On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First thing yesterday morning: urgent IM message from Suresh
>  Ramasubramanian (hoster of this mailing list):
>   Mailman is down, can you help?

<..snip snip>

>  I don't believe them.  In the past 6 months Ubuntu has issues 80 new
>  security advisories.  For those 80 advisories, they have issued no less
>  than SEVEN regressions (a regression is a patch to fix a broken patch).
>  A near-10% regression rate sends only one message to me -- we can't be
>  bothered with doing any quality control before we release packages.
>  Before Ubuntu came onto the scene, I didn't even /know/ what a
>  regression was.   Today it's a common word in my lexicon, because of
>  Ubuntu's pathetic testing and quality control process (or lack of
>  process, more likely).  An operating system vendor who issues a package
>  with a syntax error (so that the package doesn't even start up, leave
>  alone do something wrong), is a pure crap snake oil vendor in my book.

Recently they managed to break their glibc as well - see
>From the bug report, it looks really ugly.

>  So, the question: will I trust Ubuntu on an Internet-connected system?
>  Nah.
>  Will I trust Ubuntu on a server?  Er, please excuse me while I finishing
>  laughing hysterically!
>  Use Debian or CentOS or any of those reasonably tested other
>  distributions for your boxes, and when someone asks you to use Ubuntu,
>  in the immortal words of Fancy Raygun, ``Just Say No!''.

Desktop users are affected as well.
(Follow up: http://tieguy.org/blog/2006/08/24/more-on-qa-ubuntu-trust-etc/)


Sayamindu Dasgupta

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