On 08/29/2011 10:56 AM, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
Hi Tomasz,

On Monday 29 August 2011 10:01:58 Tomasz Stanislawski wrote:
On 08/26/2011 05:09 PM, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
On Friday 26 August 2011 15:06:06 Tomasz Stanislawski wrote:
This patch fix the handling of data passed to V4L2 ioctls.  The content
of the structures is not copied if the ioctl fails.  It blocks ability
to obtain any information about occurred error other then errno code.
This patch fix this issue.
Does the V4L2 spec say anything on this topic ? We might have
applications that rely on the ioctl argument structure not being touched
when a failure occurs.
Ups.. I missed something. It looks that modifying ioctl content is
illegal if ioctl fails. The spec says:
"When an ioctl that takes an output or read/write parameter fails, the
parameter remains unmodified." (v4l2 ioctl section)
However, there is probably a bug already present in V4L2 framework.
There are some ioctls that takes a pointer to an array as a field in the
argument struct.
The examples are all VIDIOC_*_EXT_CTRLS and VIDIOC_{QUERY/DQ/Q}_BUF family.
The content of such an auxiliary arays is copied even if ioctl fails.
Please take a look to video_usercopy function in v4l2-ioctl.c. Therefore
I think that the spec is already violated. What is your opinion about
this problem?
I think it was a bad idea to state that a parameter remains unmodified when
the ioctl fails in the first place. I'm fine with not following that for new
ioctls, but applications might rely on it for existing ioctls.

Now back to selection case.
This patch was added as proposition of fix to VIDIOC_S_SELECTION, to
return the best-hit rectangle if constraints could not be satisfied. The
ioctl return -ERANGE in this case. Using those return values the
application gets some feedback on loosing constraints.
Shouldn't that always be the case ? :-) VIDIOC_S_SELECTION should adjust the
rectangle up or down depending on the constraints and always return the best
match without any error.
ok.. but what to do if constraints could not be satisfied?
The configuration should not be applied to the hardware in such a case,
because it is not what the application desired.
Therefore the ioctl must fail ... somehow.
If the ioctl always succeed then the constraint flags becomes actually the hints.
We may need TRY_SELECTION to test rectangles without applying it.

I thought that returning the best-hit rectangle by S_SELECTION might be useful because
it gives the application some feedback on what the driver would accept.

I could remove rectangle returning from the spec and s5p-tv code for now.

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