2011/8/22 Jason Hecker <jwhec...@gmail.com>:
> I just tried LiveCDs of Mythbuntu 10.04 and 10.10 but had limited luck
> with the former and some joy with the latter.  Unfortunately the
> default framebuffer slowed things down.  Anyway in LiveCD 10.10 I used
> mplayer to set up and view Tuner A and Tuner B and Tuner A only showed
> some slight errors when Tuner B was being set up.  After that for some
> strange reason attempt at retuning with mplayer failed utterly so I
> suspect there is some problems with the older versions of mplayer.
> These cards have blue LEDs for each tuner and light up when in use.  I
> did notice in my testing that the LED on tuner A would flicker off
> briefly (and presumably issue the errors) when Tuner B was being set
> up.  I am wondering if there is a general setup problem or even a I2S
> timing problem.  Could someone contact me off list about sending me
> the data sheets for the AF901x chips?
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Hello again, yesterday I try to connect the KWorld USB Dual DVB-T TV
Stick (DVB-T 399U) on my HTPC, I start MythTV and both tuners were
working great, I could record a channel and watch an other one, both

But 2 hours later they start to watch bad, with pixeled images:

I don't know what happens with this tuner. I have two identical ones
and both have same issues.

I could share a SSH root access to everyone that want to test the
tuner. I will install a fresh Debian Squeeze on my laptop and give
full access to the machine.

Anyone interested? I don't know what else to try with it.

Thanks and best regards.

Josu Lazkano
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