Linux-Misc Digest #700, Volume #21                Mon, 6 Sep 99 11:13:36 EDT

  encripted disk (Camil Coaja)
  syslog and ipfwadm (Scott E. Post)
  Re: Recover deleted files? (George Vlahoulis)
  Re: windowmaker "dock" (Paul Seelig)
  Re: General Rant from a Linux Newbie ("Morton, Andrew [WOLL:4009-M:EXCH]")
  Re: C vs C++ for Open Source projects (Bart Vanhauwaert)
  Re: DOes *screen* give me more font selections? (Andrew Purugganan)
  uudecode and e-mail attachments ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux+NT dsaster (help wanted) ("D. Emilio Grimaldo Tunon")
  Re: Getting Caldera 2.2 to Work (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: Peaceful Coexistence (Byron A Jeff)
  Re: Should I use Linux or Windows? (William Burrow)
  lpd printing permissions (rob)
  Re: Amiga, QNX, Linux and Revolution ("Timothy Rue")
  Re: Optimal Linux RAID Support? Questions. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Kernel-Panic ???? (George Vlahoulis)
  Re: Kernel-Panic ???? (George Vlahoulis)
  Re: Please Help me! (George Vlahoulis)


From: Camil Coaja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: encripted disk
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 12:31:10 GMT

I would like to protect the data on a removable hard disk against 
unauthorised acces from persons who might get phisical access to it.

Is there a way to transparently encript the data writen and decript the 
data read from the drive in question?



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Subject: syslog and ipfwadm
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott E. Post)
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 12:43:16 GMT

I'm using ipfwadm for firewalling (Redhat 5.0) and have my deny rules set
to log attempts.  Right now those messages go to /var/log/messages.  I
read the syslog.conf man page but can't figure out how to have these
messages sent to an alternate file.  Can someone tell me what the syslog.conf
line should look like to redirect these messages?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Vlahoulis)
Subject: Re: Recover deleted files?
Date: 6 Sep 1999 13:27:57 GMT

On 05 Sep 1999 15:39:45 -0700, Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I doubt if this is possible to do this under any Unix
>> filesystem, as a practical matter.  In principle, the data
>> could be sitting there on the disk, but most likely some of
>> it has already been overwritten by normal ongoing processes.
>> And trying to reassemble a large zip file would be virtually
>> impossible.   But perhaps some expert will have some suggestions.
>There is an 'Undeletion Mini-Howto', although I've never tried it
>myself.  If the data is important enough (which it obviously wasn't
>since it wasn't backed-up), the are companies that specialize in this
>sort of thing.
>When will the consumer distibutions start shipping with an alias for
>rm that moves the file to a '~/.trash' directory instead of really
>deleting it?

I havent read the HOWTO but there is an easy way to undelete. I use
the Midnight Commander clone mc. it has an undelete function which
works just fine. You dont get to see the filenames so some guessing 
is in order but who cares. As long as you havent overwritten the area
you should be able to revover the file.

good luck.


PS: I know that mc on RH6 can do it, I dont know about the earlier 
versions though.

>Tortoise:  What's purple and commutes?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Seelig)
Subject: Re: windowmaker "dock"
Date: 6 Sep 99 11:08:59 GMT

aydincem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ok, but when i change the defaults and restart wmaker nothing happened.
> how can i add/remove applications "links" to this dock or to the clip?
> thanks for any re
How about reading the documentation?  It's there for a purpose! Please
check all files in "/usr/doc/windowmaker/" (especially the FAQ) and
try "man wmaker" on the shell prompt.
                                       Good luck, P. *8^)
   --------- Paul Seelig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----------
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   ------------------- --------------------


From: "Morton, Andrew [WOLL:4009-M:EXCH]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: General Rant from a Linux Newbie
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 12:44:24 +0000

Lizard wrote:
> OK, finally managed to get Linux (Redhat 6.0) installed on my PC *and*
> seeing my SDSL line (the last was the tricksy bit). Ah, at last! I shall be
> free of the eternally crashing Windows OS and the tyranny of Chairman Bill!
> Liberty shall be mine!
> Er...maybe.

It sounds like many of your problems are to do with X. Gnome in
particular.  At the risk of getting shot, I'll encourage you to try KDE.
(Sorry about the taskbar though).

Now, released to the public for the first time, under the terms of the
Gnu Public License is my patented tool for managing buggy X

umount /mnt/floppy
while true
    if mount /mnt/floppy
        umount /mnt/floppy
        killall X
    sleep 10

Run it as root.   When your X server hangs up, just push in the floppy
disk and wait a few seconds.

No need to hit the power switch!


