Linux-Misc Digest #259, Volume #25               Fri, 28 Jul 00 09:13:02 EDT

  Re: who is responsible for the cache? (Robert Schweikert)
  Mp3 player problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Audio CD's not playing ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Only root can run StarOffice 5.2 (Fung Wai Keung)
  Re: Automounting and NIS (James Pearson)
  Re: Helix upgade trashed Sawfish (Bob Martin)
  Re: Ethernet NIC Recommendation (Bob Martin)
  Re: gcc compiling error (Bob Martin)
  Re: Only root can run StarOffice 5.2 (Robert Jones)
  Re: Lilo error?
  Re: Listing all the files changed since... (Robert Jones)
  Re: running linux in GUI (Bob Martin)
  Re: libglade ? (ray)
  Re: Lilo error?
  Re: Mp3 player problems (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Mp3 player problems
  Re: Only root can run StarOffice 5.2 (Fung Wai Keung)


From: Robert Schweikert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: who is responsible for the cache?
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 06:17:50 -0400

Grant Edwards wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Robert Schweikert wrote:
> >I've been fighting for a while now trying to build gcc-2.95.2 on RH6.2,
> >no luck yet. I have a few leads, one is that the L2 cache is getting
> >trashed. So I would like to find out who is responsible for the cache?
> >Is it the kernel, some libraries in the distro or some mysterious black
> >magic?
> AFAIK, it's the motherboard chipset.  Sounds like you've got hardware
> problems to me.  Compiling something large (liek gcc or the kernel) puts a
> lot of strain on memory, and I've had machines with flakey hardware that
> seemed fine until I tried to compile something.  The symptoms of flakey RAM
> or flakey cache are often random Sig-11's during compiles.  You CPU might
> also be overheating -- check the CPU fan and make sure you're not
> over-clocking anything.

Hardware, I know that's what keeps poping up. I am not too convinced of that.
I've tested a different memory stick and had the same problem. Unfortunately I
can't turn of the L2 cache, but I might flash the bios and see if the new
version lets me do that. What keeps me from blasting the harware is that I have
compiled gdb, Motif, and the kernel on this machine with no troubles what so
ever. This is of course enough to at least keep me guessing about the RH6.2

Thanks for the info.

> >Any help, comments insight are appreciated. Also if there's a good trick
> >to get gcc-2.95.2 compiling on RH6.2 I'd like to know. I am pretty close
> >on just simply blaming it on RH. After all they must have had a reason
> >to stay with gcc-2.91.66 instead of shipping gcc-2.95 with the 6.2
> I had no problems compiling 2.95.2 under 6.0 or 6.1, though I haven't tried
> it under 6.2.
> --
> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  FROZEN ENTREES may
>                                   at               be flung by members of
>                                  opposing SWANSON SECTS...

Robert Schweikert                      MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         LINUX


Subject: Mp3 player problems
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 10:06:24 GMT

hi everyone
        i have a redhat 6.2 dist running on my box
my sound card is "creative vibra"
   while iam playing MP3s on Xmms or mpg123 the slightest disk access,
for example, opening a new xterm spoils the sound to a very great
        i am getting really pained,
please help me out


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Audio CD's not playing
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:02:16 GMT

I'm having trouble playing audio CD's. The application (tcd in console
, xmms in X) reads the correct number of tracks and the length of the
track, however it will not play them, the time inside the app does not
progress at all and the CD does not spin up.

I can play wavs and mp3s but no audio CD, as the time does not
progress, I'm not getting any error messages in /var/log/messages
Also it's not a audio cable to sound card problem because the CD simply
does spin up. However it works fine (spins up) with data CD's

CD Hardware : HP 9110i (IDE, but using SCSI emulation)
Kernels : 2.2.16; 2.2.17pre13; 2.4.0-test4

/dev/cdrom soft linked to /dev/scd0 (which is correct because I can
mount and read data CD's)

I thought it may have been a SCSI emulation problem but it's the same
with that particular module not loaded.
(/dev/cdrom soft linked to /dev/hdc (which is correct because I can
mount and read data CD's)

I read on the newsgroups that it was a 2.2.16 kernel issue, but I
upgraded to 2.2.17pre13 and got the same result.

Any suggestions welcomed, thank you for your time.


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Before you buy.


From: Fung Wai Keung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Only root can run StarOffice 5.2
Date: 28 Jul 2000 11:06:46 GMT

Hi all,

I downloaded (from Sun Microsystem) and installed (w/ root
access) StarOffice 5.2 on my Linux-Mandrake 7.1.   However, only root can
run staroffice.  Any other users can't run staroffice.  Staroffice always
complains about "Can't find /apps/office52/user/sofficerc" when any user
(other than root) run it.  But /apps/office52/user/sofficerc indded
exists!  How to solve the problem so that any user can run staroffice?

