Linux-Misc Digest #730, Volume #21                Wed, 8 Sep 99 21:13:09 EDT

  Installing Java3D on Red Hat Linux 6.0 (Robert S Laramee)
  Kernel xconfig errors (Bill Sorenson)
  Re: Shutdown Problem (Victor Wagner)
  One must-have program for a newbie ("dkmallick")
  Re: [Q] Upgrading gcc-2.95 on SuSE-6.1 Linux Distro (Peter T. Breuer)
  Gateway 5150: Touchpad "rocker" -> Button 2? (Andrew Jaffe)
  Re: Can't make Perl script work locally! (Richard v/d Veen)
  Re: One must-have program for a newbie (Dudley Brooke)
  Re: Can't make Perl script work locally! (Richard v/d Veen)
  Wordperfect ------> Word (chipmunk)
  Re: More kind words from M$. (Dave Newton)
  Re: General Rant from a Linux Newbie (Spike!)
  Epson Stylus Photo EX driver (undocumented functionality) (Robert Krawitz)
  dosemu ("Michael B.")
  Re: Can ESD really play multiple streams? (brian moore)
  Re: REAL PLAYER in LINUX. Which ver. (Eric Y. Chang)
  Re: Walking Man hack from Amiga on Linux? (Charles E. Taylor IV)
  Mail options for Linux workstation (Troy Carter)
  Which Office Suite (Student - Labs)
  Different types of linux (Elaan Riycte)
  Re: Wordperfect ------> Word (Rod Smith)
  Re: REAL PLAYER in LINUX. Which ver. ("CHamel")
  Re: What to do when you've been hacked (Rod Smith)
  AWE64 Solution


From: Robert S Laramee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: Installing Java3D on Red Hat Linux 6.0
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 18:16:44 -0400

Hello out there,

I am having some problems installing java 3D on my Red Hat Linux 6.0 OS.

In the README file it says:

  "This version of Java 3D for Linux requires the following:
    - Recent version of MesaGL, typically available from your Linux
    - Java2 SDK 1.2 for Linux .  This can be obtained from"

1.  I downloaded Mesa-3.0 from  I ran the makefile with

[rlaramee@panama Mesa-3.0]$

and it seemed to compile fine (with a buch of warnings).
However, when i tried to run one of the demos e.g.:

[rlaramee@panama demos]$ bounce

I get the following error:
GLUT: Fatal Error in bounce: visual with necessary capabilities not

Does anyone know what I should do here?

2.  When I try to run one of the java3d demos e.g.:

[rlaramee@panama HelloUniverse]$ java HelloUniverse

I get the following error:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/j3d/utils/applet/MainFrame
[rlaramee@panama HelloUniverse]$

I don't see this directory anywhere on my system.  Is there something
I'm missing (obviously)?  Is this because java3d expects the root user
to do

the installation? Any help anyone could provide would be much

-cheers, bob

Robert S Laramee                tel:    (603) 862-7632
14 McDaniel Drive, #515         office: (603) 862-0350
Durham, NH 03824                URL:


From: Bill Sorenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,alt.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Kernel xconfig errors
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 17:05:35 -0500

Now that I am just about finished ripping the last of my hair from my
head, it seem like a good idea to ask someone what I am doing wrong.

I am currently using RedHat 6.0 with the 2.2.5-15 kernel installed as a
workstation.  I downloaded the 2.2.6 kernel so I could build a new
kernel with IP Masquerade support.  I didn't have any problems until I
tried to use the "make" command.  Appearently this rpm is not loaded
with the workstation install.  After installing the make rpm I am now
able to do a "make config", but not a "make menuconfig" or "make
xconfig".  Everytime I run either, I get a list of gcc errors and then I
am dumped back at a prompt.  I belive that I just haven't loaded a
something important or I am doing something wrong.  I could get by on
the "make config", but I am prone to errors and would like something a
little easier to use.

The following is an error message posted when using "make xconfig":
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts'
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c -o tkparse.o
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts'
make[1]: gcc: Command not found
make[1]: *** [tkparse.o] Error 127
make: *** [xconfig] Error 2

I get roughly the same error message with make menuconfig.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Victor Wagner)
Subject: Re: Shutdown Problem
Date: 8 Sep 1999 23:59:13 +0400

In comp.os.linux.development.apps Graffiti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: <RANT>
: What really pisses me off is that most software continue to use /tmp or
: $HOME/.app-name instead of $TMPDIR.  $TMPDIR isn't even "standard" on
: lynx.  It has $LYNXTMPDIR, which can be set to $TMPDIR in the lynx.cfg
: file.
: </RANT>

: I've been considering chmod'ing /tmp to 0 and seeing what breaks, but the
: amount of time that'll take is daunting.  Hopefully, people will get around
: to doing that before I do and start submitting patches... *hint,hint* :-)

Try mount /tmp with noexec option. (seems sensible security precaution,
isn't it?) and see what breaks...

orainst breaks, but there is no problem - you don't install Oracle every
day, so you may remount /tmp just for installing Oracle.
But mc breaks - it executes external viewers from .mc/ext by creating
and running scripts in /tmp. It is much worse. 

