"Ges Cook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 17.05.00:
> Please direct me to the right list if I am off topic.
> I use a UK ISP called freeserve. I have set up a dial-on-demand PPP
> connection with IP masquerading so that my laptop can act as a router for
> our small intranet.
> Everything works fine normally with the ISDN terminal adaptor hooking up
> when necessary and dropping the line when it is idle for 30 seconds.
> However, sometimes tasks using the connection seem to lose their way and sit
> waiting for responses.
> The command "tail -f /var/log/messages" shows that the local IP address has
> been changed, presumably in response to some control message from freeserve.
> My question is, is there any way to lock down a dynamically assigned IP
> adress once it has been assigned so that is is constant for the duration of
> the connection?
> Maybe I can extend the IP masquerading in some way so that the external
> dynamic IP is directed to a constant local spoof address?

My suggestion is to call your ISP to enlarge the leaseTime of his DHCP-Server.

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