Linux-Misc Digest #670, Volume #21                Sat, 4 Sep 99 15:13:09 EDT

  Will this ever change? ("Christopher R. Carlen")
  Re: how to make Win98 filesystem compatible with Linux (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Color LaserJet 5 + RH6.0 (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Color LaserJet 5 + RH6.0 (Eric _emaq_ Maquiling)
  Re: Best Linux Distro? / Best GUI? ("J. Seth Henry")
  Re: Uncompressing a *.bz2 kernel (Aaron)
  Re: Server Chat & Web forum software for Linux? (Indica)
  Figure Out The MS Source Code Yourself (Cocheese)
  You think I shouln invest in Red Hat? (Ian Falu)
  Re: HDD losing data? ("J. Seth Henry")
  Re: Figure Out The MS Source Code Yourself (Kaz Kylheku)
  Re: LANG and Mutt: garbled characters (Indicatrix)
  public domain Usenet feeds (William D. Leara)
  Re: Notepad for Linux? ("Christopher R. Carlen")
  Re: Best Linux Distro? / Best GUI? (Peter T. Breuer)
  Help with RedHat! Does Linux 2.2.+, 2.3.+ serial driver handle sharing interrupts? 
  Re: What approach to take? (Gary Momarison)


From: "Christopher R. Carlen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Will this ever change?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 12:35:31 -0400

I have been using Linux for a few years.  

I consistently run into this situation:  I make a graphic in one
program, and I want to use it in another program.

In Windows, I copy and paste.  Done!  I don't know how Windows does it,
but almost every application I ever used in Windows, (math, drawing,
word processing, electronic diagram, and chemical structure drawing)
would all communicate with each other seemlessly.  I never had to worry
about importing/exporting and hoping that the filters would work.

What's more, any time I prepared a graphic in a program, then copied it
to WordPerfect (my preferred WP, although I am very disappointed in with
the addition of features to WP7 that make it try to think for me), I
could always resize and scale the graphic.

But in Linux I must export some format that is compatible with the
destination program, and that is almost certainly not the native format
of the program I created the graphic with in the first place.  Rarely do
the export/import filters work without annoying little bugs or sever
loss of resolution of something.  And I can't scale it once I import it
into a word processor. 

I can also not understand fonts in Linux.  I can do it if I had the
time.  But I don't.  I have the time to do my work with programs, not
spend weeks studying the innards of Linux to figure it all out.  I have
reached a balance, where the really essential things I can do
proficiently in Linux.  I can compile software, the kernel, and solve a
lot of problems.  I got ppp set up my own way, and have an automagic
print filter set up.  But I can't expend the effort it takes to do these
things every time I want to put a graphic from one program into a
document in another program.

Why can Windows do this so well, and Linux (X Window System) can't? 
Will it ever change?

Christopher R. Carlen
My OS is Linux 2.0.29


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: how to make Win98 filesystem compatible with Linux
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 10:54:45 -0500

> I'm upgrading my Win95 "OS" to Win98. What should (and what should I
> not) do to make sure that all Linux partitions and the data thereon
> survive, and that all data on the Win partition is still readable from
> Linux?
> System is RH5.2, KDE, kernel 2.2.
> --
> Replies please cc my email (since the Deja Tracker
> does not seem to work for me): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> No spam please.
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

I haven't yet done this, but there should not be any significant
problem in most cases.   It has been reported that during the
upgrade, in certain rare circumstances, the Windows upgrade
program will see Linux partitions
and try to format them.   As best I can tell this is really
an old DOS bug and not peculiar to Windows 98, but I am not
sure.  It appears for example that if one has multiple FAT
partitions followed by an extended partition (which could
contain Linux in logical partitions), then this may occur.
You are unlikely to encounter it, but if you do, see below.

I would think one safe thing to do would be to save the partition
information in the Master Boot record by doing
dd if=/dev/hda of=/boot/boot.sav bs=512
and similarly with of=/dev/fd0
(or replace hda by whatever is appropriate for you disk).
Make sure you have a bootable floppy with a rescue option.
Then you could use the rescue system to copy the master boot
record back if the Windows 98 upgrade overwrote it.  (But
before doing that, also keep a copy of the new MBR.)

