Hi Hans,

Hans Verkuil wrote:
> On Tue 31 July 2012 13:17:50 Sakari Ailus wrote:
>> Hi Hans and Laurent,
>> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 09:19:13PM +0200, Hans Verkuil wrote:
>>> And make a new pixel format if you have hardware that doesn't use zero? I 
>>> think
>>> it's overkill IMHO.
>> Could be. But I've seen only zero being used.
>> Applications that need to process raw bayer images optimally are often very
>> hardware specific anyway, adding the assumption that the dummy bits are zero
>> isn't a big deal. The same might not apply as universally to yuv colour
>> space but on the other hand one extra and operation just won't take that
>> much time either.
> My experience is with encoders and decoders. Anyway, we're not using this 
> format,
> and neither will we ever upstream a pixel or mbus format since it is all 
> highly
> specific to our products, so there is no point in upstreaming. So I am 
> actually
> OK with saying that these bits should be 0, provided 'D' is replaced by 'Z'.
> But I still think keeping it 'D' and allowing for any value is more generic
> and I expect that it is sufficient.
>> I'm fine with defining the bits are dummy. I just wanted we make an informed
>> decision on this, and as far as I see that's now been reached.
>> Acked-by: Sakari Ailus <sakari.ai...@iki.fi>
> OK, then we all agree to keep PATCHv7 as is?

Yes. If we later see that we need to use the format (I was thinking
in-memory formats instead of media bus pixel codes, but apparently
replied to this patch instead) to tell especially the unused bits are
zero we can start creating more formats, but I feel it's unlikely we'd
get there.

Kind regards,

Sakari Ailus
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