Linux-Misc Digest #739, Volume #21                Thu, 9 Sep 99 12:13:09 EDT

  Re: tabs in emacs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: please help b4 my head bursts (Kari Pahula)
  mounting freebsd partition ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Q? - best combo of linux distrib and apps for 3rd world ("Daniel W. Burke")
  Re: Xscreensaver under Gnome problem (NGUYEN-DAI Quy)
  Re: how to find font used by an xterm? ("T.E.Dickey")
  Problems with my PATH setup ("Philip J. Clark")
  Re: HTML editor for Linux (MK)
  hwclock -systohc (Stuart Summerville)
  CLOCK adjustment under Linux ("Ricardo Wagner")
  Re: hwclock -systohc (Stuart Summerville)
  Re: CLOCK adjustment under Linux (Stuart Summerville)
  Re: HTML editor for Linux (Big Daddy)
  Re: Amiga, QNX, Linux and Revolution (Jeffrey C. Dege)
  Re: HTML editor for Linux (Rene Grothmann)
  Re: HTML editor for Linux (Cary O'Brien)
  ISP billing package ("Frank Sinatra")
  What's an *.elc file ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Anyone try phat linux? (Heyday)
  Re: What is best HTML Editor for LINUX? (Orpheus)
  build gnu ... (Sven Huster)
  Re: kppp connects and immediately disconnects with pppd died (Bill Unruh)
  Re: One must-have program for a newbie (Joerg Frey)
  Problems with Sendmail (Tony Green)
  NFS problem between AIX and SuSE ("Antony Mak")
  Re: Notepad for Linux? (btoc)
  Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron... (Greg Leblanc)


Subject: Re: tabs in emacs
Date: 09 Sep 1999 07:54:04 -0400

Bart Vanherck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a little question about tabs in emacs.
> How can I simply convert all tabs in a document in spaces ?

M-x mark-whole-buffer
M-x untabify

Ed Legowski


From: Kari Pahula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: please help b4 my head bursts
Date: 9 Sep 1999 12:08:23 GMT

kev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I realise this is some sort of cacheing problem. I've tried to 'touch' a
>new file on there in the hope that this would force it to re-read the
>disk, but instead I just got "touch: /mnt/floppy/tmp: Read-only file
>system". According to the options for this drive (and yes, it is
>mounted) it is _not_ read-only.

What kind of a filesystem does the floppy have? With what command do you
mount the floppy?

A mounted floppy is read-only, if it has the write protection on.


Subject: mounting freebsd partition
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 12:00:57 GMT


Can somebody tell me how can I mount a freebsd partition for read/write

I can mount it through ufs but it allows only read operation.

I have tried many combinations, but it doesn't work.

Thank you.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Daniel W. Burke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q? - best combo of linux distrib and apps for 3rd world
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 12:05:11 GMT

On Wed, 8 Sep 1999, Allan L. Brown wrote:

> I am looking for the best combination of distribution, configuration and 
> office productivity apps with the following goal.
> - Reasonable performance on 486-33, 16 MB Ram, <400 MB HD.
> - All software free.
> - apps appropriate for NON-Technical end users need to do wordprocessing, 
> spreadsheet, email, web browsing, and callandering.
> - apps not dead (ie: old versions with no future or new development)

I think the first question should be wether or not you hope to run X to
run all these apps...

If you do, for the most part, the hardware you require this to work on isn't
likely to be enough, or if it is, it's going to be slow...

If you are looking to stay away from X, there's spreadsheet programs like
"sc" that comes with slackware, and for word processing, unless you require
all the bells and whistles that a full word processor comes with, there's
programs like vi, pico, jed, or emacs... Check out the various ftp or
web sites... even as a linux section these days... you may
find what you're looking for in the console section... 

Overall, for such a small hardware configuration, my vote is for slackware as
the only way to go, almost anything else contains too much bloat.

I have slackware 3.5 installed on a 280meg harddrive on my wife's PC, without
any X software installed, and 22meg swap, there's 130megs of free disk space.
(Emacs isn't installed, that takes about 30 megs or so I think).

What you want can be done, but without X is your most realistic solution.
Most non-X apps are pretty small in the disk space department.



Subject: Re: Xscreensaver under Gnome problem
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 15:00:04 +0200

Hugh wrote:
> I am running RH-6, and using the Xscreensaver under Gnome. Recently, the
> screensaver has been giving me error messages
> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
>     error: can't open display :0.0
> Xscreensaver: child pid 29704 (slip) exited abnormally  (code 1)
> This appears to be a minor inconvenience, unless there is something
> drastically wrong.
> I would like to know what is going on and how to correct it.l

Try run xscreensaver manually for detecting the errors !


