Hi Manu,

----- Original Nachricht ----
Von:     Manu Abraham <abraham.m...@gmail.com>
An:      hermann pitton <hermann-pit...@arcor.de>
Datum:   07.06.2010 05:04
Betreff: Re: What ever happened to standardizing signal level?

> On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 2:01 AM, hermann pitton <hermann-pit...@arcor.de>
> wrote:
> >
> > Am Donnerstag, den 03.06.2010, 22:18 -0700 schrieb VDR User:
> >> hermann pitton <hermann-pit...@arcor.de>, you are contributing
> >> absolutely nothing to this thread aside of annoying people with your
> >> by trolling and half incoherent nonsense.  It's quite ironic you
> >> suggest _I_ am the one trolling when this is a thread _I_ created.
> >> And further, several people have posted legitimate responses to --
> >> clearly you are the only one suffering from your delusion.
> >
> > Dream on.
> >
> > The question never was, if you are trolling from time to time, but only
> > if you are a duplicate of another troll or on your own.
> >
> > I have talked with Mauro about that and since then I ask you to provide
> > your full name or point at least to a patch from you, where you have to
> > agree to provide your real name in your SOB line.
> >
> > There was none and you also did not point to somebody else, to confirm
> > for us, that you are known and on kernel development not only as a
> > troll.
> >
> > You did not give an sufficient answer during the last two years.
> >
> >> Additionally you've been stalking me in email as well.  Your behavior
> >> is not only uncalled for, it's abusive of both this mailing list and
> >> the people willingly participating in the discussion.  As I understand
> >> it, this is not the first time you've been the source of harassment.
> >
> > The opposite again is true, you stalked me by private e-mail and
> > therefor my reply went as copy also to Mauro and Manu. If even Manu does
> > not have your contact data, who else? Please provide them at least to
> > him or someone else you trust and you are free for rants, within
> > limitations.
> Sorry, that I could not reply in-time. I had been traveling and hence.
> Also, with little free time in between additionally. Hermann, what's
> going on ? I don't see the reason for such a long thread, nor can't
> believe that time is so cheap ..
> Anyway ... He doesn't do much of coding, or maybe next to nothing. But
> he does test hardware and drivers, from what I know, for quite a long
> time from the time of the FF cards. I know his real name as Derek
> Kelly and on IRC as hotwings. Well, I do appreciate the time he puts
> into testing, as it helps to make realize code better, or identify
> hardware bugs etc. At least a couple of times, I was able to find bugs
> in my own code, thanks to him. But the other side, unlike most people,
> he seemed to not have a taste for taking credits at all (don't know
> why, eventhough I had pointed out to him a few times) ..
> Regards,
> Manu

many thanks for your time and help.

Ah. Derek please take some credits.

I suspected him to be a troll only, since for more than two years
he refused to provide at least a full name. There was also no single patch with 
a valid SOB.

This has changed now and there should be no reasons for any further clashes.

His temper and harshness, when me was insisting on a full name, 
did always remind me on Uwe, who is using multiple email accounts 
on his attempts to "improve" development.

If you trust him, I'll trust him too.

Derek, sorry for have being preemptive on you.


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