Here are some information I've collected from a variety of
sources for which might help if you encounter the problem.  Also
try for previous postings.
Make sure your base Windows Partition is the active partition.
This is usually the case, but if it isn't, you can change it
with the Linux fdisk before upgrading and then change it back.
But you will need your boot floppy to boot Linux.
Try and launch the Win 98 setup like this:  setup /? , this will display
a list of possible switches to add to the command line.  I'm in Linux
right now so I can't check it but the ones you want all start with /i,
/im /is etc.  this should bypass the scandisk and disk space check and
proceed right into the install.  You may want to boot to the DOS 7.1
(command prompt only) and run scandisk manually before you do this just
to make sure the pattition is all clear.
See the DOS 6.x WARNING in man fdisk.

Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Color LaserJet 5 + RH6.0
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 11:54:43 -0500

Eric _emaq_ Maquiling wrote:
> Has anyone got the color to work on the HP ColorLaserJet 5 and Red Hat 6.0?  I have 
>it working on the
> III/4/5/6 driver but no color.  Is there a workaround or a new filter floating 
> Eric šemaq" Maquiling

I have no experience with the HP ColorLaserJet but I would presume
it is a postscript printer, since all the color laser printers
seem to support postscript.  In that case you should choose
the postscript printer filter.   Certainly this works with
HP B&W postscript laser printers.

I am interested in the answer to this question since some day,
if I strike it rich, I would like to try a color laser printer.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Eric _emaq_ Maquiling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Color LaserJet 5 + RH6.0
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 10:18:24 -0700

Hash: SHA1

I did a search on geocrawler and it seems to be that the HP PainJet XL300/D=
eskjet 1200C works with this
printer.  Not as nice as 95 or NT drivers but good enough.

On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Leonard Evens wrote:

> Eric _emaq_ Maquiling wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone got the color to work on the HP ColorLaserJet 5 and Red Hat =
6.0?  I have it working on the
> > III/4/5/6 driver but no color.  Is there a workaround or a new filter f=
loating around?
> >
> > Eric =A8emaq" Maquiling
> I have no experience with the HP ColorLaserJet but I would presume
> it is a postscript printer, since all the color laser printers
> seem to support postscript.  In that case you should choose
> the postscript printer filter.   Certainly this works with
> HP B&W postscript laser printers.
> I am interested in the answer to this question since some day,
> if I strike it rich, I would like to try a color laser printer.
> --
> Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
> Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208

Eric =A8emaq" Maquiling, MCSE MCP+I   650-506-0249
Senior Systems Administrator
Oracle Corp. Global IT Desktop Development
DH/DSS Public Key: 9B12CD29

Version: PGP 6.5.1



From: "J. Seth Henry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Best Linux Distro? / Best GUI?
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 12:24:04 -0500

I have been running RH6 on my server for about a month now, and have
experienced no problems at all. Of course, I don't have X or anything
graphical running, so maybe that is where the problems are. Nevertheless,
I have been running a pretty loaded server under RH6 flawlessly.

Seth Henry

On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Ocyrus wrote:

> Why do you dislike RH 6 ? Seems very easy to use and install. I have never
> had any problems with it.  But im still quite new, so i dont know what the
> limits of RH 6 have. I have tried Debian, Slackware, SuSE, and Caldera. I
> always seem up back with RH.
> I am interested to hear what you have to say.
> --ocyrus
> Tim Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:7qmq6f$f9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > TNC wrote:
> > >
> > > Here's a little flamebait for you all.  What is the best distro and GUI
> > > combo? By "best" let me explain.  I'm a very experienced Linux
> > > user/admin.  I started back around 92 with slackware and am currently
> > > using Redhat 5.0.  I've heard many terrible things about RH6.0 and am
> > > wary.  What I want is a distro that installs smoothly, has a good GUI
> > > (OK, this is also a question about Gnome/KDE) and has a binary package
> > > installation system that checks dependencies, etc...  I liked slackware
> > > but after a while I gave it up b/c they use tarballs and make you
> > > compile everything.  As I understand it they still do. Opinions? -
> > > please CC to my email as my newsserver is slow and flaky.  Thanks.
> >
> > I've used just about all of them and I wound up liking debian the
> > most after using it a lot (and initially not liking it at all).
> > The install is quite a pain because it's interactive.  I will say
> > that everything is a little harder with Debian, even harder than
> > slackware. That said Debian is a bit behind the other distros in
> > WRT to packages; many are out of date, so you might have to
> > download/compile a few things.  I'm wondering myself why package
> > maintainers can't update package within a certain release ...
> > especially X.  Keeping X up to date is pretty critical to keeping
> > people using your distribution (yeah I'm aware of the problems
> > that caused slink to have a old version of xfree).  I also use
> > debian for ethical reasons.  I think debian will eventually
> > outstrip the others as it gains developers.
> >
> > Debian with KDE 1.1.1 (there are debs available) is very very
> > nice.
> >
> > RedHat 6 is terrible.  RedHat 5.2 is pretty darn good.  slackware
> > 4.0 is really nice too.  SuSE I hear is pretty good.
> > --
> > Tim Kelley
> >
> > "If evolution is outlawed only outlaws will evolve"