From: "T.E.Dickey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to find font used by an xterm?
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 12:56:21 GMT

brian@com wrote:
> I tried xwininfo and xprop, and neither want to tell me the font used
> by the current xterm. I looked at .Xdefaults, and xterm*font is commented
> out. I did xrdb -q, and do not see anything.

        appres XTerm
        appres xterm

(man appres)

Thomas E. Dickey


From: "Philip J. Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with my PATH setup
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 13:40:34 +0100

Hi,I find that my path is huge and repeats directorys twice or three times. I have

checked that it is not shell dependent and had nothing to do with my home directory 

I find that some where between reading /etc/csh.cshrc and then starting the shell the 

gets some of its directorys repeated. Any ideas?




Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: HTML editor for Linux
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 12:49:41 GMT

On Wed, 08 Sep 1999 15:59:17 -0100, Rene Grothmann

>I am looking for an HTML editor for Linux. Should do the following
>(those are personal preferences, please no flames):
>- WYSIWYG (I already have a good source editor)
>- Frames
>- CSS support
>- comfortable publish function

>Might be freware, shareware or payware.

Check the Linuxberg, they have good choice there.

Marcin Krol

Reality is something that does not disappear after
you cease believing in it - VALIS, Philip K. Dick

Delete _spamspamlovelyspam_ from address to email me


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart Summerville)
Subject: hwclock -systohc
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 13:21:16 GMT

Hi there,

On my Redhat 5.2 system, issuing the command:

hwclock -systohc

results in the response:

unrecognised option '-y'.

Any ideas as to what could be causing this?

Version is: 2.2/util-linux 2.8

Stuart Summerville
Home: stus@<nospam>
Work: stuart.summerville@<nospam>


From: "Ricardo Wagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CLOCK adjustment under Linux
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 07:57:44 -0500

Does anyone use,or knows about an accurate time sync using NTP in an easy
way such as the tinny socket watch in the M$ world?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart Summerville)
Subject: Re: hwclock -systohc
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 13:27:02 GMT

>hwclock -systohc

bugger! 2 minutes after posting, I realised the problem... use double

Stuart Summerville
Home: stus@<nospam>
Work: stuart.summerville@<nospam>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart Summerville)
Subject: Re: CLOCK adjustment under Linux
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 13:25:48 GMT

On Thu, 9 Sep 1999 07:57:44 -0500, "Ricardo Wagner"

>Does anyone use,or knows about an accurate time sync using NTP in an easy
>way such as the tinny socket watch in the M$ world?

add a cron job on the command:

rdate -s <ntp server address>

if you want it to update your hardware clock, also issue the command:

hwclock --systohc

Works for Redhat V5.2.

Stuart Summerville
Home: stus@<nospam>
Work: stuart.summerville@<nospam>


From: Big Daddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: HTML editor for Linux
Date: 9 Sep 1999 13:47:31 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc Rene Grothmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> CoffeeCup

: That's a text editor, no HTML editor. And don't ever say, this is the
: same!

What're you talking about?  I edit HTML in Notepad (when in windoze),
pico, or in a text box (when updating an angelfire page).  That's editing
HTML, no?

Big Daddy

The law will never make men free; it is men who have got to make the 
law free.

                -- Henry David Thoreau


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeffrey C. Dege)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.qnx,comp.sys.amiga.misc
Subject: Re: Amiga, QNX, Linux and Revolution
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 14:02:42 GMT

On Thu, 09 Sep 1999 03:57:47 GMT, Aram Iskenderian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Thu, 09 Sep 1999 03:03:36 GMT, 
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeffrey C. Dege) wrote:
>>On Wed, 08 Sep 1999 23:10:20 GMT, Aram Iskenderian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>On Wed, 08 Sep 1999 21:17:46 GMT, 
>>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeffrey C. Dege) wrote:
>>>>On Wed, 08 Sep 1999 15:54:48 -0500, Paul E. Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>"Jeffrey C. Dege" wrote:
>>>>>> Well, on my Win95B (with IE5) system, the shift-right-click bit does
>>>>>> _not_ bring up a menu with "Open With" as an option.
>>>>>By the way, this only works in Windows Explorer, not in an IE window.
>>>Sorry this is incorrect, you have to enable active desktop, and it
>>Nobody but an idiot enables active desktop.
>What a technical insight, I'm overwhelmed.
>perhaps the honorable gentleman would explain why?
>I think that you're confusing ActiveX with Active desktop.
>Two entirely different things.

