Linux-Misc Digest #637, Volume #21                Thu, 2 Sep 99 01:13:08 EDT

  Re: Any Support for PCI Modems? (Michel Catudal)
  Re: Ad-blocking software? (Cameron Simpson)
  Re: fsck after power failure (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: REAL PLAYER Install Problems. (Mladen Gavrilovic)
  Re: ATI Rage Pro and XFree86 (Michael McConnell)
  Re: Wordperfect will *not* work! (Michael McConnell)
  Re: rpm install error (Howard Mann)
  Mounting a Compact Flash Disk on RH Linux 6.0a with an ISA Vadem Reader/Writer? 
(Marc D. Bumble)
  Amiga, QNX, Linux and Revolution ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: fips or Partition Magic? (Michel Catudal)
  Re: WordPerfect cut&paste (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Research (Tom Dominico, Jr.)
  libg++ (Youjip Won)
  Re: A REAL Linux for free (John Girash)
  Sharing a modem with Windows users (StormCrow)
  man page setup for ksh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  REAL PLAYER G2 Problems ("Gilbert Groehn")
  [Q] Scsi disk adding ? (Suhng ByuhngMunn)
  Re: Bash 2.03 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: A silly question: POP and Sendmail (john)
  Re: printer problems (Frank Hahn)
  I'm on, now how do I get off? ("Scott")
  printer scripts with lpd ("Kevin Williams")
  C vs C++ for Open Source projects (Matthew Cline)


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Any Support for PCI Modems?
Date: 1 Sep 1999 21:42:02 -0500

Alex Flinsch wrote:
> Nicholas Pappas wrote:
> >
> >         Why?  (1) Because you have all the lights to tell you exactly what is
> > happening in your connection and (2) THEY ARE NOT WINMODEMS! (I don't think
> > it is possible to make an external WinModem).
> I saw an external modem at compusa the other day and it specifically stated "Windows
> Version" on the outside of the box, but I don't know if that means that it is a
> "winmodem" or that it came with some Windows software. 

It is geared for the morons much like those mouse pads and printer
designed for Win 95/98. The Mac cable is different than the PC cable
and most people don't know that winblows isn't the only thing that
works on PCs.

Tanné du plantage avec Ti-Mou?
C'est l'temps d'essayer Linux
We have software, food, music, news, search,
history, electronics and genealogy pages.


From: Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ad-blocking software?
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 00:25:53 +0000

On 12 Aug 1999, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Edson) wrote:
| Is there any linux software that blocks ads on web-sites 
| (like AtGuard and Intermute do under Windows)?

Certainly. Try this:

        Ad Zapping With Squid

There are some references to other software of similar purpose on the
web page, too.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You've failed to miss my point entirely, though you've succeeded mostly.
        - Mark Vieselmeyer


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: fsck after power failure
Date: 1 Sep 1999 22:01:52 -0500

In article <7qjoaa$8i2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Brandon Warren wrote:
> Do you have /sbin/update enabled in /etc/inittab?

You mean the little daemon that flushes the filesystem buffers every few
seconds (and is apparently not needed in recent kernels)?  Why would you
put it in inittab?  (Usually it would start during the bootup sequence, 
somewhere in the single-user-mode startup script.)

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Mladen Gavrilovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: REAL PLAYER Install Problems.
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 19:21:21 -0400

Real Player 5 doesn't work with 2.2 systems.  Get the G2 alpha from

Gilbert Groehn wrote:
> I am stumpted on getting Real Player ver 5.0
> to work with my Linux 2.2 system.   The CD player
> and system sounds work great so I know the sb card
> is configured properly.
> I downloaded the file rv50_linux20.tar.gz  and unzipped it
> to a subdirectory of root named rvplayer5.0.  All of the files
> shown in the book "Using Caldera Open Linux" Que Special
> Edition Page 895 installed correctly and du shows valid files
> were installed.  The above file is the linux version of real player
> (one of three choices given in the real player download menu).
> I followed all of the instructions outlined in the Que book and still
> can not get Real Player to work.   Everything else on the system
> performs to perfection.  Netscape blazes along on a 56K v90
> modem and does everything except play music.
> Can anyone give me some detailed instructions to get this to
> work?
> Any help will be most appreciated.
> Cordially,
> Gil Groehn
> Please cc to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Michael McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI Rage Pro and XFree86
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 22:35:23 +0100

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, John Vriniotis wrote:

> The version of Xfree86 is Hmm..  how do I go about
> downloading the newer version and upgrading?  Can I download the .rpm
> files through Windows 98, save to floppy and then install fron linux?

Theoretically, yes. But unless this floppy is an LS120 or a Zip disc chances
are it won't fit...

-- Michael "Soruk" McConnell
Eridani Star System  --  The Most Up-to-Date Red Hat Linux CDROMs Available
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Fax: +44-8701-600807
                Eridani: Your PC doesn't need Windows or Gates.