Subject: Re: Uncompressing a *.bz2 kernel
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 16:31:34 GMT

Just do a:

bunzip2 -cd linux-2.X.X.tar.bz2 | tar xfv -

If any questions, e-mail me.

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Indica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Server Chat & Web forum software for Linux?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 17:31:07 GMT

you stated that you are looking for free or low priced bbs 
software...there are plenty of free perl scripts out there for this kind 
of thing but most are not very user friendly.

I recommend the Ultimate Bulletin Board

It costs around $150 however it is probably the best web based system I've 
ever seen.  They offer a free version on their web site but it only allows 
you to create 6 forums and doesn't give you much administrative control 
(it's very difficult to change or remove a post you don't like).  The free 
version is probably better than most free things you'll see on the web 
though.  The nice thing about the UBB is that you can add things to the 
code.  Infact, Info Pop, the people who make the bulletin board have a web 
site (  made just for "code hacking" where 
users with perl experience post new features and improvements.

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Cocheese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Figure Out The MS Source Code Yourself
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 17:31:07 GMT

Dear All,

Please know that i am only a "Wanna-Be" programmer with a curiousity about 
"Search For The Code" mission the linux community are all on.
After Reading friday how all windows versions have 2 "backdoors" for 
allowing all the MS team and the Government also to over ride all 
encryption, i am finally sick of their treatment to consumers.

As we all know Gates Latest move of distributing Billions to charity will 
write him out of a "Guilty" verdict as he always has before. So it is now 
up to "US" to figure it out on our own.

Here is my question:

if a program must be compiled before running, is it possible to "Uncompile" 
it somehow? and if so... Could it be possible to reveal (even to some 
degree) the code in order to figure out what we all want to know?

as i said before i'm no Linus Torvalds or Allan Cox, but i am curious why 
we can hack any program but not able to figure out the code by ourselves?



==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian Falu)
Subject: You think I shouln invest in Red Hat?
Date: 4 Sep 1999 18:26:10 GMT

I need an opinion from the technical side!!!


From: "J. Seth Henry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HDD losing data?
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 12:32:51 -0500

I would suspect your hard disk, not the OS. Linux periodically flushes its
caches to disk. (I believe the program is called bdflush) If you shutdown
and reboot properly, the shutdown script will also do this by running the
sync program. Unplugging or resetting the machine improperly will cause
file system damage (ok, it might - but why chance it?) Assuming your
system is set up normally, run sync right before you shutdown and see if
that solves your problems. If it doesn't, backup your files and replace
the drive temporarily. That should solve the problem. If it doesn't, then
you have a problem I haven't seen yet.

Seth Henry

On Sat, 4 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Currently we're having a problem with data loss on our main webserver
> which is a Linux machine running apache 1.3.9 and kernel 2.2.9 (Linux
> /mandrake 6.0).
> It installed OK and all the files were set up OK. We had to power down
> the machine to move it and when rebooted all the files we in place. We
> started copying files over to the webserver and this all worked fine and
> we didn't have to reboot at all until we had to move it and when we went
> to restart the machine all the files were lost that we had added since
> last reboot.
> It looks like the machine was caching the files to memory and not
> writing to the disk, so that when rebooting the files were lost. This is
> a worrying problem and I don't know if this is likely to be a kernel
> problem or a hardware problem or a problem with something distributed
> with Mandrake.
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kaz Kylheku)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Figure Out The MS Source Code Yourself
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 18:33:54 GMT

On Sat, 04 Sep 1999 17:31:07 GMT, Cocheese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------

Anyone got any advice on how to killfile all this crap? I hope I don't have to
do it on the CNET string in the article bodies!  Would it make sense just to
nuke everything coming from supernews?


