Linux-Misc Digest #617, Volume #21               Tue, 31 Aug 99 15:13:09 EDT

  Re: Help! Hard drive IRQ timeouts! (John David Bowden)
  Re: TOP doesn't show 128MB ("Ben Gunter")
  Re: networking slows down (Janet)
  [help] cron/logrotate weirdness (Eric Sproul)
  Re: Netscape crashes on RH6.0 with javascript ("Christopher W. Aiken")
  Re: Linux 286 (Geoff Short)
  Re: TOP doesn't show 128MB (Paul Kimoto)
  Building packages trashes my files system... (Richard Mace)
  home directory as root for users ("Brian Cash")
  nfs mount doesn't see everything (Timpie)
  Re: lpr: problem with hostname ?! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: This is probably a simple one :) ("Anthony J. Gabrielson")
  Re: This is probably a simple one :) ("Anthony J. Gabrielson")
  Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron... (Stuart Hall)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John David Bowden)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Help! Hard drive IRQ timeouts!
Date: 31 Aug 1999 17:12:42 GMT

Gerson G. H. Cavalheiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: > Your hd is dying.

: I'm not so sure...

: I started to experiment this problem *just* after to
: upgrade my system from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.5.

I've had the same problem -- *right* after upgrading from RH5.2 to RH6.0,
which ships with 2.2.5...

I had been using 5.2 with a 2.2.10 kernel I rolled myself after downloading 
the tarball (2.2.3) and patches.

Maybe it's just coincidence; maybe not.


Clones are people two.
John Bowden                             Memorial University of Newfoundland 


From: "Ben Gunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TOP doesn't show 128MB
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 10:39:25 -0400

Or, since you're using loadlin, add the "mem=128M" parameter to the end of
the loadlin command line.

Christopher W. Aiken wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Try adding:   append="mem=128M"
>to your lilo.conf file and re-run lilo
>"S. R. Eissens" wrote:
>> Hi,
>> if I start top on my machine with 128MB of RAM, it only shows 64MB!!
>> I'm using loadlin to start linux...
>> where do I configure Linux to see all the 128MB of RAM?
>> thanx
>Christopher W. Aiken
>SuSE 6.1, Kernel 2.2.5
>The box said 'WIN95/98 or better.' so I installed LINUX!


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: networking slows down
Date: 31 Aug 1999 10:21:17 -0700

Tom Eastep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Janet wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have been recently been experiencing a problem with my networking
> > slowing down.  If I ping my other machine, the ping time is normally less
> > than 1 ms.  However, occasionally (it has happened 2 or 3 times in the
> > last week), it becomes a lot slower, sometimes taking up to 30 ms.
> > However, if I just restart networking (using the network startup script in
> > /etc/rc.d/init.d), it goes back to the sub-1 time.  Any ideas?
> > 
> > Janet
> I saw a similar problem on a DC21143-based NIC when used with the Tulip
> driver (in my case, the ping time was 1-2 seconds). Switching to the
> De4x5 driver seemed to avoid the problem.

I have been using the same Linksys card with the Tulip driver for a year;
it has just recently started having problems.  Also, this only happens
when the box has been up for a few days.  Do you think it could still be a
driver issue?



From: Eric Sproul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [help] cron/logrotate weirdness
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 08:27:17 -0400

For some reason, all of a sudden I'm getting errors out of cron.daily on
my Redhat 6.0 box.  They are as follows:

error: error reading top line of /var/lib/logrotate.status

error: failed to lstat /tmp/filevxgtOP: No such file or directory
failed to lstat /tmp/filevxgtOP: No such file or directory
(this line repeats many times)

error: error: failed to lstat /tmp/filefnYZMY: No such file or directory
failed to lstat /tmp/filefTtl9z: No such file or directory

And so on...
I have been running this box for about 3 months with no hassle.  I
updated the kernel to 2.2.11 a couple weeks ago, but it was fine for a
while after that.  Now I have been modifying cron to do some other
tasks, but haven't touched the section that rotates logs.

I'm not sure how to get back on track.  Any hints or suggestions?



From: "Christopher W. Aiken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Netscape crashes on RH6.0 with javascript
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 13:35:24 -0400

This error is posted quite frequently.  The RH faq pages have
a quick fix for the problem.  The fix has to do with the fonts.


Ganesh wrote:

> Whenever I access any webpage with javascript, netscape
> crashes. Do I need to need any patch(either RH6.0 or JVM) ?
> Thanks,
> Ganesh

Christopher W. Aiken
SuSE 6.1, Kernel 2.2.5

The box said 'WIN95/98 or better.' so I installed LINUX!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Geoff Short)
Subject: Re: Linux 286
Date: 31 Aug 1999 14:30:40 GMT

Jody Thigpen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Is there a distribution of Linux that will run on a PC 286 Platform?