So, never never run mc as root if there are another users on machine.

Victor Wagner @ home       =         [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I don't answer questions by private E-Mail from this address.


From: "dkmallick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: One must-have program for a newbie
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 17:39:54 -0500

I am a Linux newbie, although I have been tinkering with it for a while.

I think that one software that have saved me a lot of time and agony
is Powerquest's Drive Image. It lets you make a snapshot of the drive, so
that if the system crashes, it is easy to restore from the image file. BTW,
don't think that I work for PowerQuest. Just wanted to share a good tip with
IMHO, the program is well worth its money ($50?).

Initially, I used to fiddle around with Linux set-up and before I knew I had
a locked-up system and everything was fried when I boot back. Its easy to do
that when you are a newbie and you want to learn about different options.
Now I always
keep an image of my Linux drive ready to go. I have burnt the image file,
split up into
several files, on CDRWs. I keep updating the disks once in a while. So now
when my Linux system goes belly up, I can run Drive Image and restore my
Linux system in
a matter of 7-10 mins. It is really nifty. I have never had any problem with
ext2 file system - although Powerquest scares you about not supporting ext2.

After restoring an image after a system crash, I usually use a boot disk to
log in and run lilo. Everything is back to normal after that.

Only problem is that Drive Image is a Windoze program (actually it runs in
DOS). Wish someday we will have a similar program in Linux (or is there one


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter T. Breuer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: [Q] Upgrading gcc-2.95 on SuSE-6.1 Linux Distro
Date: 8 Sep 1999 22:32:28 GMT

Young4ert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Graham Murray wrote:
: > 
: > > However, before I can install these gcc-2.95 binary packages, I would
: > > like to know which development packages from SuSE-6.1 Linux distro need
: > > be removed.  Can anyone please shed some light in this matter?
: > 
: > Quite simply none. As long as you install it correctly, gcc 2.95 can
: > co-exist with the earlier versions. 2.95 will replace gcc itself and

: Unfortunately, I was looking for an upgrade not a co-existance of
: several gcc compilers.  Anyway,  thank you for the response.

Somehow I think you don't understand. Please read the  reply
again, carefully! He is offering you two things, where you asked for
one, telling you that the extra is free. What is the problem? If you
don't want the old compiler, just throw it away. Then you get your
"upgrade". But you don't have to throw the old compiler away. It
doesn't interfere.

So you can do three things:

1) do the standard compile and install of egcs in /usr/local. That
   will work fine and replace your old gcc, while still leaving it
   accessible. Suse may even have arranged that their own binary
   package goes in /usr, and renames the old compiler. I think they have.
2) do the compile and install of egcs in /usr, which will overwrite
   your old compiler, rendering it useless.
3) do 1) , then remove the old compiler. Or remove the old compiler,
   (heck, assuming you manage to compiel with nothing :-) then do 2).
   Or the same, with binary packages.

: -- 

: PS> Remove the "4" from e-mail address to respond.


anyway, I don't consider 2.95 so much an upgrade as an aberration.
People oughtn't to write code that breaks 2.7.2.



From: Andrew Jaffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Gateway 5150: Touchpad "rocker" -> Button 2?
Date: 08 Sep 1999 16:26:36 -0700

Hi all-

I have a Gateway 5150 running RH5.2.

The laptop has a synaptics touchpad with two regular buttons and a
rocker which in Win is equivalent to a scroll wheel, sitting in between.

Because of the placement of the rocker (between rather than below), it
is difficult to "chord" and produce a button-2 event. 

The rocker would be ideally suited, one would think, to emulate
button-2, but I haven't figured out a way to do it.

I checked the "Colas Nahaboo X mouse wheel scroll page", 
but didn't find a solution -- indeed I can't get the ZAxisMapping
solution to work even producing button-4 and 5 events (device imps/2
fails miserably)

Any ideas?