From: Bart Vanhauwaert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: C vs C++ for Open Source projects
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 15:34:01 +0200

Niels Möller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I think the largest problem with using C++ is that it is not yet a
: stable language. If you get your code to compile with your compiler
: and libraries, it will most likely break with anybody elses, or even
: with the next version of your compiler. Things may improve in the next
: few years if compilers catch up to the C++ standard, but we haven't
: seen that yet.

I can't speak  for the commercial world, but it  seems with the egcs/gcc
merger, we have just seen that. Things are settling down and are getting
less and less  rough to get linking. There  is now (or will  be with gcc
3.0) one  reference free compiler,  which supports nearly  everything in
the  language. Work on  the a  newer  and better  libstdc++ also  hasn't
halted as far as I know.

: So you'll have fewer potential hackers if you go with C++, even
: ignoring the possibility that there are fewer people who know C++ than
: C (I don't know whether or not the difference is large or relevant).

I don't think it is either  relevant (because each project has a certain
target group. Obviously you  are not going to start a  kernel project in
C++, neither are  you going to start a desktop  environment in C... oeps
forget  that :))  nor is  it large. KDE  proves the  free community  has
enough momentum in C++ programmers.

: The next issue is integration with other stuff. People like to embed
: functionality into their favourite tools and "script languages" (perl,
: python, guile, pike, etc). In general, I think C++ makes that sort of
: integration a lot more complicated, for two reasons: (1) The
: interpreter is usually written in C by people who know and like C, and
: (2) it may be cumbersome to map the C++ OO-structure of your project
: onto the OO-framework available within the script language, mainly
: because C++ contains so much cruft that is mixed up with OO but not
: needed in other OO languages.

If one can  express the interface in  plain C, it can be  expressed in a
straightforward enough C++ that will map  on the OO framework within the
script language.

: I think this point is particularly important for libraries. If you are
: considering writing a library or toolkit of any kind, and you like to
: do it in C++, please reconsider. Please provide a decent C interface
: to the toolkit, for use by people who want to use it from plain C, or
: use it in their favourite script language. Once you have a decent C
: interface, you can add C++ wrappers around it to make the C++ lovers
: happy. In this way, you treat C++ as just another non-C language that
: some people happen to like.

Or do it the other way around, just as easy (difficult).

: 1. Use object oriented C. It's possible to write OO-oriented programs
:    in C, even if it is a little cumbersome. The gtk toolkit is one
:    example, and I think some (or most?) of the Gnome applications
:    follow this model. For a somewhat more extreme example, have a look
:    at my lsh programs ( 

Code  written   that  way  is   _not_  pretty. And  has  all   the  same
disadvantages  that you  attribute to  C++.  I  don't see  how they  are
'less' as you state.

cu bart


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Re: DOes *screen* give me more font selections?
Date: 6 Sep 1999 12:44:14 GMT

Spike! ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: And verily, didst J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> eloquently scribe:
: > "screen" has nothing to do with fonts in any way. Screen is essentially a
: > terminal multiplexer, i.e. a program that allows you to have several
: > terminals running in one regular terminal (say xterm or a virtual console).

: And very usefull it is too.
So it provides me with several logon screens? DO I understand this 
correctly? WHat would a stock Linux distro come with anyway, like a 
limited number of virtual consoles? THanks for explaining...
Andy Purugganan 
annandy AT dc DOT seflin DOT org
apurugganan AT amadeuslink DOT com


Subject: uudecode and e-mail attachments
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 12:50:21 GMT

     I am having trouble opening e-mail attatchments sent to me in a
readable format. I use Red Hat Linux 6.0, and attachments in the
following file formats do not open legibly: .txt, .rtf, .doc, and word
perfect file formats. Presumably the situation is the same with other
file formats
     Sometimes I can open the files, but mostly I cannot. Occasionally,
a file will open with the heading "base 64". Sometimes I can save and
uudecode such a file; sometimes I cannot. The behavior is consistent
irrespective of where the attached file originates. One common factor is
that the producers of the various file attachments all use MS Office 97.
     The problem occurs when I use the following e-mail software:
StarOffice 5.1, Applixware 4.2.2, Netscape 4.5. To the best of my
knowledge, the systems from which I get my attachments are using
uuencode in sending e-mails.
     Does anyone have a solution to recommend and suggestions of where
to look for documentation? The three programs I use don't appear to have
much in terms of documentation regarding this problem.



