Hi Laurent,

Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinch...@ideasonboard.com>:
> Do you think it would make sense to do this by default, without
> requiring a quirk ? Or are there cases where this calculation would lead
> to incorrect results while the bpp reported by the camera would be right
> ?

I don't nearly have the experience with a broad range of webcams
required to answer this question. At the very least that would tax
well-behaved cameras with a tiny but unnecessary bit of initial

The loop is a simplified version of the v4l2_fill_pixfmt() loop. The
calculation might need some checking, and might be invalid, in case
block_w/block_h format fields are significant (not 0 and not 1),
because then effective bits-per-pixel would seemingly be fractional,
and depend on the image dimensions if they weren't aligned; however I
see no formats using the block_w/block_h fields defined so far.

AFAICT the division should need no rounding for the raw formats
currently listed; just being cautious there.

> Could you please keep the entries sorted by idVendor/idProduct ?
> As this is the only device using this quirk, you can drop
> uvc_quirk_force_bpp and use
>         .driver_info            = UVC_INFO_QUIRK(UVC_QUIRK_FORCE_BPP) },

All makes sense and will be adjusted, thanks for the review!

Best regards,

Sergey Zakharchenko
Digital Loggers, Inc.

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