Andrew Jaffe___________________________________________________________ 
Center for Particle Astrophysics                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of California, 301 LeConte Hall               (510) 642-7570
Berkeley, CA 94720                                        FAX    2-1756


From: Richard v/d Veen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't make Perl script work locally!
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 01:31:57 +0200

Richard v/d Veen wrote:

< cut >

> > I even tried this simple script in cgi-bin:
> > echo "Content-type: text/plain"
> > echo
> > echo "Hello there"
> You should begin with the command:
> #!/bin/sh
> to start the shell first
> the file should also be called with an cgi extension
> like "file.cgi"

and if you want a perl script you should use 


as starting line. you have to use the commands like 

print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
print "<html> .... etc etc 

Bye :-) 

take a look at


Subject: Re: One must-have program for a newbie
From: Dudley Brooke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 00:41:36 +0100

Why not tar?  My server at work gets tarred to tape on a cron job every n=
never actually had to restore it.   I can't understand why your system go=
belly up so regularly - is there a hardware problem?

Dudley Brooke


From: Richard v/d Veen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't make Perl script work locally!
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 01:26:32 +0200

Andrew Purugganan wrote:
> chmod, chgrp using 0755 wwwgroup respectively. Put it in
> /home/httpd/cgi-bin and my Apache is configured to allow (ExecCGI) cgi
> scripts to run as long as they're there. Heck I even tried hardcoding the
> actual CGI location in <...METHOD=POST ACTION=/home/ yadda yadda> If all
> this makes sense to you so far (and you've made it this far) maybe you
> can help me.
> After I change the httpd.conf and srm.conf and access.conf I even reboot
> my lone PC so that it fires up httpd correctly (I think). 2 httpd jobs
> actually start, one by root and the other by wwwuser.
> I even tried this simple script in cgi-bin:
> echo "Content-type: text/plain"
> echo
> echo "Hello there"

You should begin with the command: 
to start the shell first 

the file should also be called with an cgi extension 
like "file.cgi"

> Three blasted lines after the shebang line. And all my netscape browser
> does is display the entire script. No I don't even go to the internet; I
> just fire up the old browser and point it to /home/httpd/html. I get the
> same script staring at me everytime. Been combing Apache until I've
> decided what am I doing? I am trying to learn perl not Apache. I've
> decide to take a night off of this. But I could sure use some finger
> pointin in the right direction.
> --
> Andy Purugganan
> annandy AT dc DOT seflin DOT org
> apurugganan AT amadeuslink DOT com

Hope this helps


From: chipmunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: corelsupport.wordperfect-linux
Subject: Wordperfect ------> Word
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 12:13:47 -0700

Resume time again. I managed to open my .doc file in wordperfect, but
when I clicked on "save as", there were only 5 file formats:

Wordperfect 5.0
Wordperfect 5.1/5.2
Wordperfect 6/7/8
Wordperfect Graphic 1.0
Wordperfect Graphic 2.0

My question is - how do I save my changes in *Word* format? I keep
reading references to "exporting in Word format" but I could not find an
export option. 

In other words, reading MS Word in Wordperfect works fine, but how do I
write a Word document? I guess failing that, I could save as Wordperfect
and hope MS Word reads it, but I would hate to email recruiters a
FUBAR'd file. 



From: Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: More kind words from M$.
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 20:00:32 GMT

Phil Howard wrote:
> The notation scheme results in "sz" used for many names (null
> terminated strings).  The Hungarian language itself has many words
> and names with "sz".  I would bet this had an influence, as it would
> have made the variable names kinda look like some form of Hungarian
> prose to someone who did not know Hungarian, but noted all the "sz"
> strings around.

Perhaps, but I'll stick with the "It's a _s_tring, and it's an
ASCII_Z_ string." There are probably a few words that begin with
'n' too, but I doubt people will argue that that's why i_n_tegers
are prefixed with it.


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Spike! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: General Rant from a Linux Newbie
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 00:45:47 +0100

And verily, didst The Ghost In The Machine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
eloquently scribe:
> [*] See
>     for one of presumably many web pages detailing this sketch.

See it? All I have to do to see it is shut my eyes...

Anyone here who hasn't seen that sketch so many times by now....?

Hands up.... AND YOU... at the back....

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                                                |
|    Andrew Halliwell BSc   |"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't |
|             in            | suck is probably the day they start making     |
|      Computer Science     | vacuum cleaners" - Ernst Jan Plugge            |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire  |


From: Robert Krawitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,
Subject: Epson Stylus Photo EX driver (undocumented functionality)
Date: 08 Sep 1999 20:14:31 -0400

(apologies for the xpost to opengl; I'm hoping to run into some
experienced graphics folks there.)

I'm currently working on improving the Epson driver in the Gimp print
plugin.  The Epson Stylus Photo EX (the printer I have) is a wide
carriage, 6-color printer that is capable (in principle) of 1440x720
output of quite high quality (but not really photo quality).