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From: "D. Emilio Grimaldo Tunon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Linux+NT dsaster (help wanted)
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 15:29:06 +0200

A colleague has an NT Dell Latitude CPt and according to NT's 
disk manager this is how the partitions look like:

    |   FAT       |  NTFS   C:    |  NTFS   D:    | Free       |

Now since the install was done when you try to boot the laptop
you get a black screen with "Invalid partition table" and nothing
else. The only way to get the machine to boot is with the NT
boot disk which then boots NT. We copied the boot.ini etc
from the boot disk into C: but still the same results (it says
to boot from partition 2).

  I think that during installation the MBR got overwritten by
LILO and somehow it cannot find itself. We have been thinking
about doing "fdisk /mbr" from NT but are worried that perhaps
that will screw up the whole thing. Will that restore the 
ability to boot NT from HD? or what? We can install Linux again
but NT install/reconfigure would be a nightmare, so is there
a way to first make this thing boot NT from HD? any plans on
how to proceed? any help would be greatly appreciated.


D. Emilio Grimaldo Tunon       Compuware Europe B.V. (Uniface Lab)
Software Engineer              Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel. +31 (0)20 3126 516
*** The opinions expressed hereby are mine and not my employer's ***


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.kernel.general
Subject: Re: Getting Caldera 2.2 to Work
Date: 6 Sep 1999 12:59:36 GMT

: instructions (based on Caldera 2.2) that will show how to recompile
: the kernal and get things to work.  I would greatly appreciate any
: help.  Thanks.

try a web search 'Linux Guide' 'Joshua Go' or something
I printed out recompiling the kernel. THere are other guides out there, 
but after I did the first one it's not THAT daunting if I had to do it 
once more. I only had to re-do it because I tried out a different distro, 
but the KDE/Gnome GUI was too power hungry on a 486, so I went back to an 
older distro where a recompile was necessary to bring back everything to 
the way it was
Andy Purugganan 
annandy AT dc DOT seflin DOT org
apurugganan AT amadeuslink DOT com


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Byron A Jeff)
Subject: Re: Peaceful Coexistence
Date: 6 Sep 1999 09:49:49 -0400

Posted and Mailed to Jill....

In article <7r0869$2nv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    I have an HP Pavilion PII at 400Mhz.  I have W98 installed on it.  I
>want to run linux, but I'd prefer to purchase a separate hard disk since I
>have critical stuff on the original disk, and being a newbie.....
>    After installing a 2nd disk, can I load linux exclusively on the 2nd
>disk leaving the original untouched?


>  How would I boot? 

3 possible ways. First is to boot Linux off a floppy. That leaves the original
hard disk absolutely and completely untouched. Second is to install and run
LoadLin from your windows disk. Loadlin is a DOS application that will
load and boot linux. It will require you to copy a kernel to your windows
disk. Other than that it will not is any way shape or form interact with
that disk after booting. The last is to use LILO which will create a new
Master Boot Record on your primary disk. This is the most invasive option.

Considering your concern with the Windows disk and the abject slowness of
floppies, I think the LoadLin route is probably optimal for you.

> Would it be
>possible to run Windows, and then start a linux session in a Window? 

Not normally. 98 and Linux are both operating systems and both expect to 
have sole ownership of the machine when running. So when you run Loadlin
from Windows98, Windows will be shut down when Linux is booted.

ANother possibility is to take a look at VMWare, which is a Virtual Machine
that allows one to run a Guest Operating System on top of a Host operating
system. But from what I've read Win98 cannot be a Host Operating System. So
while you can run a Win98 session on top of Linux, the reverse is not true.

But taking a quick look at their website ( apparently
Win2000 will be able to be a host OS. BTW VMWare does cost....

> I have
>RH 5.2 now.  Is there a compelling reason to upgrade to 6?

Does RH5.2 work for you? Keep it until it doesn't. That's my upgrade strategy.
I use Slackware BTW and I haven't gotten around to install Slack 4.0 on any
of my machines yet...

>    Thanks for your help.

You're Welcome. Hope this helps...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Burrow)
Subject: Re: Should I use Linux or Windows?
Date: 6 Sep 1999 13:03:36 GMT

On Mon, 6 Sep 1999 20:22:43 +1000,
Mark Leung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm just wondering if I should install Linux. I'll need to buy a new hard
>disk to install it. Besides reliability and not being Microsoft, what are
>the real benefits of it? There seems to be a shortage of software for it,
>for example apps like Quicken, Bryce 3D, games and drivers for scanners and
>LS-120 drives. All the windows programs that have an equivelant for Linux
>are not as good (for example, Office 2000 vs StarOffice). I would like to
>switch completely to Linux if the software support was better. So, should I
>install linux?

Choose what works for you.  If you need an OS that supports peripherals
that require Windows drivers, that runs apps that require Windows and so
on, then do you really have to ask someone else?

If you are just looking for an excuse to learn something about your
computer and Unix, then go ahead and play with Linux.