Nope.  But you can get Minix (which provided the inspiration for Linux)
which will run very well.  Try  and


Ever sit and watch ants? They're always busy with                Geoff Short
something, never stop for a moment.  I just          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
can't identify with that kind of work ethic.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: TOP doesn't show 128MB
Date: 31 Aug 1999 10:53:31 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Christopher W. Aiken wrote:
>"S. R. Eissens" wrote:
>> I'm using loadlin to start linux...

> Try adding:   append="mem=128M"
> to your lilo.conf file and re-run lilo

Well, that won't help with loadlin.  I believe that you can just tack
the "mem=..." string on the end of your loadlin command line.  You may
want to consult the loadlin "manual.txt".

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Richard Mace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: ,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Building packages trashes my files system...
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 20:06:26 +0200


I've been using Linux for the past few years and have come across this
problem all too frequently when building packages and in one case when
compiling the kernel. This weekend I was trying to build a number of
I dowloaded from the internet. I get the tarball, unzip/untar it and do
the usual



make install

And things usually go okay (apparently) or I'm told to get a packages
X, Y and Z before installing package W etc. However, upon re-booting
a failed ./configure for xmms (a WinAmp clone for Linux) I had a whole
bunch of "broken" Inodes on my root filesystem. So e2fsck to the rescue
and a whole bunch of files eventually turn up in my lost+found (this is
a tad worrying....). They all looked like the C source for xmms so I
just deleted them and didn't worry too much about it.

Last night I tried to build xmms again ,and now a tad more wary of xmms,

instead of doing so as root I decided to do so as myself (a regular
Another failed ./configure (I need to get thread aware Xlibs) so I fire
up netscape and my hard disk goes into a frenzy. I look at the log files

and see that some program (netscape) is trying to fetch data beyond the
limit of the device!!!  I do an ls -al of my home directory and I
find a whole bunch of crazy symbolic links!!!!

My question is: what am I doing wrong?! How can a simple ./configure,
compile and link break a filesystem, especially when running with
regular user priviledges?!!! What do people put in ./configure that
might trash
a file system. Half the fun of Linux is being able to download the src
and build programs from scratch, but I'm growing increasingly wary of
(I can only take so many reinstallations!!!).

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

richard mace


From: "Brian Cash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.linux.isp,comp.unix.admin
Subject: home directory as root for users
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 11:47:04 -0600


I'm sure this is a common question, but the archived responses on deja are
rather terse and I'm not sure they always apply to Linux.  There seem to be
an abundant number of "this should work..." responses, but they haven't so
far. <grin>

I have carefully reviewed the Linux HOWTO and also my copy of Garfinkel and
Spafford's Security book, but I can't seem to put it together successfully.
I'm probably just being stupid, but I can't seem to get it.

Thanks in advance for any help.

- Brian

Problem: I would like to keep users chroot() 'ed to their home directories
and below.

Solutions attempted and results:

1. Add splat as the login shell

When I add a splat to /etc/passwd and switch to the account I get "su:
cannot run *: No such file or directory".  The telnet login reports
something similar:  "login: no shell: No such file or directory.".

Knowing that I needed to have binaries available for the user in the new
location, I brute forced it by copying just about the entire root file
system under the user's home directory.  No change in error message.

Checked that symlinked files were not pointing out of the root.  Removed a
couple of linux specific links.  No change.

I also thought that perhaps login was trying to re-authenticate against the
user's copy of /etc/passwd.  I then changed /home/user/etc/passwd to
something more friendly to the new root, "...:/:/bin/bash".  Again, no
change in the error message.

2. Add -r to the login shell

Linux bash does not appear to honor the -r switch.

3. Use /usr/lib/rsh as login shell

Does not appear to exist on RH Linux 6.0

4. Replace login shell with a custom chroot executable

I experimented with creating a which I could run as root, but
failed on login with the same results as 1.

Also attempted followup degugging as pocedure 1 with similar results.  I saw
no reason to compile an actual c program, but can easily do this if

Linux also appears to disallow SUID executables.


From: Timpie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: nfs mount doesn't see everything
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 16:36:59 +0200

Hey there linux hackers,

I recently set up linux (Caldera 2.2.5) on a pentium PC. 
When I try to nfs mount a partition from a Sun Solaris 2.5.1 
machine the strangest thing happens : 
I see all directories but some of them are empty (typically the
largest 900MB), yet when I go on the nfs server it does contain
files !!?? 
Has any of you come accross such a behaviour ?

Tim Schelfhout
Sys admin


Subject: Re: lpr: problem with hostname ?!
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 12:49:04 -0500

On 31 Aug 1999, Cliff Bradshaw wrote:

> I've developed a problem with the "lpr" command which has me puzzled...
> I'd appreciate any guidance.
> When I type "lpr filename" I get an error message along the lines of
> "Cannot get hostname for this machine"  (I forget the exact message)
> and nothing prints.
> Why is lpr bothered about the hostname?  I know what has caused the 
> problem; I've removed my machine name from /etc/hosts because I'm 
> now with an ISP that gives me a dynamic IP address.  If I add the 
> machine name to the 'localhost' line, lpr works and sendmail doesn't!
> Anyone know what's going on?