The current plugin does 4-color output at 720 dpi.  My driver uses the
full 6 colors, including using the colors to emulate black at low
intensity levels, to produce much better output.  However, some of the
capabilities of the printer (1440 dpi resolution, improved speed in
high quality modes, and possibly finer dots) are not published by
Epson on their developer site
(, but are only available under
non-disclosure to Epson.  This is of course not suitable for a free
source driver.

The author of the plugin cannot help me, as he is under NDA to Epson,
but perhaps there are people out there who either know this one way or
another (legally, e. g. via reverse engineering of the output from a
Windows machine), or would be willing to assist me in this
manner.  Also, anyone with experience in color printing who wants to
critique my algorithms is welcome to my current code (which isn't
ready for release).

I intend to return my improvements to the Gimp folks as soon as
possible.  Even if I have no luck finding this information, the
improvement in print quality is worthwhile getting back out there as
quickly as I can.  Another project I'd like to do is adapt this to
ghostscript and/or CUPS.

Robert Krawitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tall Clubs International  -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works."
--Eric Crampton


From: "Michael B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dosemu
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 23:39:49 +0000

Would this be the correct place for answers to problems with
DOSEMU running under Linux?  If not, can someone please direct
me to the proper location.


The general problem: I can't get apps running in dosemu to
find and use COM1 (or COM2).


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: Can ESD really play multiple streams?
Date: 8 Sep 1999 20:18:01 GMT

On Wed, 08 Sep 1999 15:01:53 -0400, 
 Walter Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been trying to get ESD working the way I understand it to for a
> few days...  From what I understand, I load the esd daemon, then
> ESD-enabled software can use it for audio, and non-ESD enabled software
> can use esddsp to route through the daemon, all at the same time.  So I
> could have mpg123 playing mpg's, my ip-up script playing a sound to let
> me know it connected, and Licq making funky noises to alert me to a new
> message.

That's mostly correct.

> But it doesn't work that way, unless I have something wrong..  I am
> using 0.2.8 and use KDE.
> esd -nobeeps &

Fine, though it's also good to add '-as 2' so that it will automatically
release the lock on /dev/dsp after 2 seconds of silence (which makes it
get along with non-esd aware programs better).

> esddsp gqmpeg &

Nope.  Just use a version of mpg123 that knows how to talk to esd.
(There is a link to one on the gqmpeg page.)

> esdplay somesample.wav

That will work if you use the proper mpg123.

> While I'm asking, do I have to use esddsp for everything with sounds,
> such as Netscape, etc..?  

Ideally, yes.  In practice that may not work, which is why I use the '-as
2' option, so that xmame can steal the sound back.

Brian Moore                       | Of course vi is God's editor.
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
      Usenet Vandal               |  for it to load on the seventh day.
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Y. Chang)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: REAL PLAYER in LINUX. Which ver.
Date: 8 Sep 1999 20:19:20 GMT

Hi.  It seems that RealPlayer 5.0 does not work well under RedHat 5.1.
I installed it and the GUI will pop up and not play anything.  I called
tech support and they said it was caused either by having misconfigured
sound or being behind a firewall.

I replied that sound works and the box is not behind a firewall.  Also,
if you shift-1 click on the link, then open it inside RealPlayer as a
file, it works just fine.  Great sound.  But that is a hassle.  GUI's 
should be (but aren't always) point and click.

They never answered.  So it does not work well, but is usable.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles E. Taylor IV)
Subject: Re: Walking Man hack from Amiga on Linux?
Date: 8 Sep 1999 20:24:27 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Walter Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just came across my favorite old hack on my Amiga today, Walking Man. 
> Basically, it puts N number of tiny little stickmen who walk around on
> the screen on a certain color, they can climb, jump, parachute, sit down
> (dangling their legs) and if it gets dark around them, they turn on
> their flashlight.  And they do something else that's funny, but I can't
> remember what it is.

What someone needs to do is combine this with xroach and/or xsnow.
Have the little men whip out cans of Raid when they see a roach and
have them build snow forts and have snowball fights.

Charles E. "Rick" Taylor, IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"We got the MRxL, and you got none!"


From: Troy Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mail options for Linux workstation
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 19:18:52 -0400

I was wondering if anyone had some advice on how to handle mail on a
linux workstation.  I am trying to decide between the following:

(1) running a listener at port 25 (sendmail) and forwarding mail from
the local mailserver to my box
(2) running a listener at port 25 .......... and using fetchmail to grab
mail from the mailserver
    when I am logged in.
(3) not running sendmail and using a mail client like netscape, balsa,
etc to grab mail off the mailserver      (POP).
(4) not running sendmail but use some program to grab mail off the
server and put it in /var/spool/mail
   (like pop-perl5, for instance).

