, if possible.

Skimming Wikipedia, I can see a lot of standards for writing Arabic in
roman letters, most aren't useful enough, at least for Hebrew speakers with
standard English keyboard, for example, requiring hard-to-type characters.

Searching the web, I can see some implementations, but I didn't spot
anything that looks like it's very well known and used.

Is there any standard way to transliterate English/Hebrew to Arabic?

(please, if you do not know anything about this topic, do not run a web
search, read about it a bit, and write your findings. This is not helpful
for me, as my main concern is, what would an Arabic speaking individual
find useful, and it requires someone who actually know about this topic)
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