On Wednesday 14 January 2015 23:55:53 Dmitry Torokhov wrote:
> On some Dell Latitudes we fail to identify presence of
> trackstick unless we reset the device. The issue is quite
> benign as we do perform reset in alps_init(), so the
> trackstick ends up working, but mouse name reported to
> userspace is not accurate.
> In order to fix the issue while avoiding the additional
> lengthy reset we move the resrt to alps_detect() and keep the
> discovered state to be used later in alps_init().
> Reported-by: Pali Rohár <pali.ro...@gmail.com>
> Signed-off-by: Dmitry Torokhov <dmitry.torok...@gmail.com>

This patch is not enough. ALPS_DUALPOINT flag can be removed also 
in function alps_hw_init_rushmore_v3() which is called from 
alps_init() but not from alps_detect(). So this patch does not 
have to set correct name in alps_detect() based on ALPS_DUALPOINT 
flag. My original patch set name in alps_init() after hw_init() 
which handled also this problem...

Pali Rohár

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