On Tue, 2011-10-11 at 08:06 +1100, Jason Hecker wrote:
> > Playing with Kaffeine or Mplayer all the devices are fine on the same
> > system.
> Right, admittedly most of my testing has been done with MythTV.  I
> recall about a month ago I could also get corruption with mplayer.
> > At the moment, I am going step by step what Myth TV is sending to the
> > devices.
> Great.  If you want I can replicate your tests here to see what I get.
> Antti, my AF9015 chips are integrated on PCI so I can't swap cables
> (alas, if only this was my problem!)

Jason, do you get firmware loading fails on boot with the PCI device?

There needs to be a delay put in the firmware download of at least 250uS
after each write, but this does not solve the corruption.

I have tried everything, but all of them fail to get rid of the
corruption on the first frontend when the second frontend starts and
then corruptions every 5 seconds or so. These only come through demux on
endpoint 84 and are not caused by any other frontend operations.

Trouble is, on a Nvidia motherboard I have it does not do it at all and
all applications work without any troubles.  This seems to suggest a USB
motherboard driver issue.

However, the frontend lock does make it at least work on Myth TV.

I am continuing to look into it.



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