From: Michael McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Wordperfect will *not* work!
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 22:56:02 +0100

On 1 Sep 1999, William Burrow wrote:

> >>Hi- When I was running Red Hat 5.2, I installed Corel Wordperfect and
> >>all went
> >>well.  Now, with a new computer and 6.0, I install it and no matter what
> >>I've tried,
> >>it seg faults when it first starts loading.  Corel's page suggested
> >>installing libc5,
> >>which I did, but this did not bring any success.  Any ideas?
> I had a similar problem.  For some reason, wp seemed to require libc5 X
> libs as well.  Fortunately, I saved my entire libc5 X11 tree for just
> such purposes and use the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point
> wp in the right direction.  This may not be useful to you, but I'd like
> to hear from people who didn't have to do this as well.

Just a thought... tried pointing it to the compat-glibc2.0 installation
(install the RPMs rom the RH6 CD) ?

-- Michael "Soruk" McConnell
Eridani Star System  --  The Most Up-to-Date Red Hat Linux CDROMs Available
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Fax: +44-8701-600807
                Eridani: Your PC doesn't need Windows or Gates.


From: Howard Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: rpm install error
Date: 2 Sep 1999 02:52:29 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (philbert) writes:
> I downloaded the 3 rpms needed for my video card
> and attempted to install them with
> rpm -Uvh *.rpm
> This resulted in the error failed dependencies
> is needed by Glide_V3-2.60-5
> I'm running RH5.2 on a P166, 64 M RAM,
> the file doesn't apprear to be anywhere on
> my hard drive or the install disk.
> Any ideas? TIA
> Vic Oravetz

However, glibc-2.1 is not "used" by Red Hat 5.2

It is in Red Hat 6.0.

I will leave it to a guru to explain the issues related to
the updated versions of the GNU libc. ( C library)


Howard Mann   
(a LINUX website for newbies)
Smart Linuxers search at:


Crossposted-To:  comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Mounting a Compact Flash Disk on RH Linux 6.0a with an ISA Vadem 
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc D. Bumble)
Date: 01 Sep 1999 22:24:58 -0400

Does anyone  know how to mount a  compact flash disk as  a file system
(ata/ide)  on Red  Hat Linux  6.0a ?   I have  installed  David Hind's
PCMCIA  software and  have  purchased a  Synchrotech  ISA PCMCIA  Card
Reader/Writer which is based on the Vadem chip set.  However, although
I can load the related PCMCIA kernel modules, I'm not sure which device
to mount  on the  file system.   If I do  an lsdev,  I see  the i82365
device which I believe is my  flash disk, and /etc/fstab seems to show
one flash disk  in the related reader/writer slot.   The other slot is
shown as empty.   Basically, I think I am close.  I  think it might be
time for me to recompile the kernel, but I'm hoping not.

I mostly need  to know which device to mount and  as which file system

Thanks in advance for the assistance,


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Crossposted-To: comp.os.qnx,comp.sys.amiga.misc
Subject: Amiga, QNX, Linux and Revolution
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 01:00:53 GMT

Get your Amiga NG here ->

You know, if QNX wanted to start a real revolution, build some real
Internet Good Will(tm) (and Mind Share for that matter), _and_ grow
their market share, they could do the following:

1.> Port Photon to Linux/FreeBSD
2.> Release the source to Photon under GPL
3.> Create a robust QNX & NTO development environment under
4.> Add Linux compatible libraries for easy source code migration
5.> Add support for loading and running Linux binaries to QNX4 and QNX
6.> Support UDI ->
7.> Give the whole shebang (development environment) away for free.

Companies and engineers that want to use Linux for embedded systems will
do so anyway.

QNX's market share and hence revenue stream from runtime royalties will
not shrink.

Have no Fear.  Do the Right Thing.


  Yes, I know it has all been said before by others, I just felt it
could bare repeating.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: fips or Partition Magic?
Date: 1 Sep 1999 21:26:05 -0500

Leonard Evens wrote:
> Partition Magic is supposedly capable of moving data when
> it resizes.  I've used Partition Magic successfully, most
> recently on a Dell Inspiron which did have sectors
> at the end of the Windows partition which could not be moved
> by defrag.   But it can be a bit tricky to use because you
> have to resize the partition in which Partition Magic is
> installed.  It does this by setting things up and then going
> to DOS. 

Just install the dos version and make a drdos or PC Dos 200 boot
disk with the dos version of partition magic. This is a graphic
application as well but is much faster than the one on winblows since
you don't have to switch between winblows and dos. The MS DOS 7.x
boot won't fit with partition magic on one diskette.