William Burrow  --  New Brunswick, Canada             o
Copyright 1999 William Burrow                     ~  /\
                                                ~  ()>()


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: lpd printing permissions
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 08:13:18 +0000

I am trying to set up remote printing with lpd (not samba).
When I try to print, nothing happens and no mesasges are output
to /var/log/messages or syslog.  But if I do lpq I get the message:

[printserver]: /usr/sbin/lpd: raw: your host does not have line printer

even though I have added the host to the print server's /etc/hosts.lpd,
and restarted lpd numerous times, and even reboooted the printer server.
Is there some trick to this?

If posting replies, please email a copy.



From: "Timothy Rue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.qnx,comp.sys.amiga.misc
Subject: Re: Amiga, QNX, Linux and Revolution
Date: 06 Sep 99 09:32:35 -0500

On 04-Sep-99 10:46:12 Juergen Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 JF> x-no-archive: yes

Juergen, I don't believe your x-no-archive is making it into

It seems to show up in the message body instead.

You might check Deja to help verify. As I believe anything making it into
Deja is archivable.

Tim Rue


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Optimal Linux RAID Support? Questions.
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 14:32:11 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  David Cooley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The patches available for the raid code still don't run with 2.2.12...
> Been trying it.  Finally downgraded to 2.2.5 and it's running fine.
> I have 2 meta disk groups of 24G each under RAID5.  they give me 20G
> useable.

Someone had indicated that the patch set would apply OK except
for, ummm, fs.h I believe.  That file already had the correct
changes.  But when I tried it, no go.  Everything compiled but
something unpleasant happened during boot so I went back to the
2.2.11 kernel with the working patches.

I just saw that the patches have been updated and can be found at this

filenames "raid0145-19990724-2.2.11.gz" and

> My hardware config is:
> SUN UltraEnterprise 2
> dual 300MHz UltraII CPU's
> 256 Meg ram
> dual internal 9G drives (System)
> external SUN D1000 StorEdge array with 12-4.2G drives.
> I'm currently running the raid code and SAMBA.  It has become the home
> file server!

Sheesh!  And I thought I was stylin' having my 166MHz/64MB box
with its two 13GB IDE drives as a server... I get that much Sun
hardware at work but certainly not at home!  ;-)


- Leo

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Vlahoulis)
Subject: Re: Kernel-Panic ????
Date: 6 Sep 1999 13:04:35 GMT

On 6 Sep 1999 07:04:11 +0100, Sebastian Koball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>please help !
>what does it mean : Kernel panic ?
>thank you

This normally means that a major system error/problem has occurred and 
the system cannot finished booting up. This can happen for example when
you have moved a partition like /var or /usr. As these contain system 
files and info the kernel would give that message.

Have you moved/deleted/rearranged any partitions? Are all your disks

When you have a major problem like this its always a good idea to 
copy down the info shown on your screen and then post it here so that
we can see it and help you better.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Vlahoulis)
Subject: Re: Kernel-Panic ????
Date: 6 Sep 1999 13:07:26 GMT

On 6 Sep 1999 07:04:11 +0100, Sebastian Koball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>please help !
>what does it mean : Kernel panic ?
>thank you

This normally means that a major system error/problem has occurred and 
the system cannot finished booting up. This can happen for example when
you have moved a partition like /var or /usr. As these contain system 
files and info the kernel would give that message.

Have you moved/deleted/rearranged any partitions? Are all your disks

When you have a major problem like this its always a good idea to 
copy down the info shown on your screen and then post it here so that
we can see it and help you better.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Vlahoulis)
Subject: Re: Please Help me!
Date: 6 Sep 1999 13:21:48 GMT

On Mon, 6 Sep 1999 00:52:14 -0500, William Mariani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I have a Gateway 2000 Destination with a pentium II 333mhz. It came with an
>STB Videorage II Videocard accelerated with an Apocalypse 3Dx card. The
>monitor is a Gateway Destination 36" and I need to know what settings I use
>to install it correctly. The only info I have is that the refresh rate is
>60mhz (NTSC60). But have no other info. Please help me!

A 36" monitor? are you sure? Any way here is what you do,

1) search the web for the Video HOWTO or X-Windows HOWTO for linux which should
        tell you if your video card is supported. Better yet go to the 
        distribution's site and check there.
2) Go to Gateway's website and get as much info on your monitor as possible. 
        Pay special attention to the monitor specifications. Look for resolutions
        and refresh rates possible on your monitor. Then when you install linux
        tell it what your monitor can do and it will oblige. BEWARE if you give
        linux the wrong info it COULD fry your monitor, so dont make too big 
        a mistake.

good luck




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