Well, perhaps it's because the first four machines we installed
IE 4 on with Active Desktop enabled had to be reformatted and
rebuilt before we could get them to work.

And perhaps it's because Active Desktop slows the response time
of desktop actions by half or more.

And perhaps it's because Active Desktop wastes precious screen
real estate on meaningless glitz.

Or perhaps it's just because I'm an old curmudgeon who had a
hard enough time learning to live with Microsoft's old set
of bad UI decisions to want to waste time learning a whole
new set of bad UI decisions.

The customer proceeds to go through each change line-by-line.
    Excruciating detail, which no logic can divine.
And when it ends there's only four not sitting their agog:
    The customer, the manager, the pony and the dog.


From: Rene Grothmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: HTML editor for Linux
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 14:29:56 -0100

Thanks a lot for the hints. But I found nothing particularly appealing.
I will stick with a simple editor and some macros plus a printed HTML
and CSS reference for the time being. For simple cases, I found Netscape
to be the most reliable. The editor never hang (like the navigator does
fequently here).

> CoffeeCup

That's a text editor, no HTML editor. And don't ever say, this is the

> Amaya

Performed like Beta here (V2.1), crashed twice. Can handle a bit of CSS,
but not much help, really. I like the alternate views. Cannot edit
frames visually. Screwed up my paragraphs.

> Communicator

You mean Netscape 4.61? I am using this.

> ApplixWare

Sigh, I can try the 30 days demo. But no time right now and I really do
not expect it to be the right choice for me.

> StarOffice

I have installed this. Rather slow on my machine. No CSS to be seen. I
also was unable to edit frames (though the menu says this is possible).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cary O'Brien)
Subject: Re: HTML editor for Linux
Date: 9 Sep 1999 10:05:25 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Pas Moi  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> "DR" == Donovan Rebbechi wrote on 8 Sep 1999 18:38:45 GMT:
>>> - comfortable publish function
>DR> man ncftp
>sitecopy is nice little application for maintaining remote sites,
>though ftp works just fine, too.

Sitecopy is a very nice application.  I use it myself. But be sure you
have a backup copy of your site before you configure it.  There are
several error scenarios where it will happily delete all your files.
And heed the instructions about ending paths with a trailing / for
the local and remote directives.

Just trying to save someone some grief.

-- cary


From: "Frank Sinatra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ISP billing package
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 10:00:19 -0400
Reply-To: "Frank Sinatra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does anyone know of a Linux based, ISP database/customer billing system?
Thanks for your help.


Subject: What's an *.elc file
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 14:30:09 GMT

I recently purchased Caldera's OpenLinux 2.2 (32 days before the
release of 2.3...arg!), and after installation, I discovered about 500
*.elc files -- some in the xemacs/lisp directory, but there were
others scattered throughout the hard drive.  

If I type xemacs        filename.elc, emacs opens up, but on the
bottom line is says "Encryption key?  (or press RET to ignore)".

Obviously, I don't have an encryption key, and pressing RET does
nothing.  I have viewed some of the *.elc files, which appear to be
source code which needs to be compiled....True?  If so, how?  If not,
what are the files for?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Paul M... 


From: Heyday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Anyone try phat linux?
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 14:02:07 GMT

It works great.  Easy to install.  Only problem I'm having is getting my
network card configured.

You may want to check out the Phat Linux message board.


In article <7r7738$612$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone tried it. Thinking about buying it and 20 bucks aint bad
> If anyone has an opinion lemme know.

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Orpheus)
Subject: Re: What is best HTML Editor for LINUX?
Date: 09 Sep 1999 07:34:00 PDT

On Tue, 7 Sep 1999 20:30:31 GMT, John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I mean that they look like the designer thought she was laying out an
>advertisement, not marking up a Web page.

Hardly surprising given that most web pages ARE advertisements, or
haven't you noticed?


From: Sven Huster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: build gnu ...
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 15:22:45 +0200

hi there,

i want to build all gnu tools, utils, apps, libs from the scratch.

does anybody knows about dependencies of the packages?

which one to build first, because its needed by others.

i the a doc about this?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: Re: kppp connects and immediately disconnects with pppd died
Date: 9 Sep 1999 15:13:20 GMT

>>If its MSCHAP80, you can do that to, but may need some mods to your
>>pppd.  Search for MSCHAP in alt.os.linux.caldera.  I posted a long
>>detailed article about getting this to work several months ago.