Tanné du plantage avec Ti-Mou?
C'est l'temps d'essayer Linux
We have software, food, music, news, search,
history, electronics and genealogy pages.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: WordPerfect cut&paste
Date: 2 Sep 1999 03:04:01 GMT

(Gene Wilburn) writes:
>I live and die by drag & paste. I use this feature of Linux constantly and
>WordPerfect 8 is the only program I have encountered that did not allow me
>to paste. I don't have a 3-button mouse, so I always do the L+R thing.

>So, by way of confirmation, you have no difficulty drag + paste from an
>xterm into WP8?

I just tried it-- works copying from an xterm window into a WP document.
It does have the annoying feature that the copying is into the mouse
pointer position, not the cursor position.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Dominico, Jr.)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Research
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 15:53:17 -0700

[This followup was posted to comp.os.linux.advocacy and a copy was sent 
to the cited author.]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered these pearls of wisdom...
> First, I'm sorry about the cross-post, but I wanted as wide of a
> coverage as possible.
> What I need is material, or links to material, relevent to
> Linux/Open Source.  I need recent, relatively unbiased, and respectable
> resources for this paper.  Replies should be sent to my email address
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) so I can sort through them.
> Thank you for your help,
> The Great Josh

Sure, no problem, let me do all your research for you.  And send it to 
your email, as a service to you?  You bet, why should you have to come 
back here for info?  I mean, why go to a search engine and type in 
"Linux", "Open Source", etc., or go someplace like, when I can 
do it for you?  I mean, I have so much time on my hands, and I really 
want you to do well on your paper...  And since you call yourself "The 
Great Josh", you must be just that: GREAT!!!  And Lord knows great 
people can't be bothered with actually using their minds and doing 
research for themselves.  And since you've cross-posted this off-topic 
post, you'll surely get hundreds, no, THOUSANDS of replies!  It's a 
wonder no one has tried this before!!!

Do us a favor and do your own research.

Tom Dominico, Jr.
Application Developer
Holm-Dietz Computer Systems, Inc.


From: Youjip Won <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.c++
Subject: libg++
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 11:59:12 +0900


   I am having troubling in using random number generator function. I am
working on linux(Redhat 5.2). When I install RedHat, libg++
was installed by default. But, none of the respective include file such
as "String.h", "ACG.h", "Uniform.h", etc. Did I miss something? Help!!!



From: John Girash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A REAL Linux for free
Date: 1 Sep 1999 23:36:58 -0500

Super Solaris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: This message is not spam, this message contains infomration all Linux users
: will benefit from

Well, you're plain wrong there.
(I'm not saying none will, but it's naive to think all will benefit).

: Using Linux?
: Thinking of using Linux?
: Have you tried Solaris?
: Solaris from Sun Microsystems runs the majority of the worlds web servers,

That's just plain wrong too.  No OS has a majority of servers.
I think it's accepted that Linux has a plurality though.
(The real story here is that Apache does have a majority regardless of OS).

: and now you can get it for free. A fullty working commercial version of
: Solaris, capable of running Solaris and Linux apps in now available directly
: from Sun.

Here you're wrong again: the free (not counting s&h) version of Solaris
is specifically for non-commercial use only.  Sun would not like it if
someone started using it for anything other than personal or nonprofit use.

: Whay play with toy Unix clones when you can be using a real commercial unix?

Uh, let's see:
- much much much lower hardware requirements (cpu, RAM and disk)
      (which translates into much better performance on a given machine)
- much better device support (video/disk/peripheral/everything)
- linux has free tech support, the promo solaris has none
- native versions of web apps like Netscape, Realplayer etc for x86
- I've no x86 Solaris experience, but I've not heard good things re:stability
- no risk of being left with a lame duck OS when the vendor drops it
- open source increases confidence in security

: Visit Super Solairs @

otherwise here?  You claim it's stabler (may be true on Sparcs), faster
(this will vary wildly with machine configuration, but frankly I doubt it;
see above), and that the GUI install makes it ideal for the new users,
"very much like Windows".

Have you ever _tried_ to install Windows on a fresh disk?   Ugh!

BTW, note that says it's served by IIS/4.0.
Tells you how much confidence "Super Solaris" has in Solaris.

Why are you wasting our time?  Almsot everyone who's in a position to
care knows about the "free" Solaris promotion by now.


p.s. I do think that Solaris 2.6 and 2.7 on Sparc are fine OS's.
     But that's not the point here.

"don't listen when you're told about the best days in your life     Spirit of
 a useless old expression, it means passing time until you die."     the West
  -- John Girash -- girash @ - --


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (StormCrow)
Subject: Sharing a modem with Windows users
Date: 2 Sep 1999 03:23:23 GMT


I am trying to find a way to share a pool of modems (about 8 of them) over a 
network for clients running Win9X & Windows NT 4.0 to capture and use with 
PCanywhere.. I would very much prefer the server side of this software to NOT 
be windows based (a little reliability would be very nice).

