> If the GPIOs aren't truly resetting the SI2168 and thus a warm boot
> didn't flush the firmware, I suspect dropping the patches would have
> no immediate effect until a full power-down took place. I'm wondering
> whether the testing was invalid and indeed we have a problem in the
> field, as well as a GPIO issue. Two potential issues.
> I'll schedule sometime later this week to fire up my HVR22xx dev
> platform and re-validate the 2205.

For the record, here's what happened.

1. The GPIO is working correctly, I've validated this with a meter.
This wasn't a warm vs cold boot issue, or in any way Windows related.
2. I have multiple HVR22x5 cards. a HVR2205 and a HVR2215. The HVR2215
I obtained much later after prompting my Olli, it has a newer build
date stamped on the demodulators and reports a newer chip version.
These newer demods are not recognized by the current tip, the prior
ones are.

The solution was to patch the SI2168 to recognize the newer demodulator version.

Steven Toth - Kernel Labs
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