The whole point of 'lpr' is that you are not a single user on an isolated
machine, otherwise you could just print everything directly to


From: "Anthony J. Gabrielson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: This is probably a simple one :)
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 14:02:50 -0400

        For your first question - is your hosts or DNS file up to date, if
not try using an IP.  Also - your trying to export the display to you
linux box - you typed xhost + on your linux box right.  
        For the second question - did it complain about your terminal type
first like unknown term:linux - if so under linux (before telneting over)
type export TERM=vt100 then do an echo $TERM make sure it says vt100.

Hope thats a help,

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Vincent Padua wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm not looking for the specific answer, however, I'm curious about
> what's broken here and then i'll hunt it down how to fix it.  :)  I'm
> trying to learn!
> Okay, I've got RH 6.0 on my box.  I telnet into a bsdi box (4.0.1) and
> then try to open an xterm from there and i get this error:
> _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't get address for
> xterm Xt error: Can't open display:
> So i thought maybe it was the xhost stuff, so I completely disabled
> anyform of authentication:
> xhost +
> However, I still get the same error.  Can someone lend me an explanation
> of what is broken here?  Also, here's another whacky one.  After I have
> telneted intot he bsdi box and try to vi a file on that box, everything
> looks good.  however, when I try a vim filename, I get crap like this:
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/param.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/types.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/conf.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/proc.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/user.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/malloc.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/systm.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/ioctl.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/reboot.h>
> Any hints on what is happening here?  Oh yeah, this occurs in either
> tcsh or bash shell's ^shrug^
> All help is appreciated,
> -J


From: "Anthony J. Gabrielson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: This is probably a simple one :)
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 14:08:56 -0400

        One other thing - it's easiest to start with exporting an xterm.
After the xhost + command is out on the server (sound like its goig to be
linux) on the bsd box just type xterm -display hostname:0


On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Vincent Padua wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm not looking for the specific answer, however, I'm curious about
> what's broken here and then i'll hunt it down how to fix it.  :)  I'm
> trying to learn!
> Okay, I've got RH 6.0 on my box.  I telnet into a bsdi box (4.0.1) and
> then try to open an xterm from there and i get this error:
> _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't get address for
> xterm Xt error: Can't open display:
> So i thought maybe it was the xhost stuff, so I completely disabled
> anyform of authentication:
> xhost +
> However, I still get the same error.  Can someone lend me an explanation
> of what is broken here?  Also, here's another whacky one.  After I have
> telneted intot he bsdi box and try to vi a file on that box, everything
> looks good.  however, when I try a vim filename, I get crap like this:
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/param.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/types.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/conf.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/proc.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/user.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/malloc.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/systm.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/ioctl.h>
> ^[[35m#include ^[[31m<sys/reboot.h>
> Any hints on what is happening here?  Oh yeah, this occurs in either
> tcsh or bash shell's ^shrug^
> All help is appreciated,
> -J


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart Hall)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron...
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 12:36:09 GMT

On Sat, 28 Aug 1999 08:54:29 GMT, Greg Leblanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
so kindly spent valuable time writing:

>I don't know if you've already asked and got some replies, but the first
>thing to check is whether or not CPU EXTERNAL CACHE is enabled or
>disabled in the BIOS.  If it's disabled, that could cause CPU
>misdetection.  I can't think of anything else off hand that would even
>have a chance of causing it, but I promise to think on it again when I'm
>       Greg

I disabled internal cache and enabled external cache last night and
cat /proc/cpuinfo worked perfectly!  I now have properly identified
chips and cache amounts.  Interestingly enough, though, the system
seems to run a little slower - doh!  

When I boot from loadlin I got the uncompressing linux and the system
hung for about 20 seconds when usually it just rips right by that
notification.  Perhaps it was becuase it was the first time booting in
that configuration.  In any event I'll have to try again tonight.
Also, compiling the kernel seemed to take longer - again I'll have to
do some kind of 'time make bzImage' in both configurations however
that works to be sure.

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  fprintf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My brand new dual pentium II system shows as Dual Celeron (Covington)
>> my /proc/cpuinfo.  As requested I am enclosing my cpuinfo and dmesg
>> in hopes that someone can help identify a) why my CPUs are being
>> incorrectly identified and b) why it is showing as having no cache
>> available.
>> I have kernel 2.2.7 from the SuSE 6.1 distribution and I have enabled
>> via a kernel recompile.
>> Thanks,
>> Stuart
>> Cheshire, CT USA
>[snipped to save the net]

Stuart Hall
Cheshire, Connecticut, USA
* return address:  f p r i n t f @ i n a m e . c o m *



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