If anyone knows of some software like this, please let me know!



Subject: man page setup for ksh
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 03:00:33 GMT

Korn-shell was downloaded from and correctly installed
under /usr/local  directory.
man pages are installed under /usr/local/man directory and my "mandrake"
distribution's man.config has MANPATH of /usr/local/man...
but "man ksh" does not work.
What should I do? Do I need to format the downloaded man pages into some
format that my man command understands?
I do not know how man page really works and that is why I am digging
through the man-man pages tonite.
If you can point to the right direction, I will really appreciate it.

  from not really proud AIX admin....:-(

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Gilbert Groehn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: REAL PLAYER G2 Problems
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 23:58:20 -0400

I was advised that the Linux versions 5.0 of Real Player
would not work in Caldera Open Linux 2.2 but that the Alpha
5.2 version works.

I  downloaded the Real Player 5.2 as file g2a1_linux22.bin
Now I can't get the file to open.   Any suggestions would be
most appreciated.   I changed the chmod so I could execute the
file but it still won't do a damn thing. I downloaded it into

I also have some files downloaded from RealPlayer 5.0 for
Linux on my system but don't think there are any conflicts.
The bin file just won't open????

Thanks for any help.

Gil Groehn
please cc to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Suhng ByuhngMunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Q] Scsi disk adding ?
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 12:25:44 +0900

How can I add my scsi disk on linux?

I have a adaptec scisi controller.

Thanks in advance!


Subject: Re: Bash 2.03
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 03:10:17 GMT

Yes it is rwx.r-x.r-x for the bash executable.

> are the rights on /bin/bash set right? rwxr.xr.x? otherwise it wion't
> under other than root privs... i believe it has to be root|users
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] heeft geschreven in bericht
> <7qh503$vs7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >I have RedHat 5.2 and I upgraded Bash 1.14
> >to 2.03. After the upgrade, when I try to
> >login to the system using any ID other than root
> >the system hangs. root id works fine though.
> >
> >Does anyone know how to solve this?
> >
> >Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >-Deva
> >
> >
> >Sent via
> >Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: john <john*nospam*>
Subject: Re: A silly question: POP and Sendmail
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 21:36:55 -0600

Jimmy Lio wrote:

> Does Sendmail support POP3?  If not, what should I install for my client
> computers to fetch mail from my Linux server?
> Jimmy

You'll need to install a pop3 server.  I have the latest version of Eudora's
qpopper (beta - but runs perfectly) installed on my Penguin server.  Then
any normal mail client may pick up mail.  i.e. Eudora...

Please remove *NOSPAM* for Email reply...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Hahn)
Subject: Re: printer problems
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 02:58:54 GMT

On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 12:02:54 -0600, NADINA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Don't know.

>2) The other problem I am having is with my filter, and I'm not sure if this
>is related to my first problem. I am trying to make a basic filter in a bash
>script executable file called filter. (I have no printtools or controll
>panel due to a small hard drive).  The problem is I cannot figure out how to
>get my filter to append a carriage return controll character on the end with
>a new line controll character.
>here is what my scrip looks like:
>if [ "$1" = -c ]; then
>sed -e s/$/^M/
># the "echo -ne" assumes that /bin/sh is really bash
>echo -ne \\f
>I believe I need to replace "^M" with somthing else because all this filter
>actually does is print a "^M" after each line, insead of making a c.r.
I don't know if this is the problem or not but how did you
enter the "^M" in your script?  With "vi", you enter Control-v
and then Control-m.  It should then enter "^M" properly.  If
you have already done this, then just ignore this. ;)

Frank Hahn

What this country needs is a good five dollar plasma weapon.


From: "Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: I'm on, now how do I get off?
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 23:40:46 -0400

I'm using minicom and pppd to access my provider, but after I'm done I can't
disconnect.  I've tried hanging up and quitting and resetting on minicom.
Only way I can disconnect is by rebooting!!!!

There must be a better way.



From: "Kevin Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: printer scripts with lpd
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 16:29:28 +1200

Hi All

Do any of you Linux gurus out there know how to pass parameters to a print
job and then process them in a script.
The if in the printcap file is too limited with the parameters it sends.

I am using RH 5.2 linux to print remote print jobs from a Unix host.

I am after something like the interface scripts (/etc/lp/interfaces/printer
name) that are used with lp in Unix.

Many thanks



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Cline)
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: C vs C++ for Open Source projects
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 04:50:47 GMT

What are the disadvantages of using C++, instead of C, for an Open
Source project.  The only two disadvantages that I can think of are:

1) Not all potential users might have a C++ compiler.
2) There will always be more C programmers that C++ programmers, since

   anyone who can program C++ can also program C.  Thus, making a in C++ 
   will prevent some of the development community from working on it.

How much of a problem are these?  Are there any other problems?

Thanks in advance.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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