From: Indicatrix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LANG and Mutt: garbled characters
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 18:25:25 GMT

And the answer is .....

set LC_CTYPE = en_US.iso-8859-1
or something similar, depending upon your requirements. I have tested
this and it works.

An alternative (I have not tested it yet) might be to place the
value in LANG rather that LC_CTYPE.

In article <7qm8pu$ovs$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Butler) wrote:
> [comp.os.linux.misc - Fri, 27 Aug 1999 10:18:35 GMT] * Indicatrix
wrote *
> > The problem exists in RedHat as well. As long as LANG is unset , all
> > well. However, that defeats the purpose of LANG.
> It actually looks like a problem with the locales themselves.
> If you use "LC_ALL=de_DE" instead of "LC_ALL=de", it should work.
> /usr/share/locale/de doesn't contain the LC_* files, only LC_MESSAGES.
> --
> Chris Butler

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William D. Leara)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: public domain Usenet feeds
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 12:53:37 -0500

I'd like to setup my Linux machine to serve Usenet news.  Is anyone aware 
of a free Usenet NNTP service that I can hook up to?  I've heard rumors 
that such a thing exists, but little luck finding it.

Thanks for your help.



From: "Christopher R. Carlen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Notepad for Linux?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 12:12:07 -0400

Andrew Purugganan wrote:
> Is there a Notepad-like tool for Linux? Please don't give me somthing
> that needs GNOME/KDE Thanks Please reply by e-mail
> --
> Andy Purugganan
> annandy AT dc DOT seflin DOT org
> apurugganan AT amadeuslink DOT com

Try Nedit, aswedit, or pico.

Christopher R. Carlen
My OS is Linux 2.0.29


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter T. Breuer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Best Linux Distro? / Best GUI?
Date: 4 Sep 1999 18:11:57 GMT

J. Seth Henry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I have been running RH6 on my server for about a month now, and have
: experienced no problems at all. Of course, I don't have X or anything

And exactly what are you running?  NIS? NIS+? NFS? POP? IMAP? SSH? HTTP? mbone?
SNMP? DHCP? Font servers? ... I could go on and on. As far as I know, all
of the above have obvious faults in RH (and some of them in all distros).
Sometimes the obvious fault is "where is it"? :-).

: graphical running, so maybe that is where the problems are. Nevertheless,
: I have been running a pretty loaded server under RH6 flawlessly.

Server of what? Files? Via nfs? Try running bonnie over nfs.

: Seth Henry



Subject: Help with RedHat! Does Linux 2.2.+, 2.3.+ serial driver handle sharing 
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 18:09:27 GMT


With Linux 2.2.5-15 (RedHat), Linux 2.2.12, and
Linux 2.3.16, I'm having trouble with using a PCI
(non-winmodem) modem when it is sharing an
interrupt with either my on-board Ethernet or on-
board sound.  I have the following equipment:
        i810 chipset motherboard
        On-board 82557 Ethernet (IRQ 15)
        On-board ES1371 Sound (IRQ 11)
        PCI Slot with a ActionTech PCI Modem (IRQ
         11), port 0xd800

If I move the modem to another slot, it always
conflicts with something.  In this case, I can
move it to another slot such that it gets
IRQ 15 and thus conflicts with the Ethernet.

If the serial driver is sharing the IRQ with the
ES1371, I get no response in minicom, however
sound works fine.  However, if I "rmmod es1371",
the modem works great in minicom.

Likewise, if the serial driver is sharing the IRQ
with the Ethernet, I get no response in minicom,
however ethernet works fine.  If I "rmmod
eepro100", the modem works great in minicom.

This seems to narrow things down to the serial
module?  My BIOS doesn't allow me to configure
any PCI IRQs, etc.  There are no ISA cards.  I
don't seem to have a configuration option in
which the ActionTech modem can have an unique IRQ.

Where can I go from here???

Thanks in advance for any help!

James Gurganus

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.alpha,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: What approach to take?
From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 04 Sep 1999 12:05:43 -0700

Try these:

Look for Linux info at and
Gary's Encyclopedia at



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