I believe that all (?) of the distributions already include MSCHAPv1
(chap 80) as part of the compilation of pppd. Version 2 is another
matter, but reports of its use are very rare.


From: Joerg Frey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: One must-have program for a newbie
Date: 9 Sep 1999 14:49:54 +0200

In dkmallick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think that one software that have saved me a lot of time and agony
> is Powerquest's Drive Image. It lets you make a snapshot of the drive, so
> that if the system crashes, it is easy to restore from the image file. BTW,
> please
> don't think that I work for PowerQuest. Just wanted to share a good tip with
> everybody.
> IMHO, the program is well worth its money ($50?).

Why using a commercial Win program to save Linux data, when Linux has its
own backup utilities?

Jörg Frey,
Nur den Pessimisten läuft die Zeit davon. (anon.)


From: Tony Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.questions,
Subject: Problems with Sendmail
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 14:52:23 +0100


Has anyone ever seen the error messages
'Bad Community'
in /var/adm/messages from Sendmail.

I am trying to receive a file from another company and we keep getting
this error.  I'm no sendmail guru and can't figure it out.  We can
receive some stuff from the - but not others.  There does not seem to be

an obvious pattern so I am thinking it may be some manner of
network/routing problem.

However I am willing to hear other ideas.........

Let me know if you have any.




From: "Antony Mak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.unix.aix
Subject: NFS problem between AIX and SuSE
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 23:19:09 +0800

Hi all,
    I recently setup a NFS server on my SuSE 6.0 box for backup purpose.
Everything was fine when I exported a FS between two SuSE Box. But when I
exported a FS to a AIX 4.3.2 Box, it take over one hour to copy a 5MB file
from the exported filesystem(SuSE) to local filesystem(AIX). It didn't
provide any logs or messages either in the linux bos nor AIX box. Can anyone
have any idea on this problem?


From: btoc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Notepad for Linux?
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 11:09:38 -0400


you should look at:        tknotepad-0.5.5.tar.gz

it is a clone of the ms :( utility.  very nice!

Andrew Purugganan wrote:

> Is there a Notepad-like tool for Linux? Please don't give me somthing
> that needs GNOME/KDE Thanks Please reply by e-mail
> --
> Andy Purugganan
> annandy AT dc DOT seflin DOT org
> apurugganan AT amadeuslink DOT com


bye, leon

Leon Haverly  Compuwork 770/426-5509 fax  916/314-5919 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              Marietta, GA  30064    home 770/422-9355


From: Greg Leblanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Dual Pentium II shows as Dual Celeron...
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 14:51:23 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.) wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (OldUncleMe) writes:
> >
> > L1 in most pc's cpu is built into to the actual processor, where L2
> > on the motherboard or on the board to which the cpu is mounted (in
> > case of P2 and P3 intel processors.)  In some other pc processors,
> > cache is actually part of the cpu package so it is then internal,
> > where on the p2 and p3 intel processors it is external (physically)
> > the cpu, being mounted on the cpu's circuit board....
> For most of the PII and P!!! chips you're likely to find.
> The PII-Xeon, P!!!-Xeon, PII-Overdrive, and PPro processors, however,
> have their L2 cache on the same die as the CPU core.  This lets the L2
> cache run at the CPU core's full speed, improving performance.  It
> makes the processors substatntially more expensive.

Actually, this information is incorrect.  The PII-Xeon and the PIII-Xeon
have their cache as part of the package, and NOT on the CPU die.  They
just have a very fast connection to the processor, which runs at FULL
CPU CLOCK SPEED.  That's why the package for the Xeon processors is so
large, it needs to accomodate the extra cache.  I don't know about the
"overdrive" processors, but I assume that those have the cache on die as
the PPro did, since there is no room on the PPro socket for anything

> The Celerons with cache (300A and anything faster) also have their
> of L2 cache on the same die with the CPU core.  This is why a Celeron
> and a PII at the same clock speed perform very similarly - the faster
> cache almost entirely makes up for its smaller size.

And the NEW mobile P-II processors have 256K of on-die L2 cache, running
at full clock speed, which should make them outperform a desktop P-II at
the same clock speed, much as the K6-3 does for many operations.

> -- David

It's pronounced "sexy" not "scuzzy"!

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