I am almost always the only user on the machine and I am online all the
time.  I am worried about security (is running sendmail all the time a
good idea in this respect) but also convienence (I would like to be able
to use pine and have a biff-like application notify me if I have mail --
I haven't found one that I like that checks POP accounts).  Right now I
am doing a combination of 3 and 4, but had been doing 1 for a long
time.  Anyway any advice would be much appreciated.


Troy Carter                    


From: Student - Labs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Which Office Suite
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 09:33:02 +1000

I am trying to decide whick office suite I should buy. Has anyone tried
any of the packages below? If so which do you think is the best and why?
Thank you.

StarOffice  5.1 OR Applixware   4.4.2


From: Elaan Riycte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Different types of linux
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 23:31:13 GMT

I am looking to purchase, and use, linux for the first time, and so I am 
doing my research.

I have read cnet's look at Caldera vs. Red Hat, but have found a very cheap 
version called SuSE, and it appears to be a better buy than Red Hat or 

Can anyone tell me anything about SuSE, or Mandrake as compared to other 
versions?  Any insights to versions of linux are welcome!

I appreciate everybody's help!

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Wordperfect ------> Word
Crossposted-To: corelsupport.wordperfect-linux
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 00:30:08 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        chipmunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Resume time again. I managed to open my .doc file in wordperfect, but
> when I clicked on "save as", there were only 5 file formats:
> Wordperfect 5.0
> Wordperfect 5.1/5.2
> Wordperfect 6/7/8
> Wordperfect Graphic 1.0
> Wordperfect Graphic 2.0
> My question is - how do I save my changes in *Word* format? I keep
> reading references to "exporting in Word format" but I could not find an
> export option. 

Two ideas:

1) Did you notice the scrollbar in the list of exportable formats?  If
   not, look again.  It should be there, and it should allow you to select
   from many more formats.
2) Did you do a full install, or one of the "lesser" installs?  IIRC,
   not all of the install methods install all of the filters.  You might
   want to reinstall with a "full" install, if you didn't to begin with.

Rod Smith
Author of _Special Edition Using Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux_, from Que


From: "CHamel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: REAL PLAYER in LINUX. Which ver.
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 19:17:46 -0700

>if you shift-1 click on the link, then open it inside RealPlayer as a
>file, it works just fine.  Great sound.  But that is a hassle.  GUI's
>should be (but aren't always) point and click.

I'm curious: what sort of error, if any, did you get when you attempted to
play a file *before* you discovered SHIFT + 1-click?  Would it have been
anything like Error# 38...?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: What to do when you've been hacked
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 00:26:14 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <t8tB3.4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "William T. Trotter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Help needed.  My Linux box (RedHat 6.0) was hacked
> over the labor day weekend.

[details snipped.]

Others have offered good advice.  I'll add, though, that you really should
try to track down just HOW the cracker got into your system, and take
steps to prevent that from occurring again in the future.  Finding the
point of entry for a cracker may not be easy -- maybe not even possible,
in some cases.  You should try, though.  Whether or not you succeed in
tracking down the point of entry, read a good book or two on network
security so that you have some idea of what you're doing, then tighten the
security on your newly-reinstalled system.  Shut down services you're not
using, and put access restrictions on others.  DO NOT use the same
passwords on your freshly-installed system, for ANY account, since your
cracker "pal" may have them.

I definitely agree with another comment, too, that you should contact the
network administrators at, the domain from which the cracker
obtained the files s/he installed on your system.  Chances are the system
involved was itself cracked, though it's possible the cracker was just
plain inept and is the origin point.  Either way, the people should know.

Rod Smith
Author of _Special Edition Using Corel WordPerfect 8 for Linux_, from Que


Subject: AWE64 Solution
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 20:25:19 -0400

I was not successful in getting my sound card recognized in either RH 5.2 or
6.0, until it was necessary to re-load 6.0.

Just for the heck of it, I unchecked "sound" on the list of services to
start on boot-up.

After booting, I ran sndconfig.  It correctly detected the sound card, but
failed the sound test.  For the manual set-up, I just tabbed through all the
resource settings, (which hadn't changed at all)  then did "ok".  Both the
wav and MIDI sounds came through.

All of a sudden, the sound device was no longer "busy", module loading
didn't fail, and it works.  No error messages at all.

What happened?  Did the original setting load the pnp initiation, then the
sound card was already busy when the kernel tried to load the module, or




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