Thanks in advance.


Wai Keung, Fung

Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T.,
Hong Kong.

Tel: (852)26098056      Fax: (852)26036002


From: James Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Automounting and NIS
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:08:09 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  greg tomczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good day to all,
> I am wondering if someone out there has any insight to automounting
> NIS on Redhat 6.2 servers and Linux and solaris clients.
> I currently have one NIS Master and one Slave server running RedHat
> My desktop clients were all solaris, but are migrating to VA linux. My
> automounting works great with the exception of one thing. I am trying
> take advantage of special mount option, /net(solaris) or /hosts (sgi)
> the auto.master. The entry looked like this on solaris
> /net            -hosts          -nosuid,nobrowse
> the /net entry in the auto.master allows users to cd
> and go to that machine as if it was a NFS mounted directory. No with
> Linux server, I am trying to do the equivalent with no such luck. Can
> any one help? it is killing me....

Don't think it can be done with the current version of Linux autofs
(v3). However, I believe pre-release autofs v4 does support something
similar to /net or /hosts.


I live in hope that Sun will make its automount available for Linux
someday ...

That would making integrating Linux with Suns/SGIs much easier ...

James Pearson

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Before you buy.


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.X
Subject: Re: Helix upgade trashed Sawfish
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:38:11 +0000

Lloyd Llewelyn wrote:
> Ever since the latest Helix Gnome upgrade, I've been unable to use Sawfish,
> and minimized apps no longer appear in the Gnome taskbar.
> When I try to change WM to Sawfish in the control panel, it times out and
> reverts to Enlightenment.  A console message says "No such file or
> directory: Sawmill".  Not sure if this is necessarily related to my problem
> though...
> Has anyone else had this problem and (hopefully) found a solution?  I'm
> being driven back to Win2K!
> Thanks

Yes, try restarting tasklist_applet

Bob Martin


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ethernet NIC Recommendation
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:42:23 +0000

Dennis D wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to add my Linux computer to my simple
> Ethernet home network.  My computer is a Gateway
> 166 running RedHat 6.1.  Does anyone have any suggestions
> on a NIC card that is known to work well with Redhat Linux?
> Any recommendations appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
> Dennis
 I think you will find very few cards that do not work, check the
ethernet howto. For a simple home network I use some very cheap ( < 10$
) ne2000 clones

Bob Martin


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gcc compiling error
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:50:08 +0000

BJW7TOAEM wrote:
> Ok, before I get flame mail, I am asking this here because it seems like the
> error I am getting is a general error and is because of some how my Linux
> system is setup, I am getting similar errors compiling other programs also.
> I was trying to compile kmysql and this is the error I get:
> In file included from /usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h:126,
>                  from /usr/include/dirent.h:191,
>                  from /usr/include/kdir.h:31,
>                  from kwview.cpp:35:
> /usr/include/bits/local_lim.h:27: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:34,
>                  from /usr/include/ksock.h:123,
>                  from /usr/include/kfmclient_ipc.h:27,
>                  from /usr/include/kfm.h:30,
>                  from kwview.h:24,
>                  from kwview.cpp:39:
> /usr/include/bits/socket.h:252: asm/socket.h: No such file or directory
> make[3]: *** [kwview.o] Error 1
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/linux/kmysql-1.2.1/kmysql/kwrite'
> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/linux/kmysql-1.2.1/kmysql'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/linux/kmysql-1.2.1'
> make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
> I was also trying to compile mysql also and got a similar error about no such
> file or directory. What is the problem, and what does Error 1 and Error 2 mean?
> I am running Redhat 6.0. Thanks for your time!

The problem is the missing header files it it complaining about. kdir.h
is part of kde,  and should be in /usr/include/kde. Have you installed
the kde development packages ?

Bob Martin


From: Robert Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Only root can run StarOffice 5.2
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 06:52:45 -0500

Fung Wai Keung wrote:

> Hi all,
> I downloaded (from Sun Microsystem) and installed (w/ root
> access) StarOffice 5.2 on my Linux-Mandrake 7.1.   However, only root can
> run staroffice.  Any other users can't run staroffice.  Staroffice always
> complains about "Can't find /apps/office52/user/sofficerc" when any user
> (other than root) run it.  But /apps/office52/user/sofficerc indded
> exists!  How to solve the problem so that any user can run staroffice?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Regards,
> Wai Keung, Fung
> Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
> The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
> Shatin, N.T.,
> Hong Kong.
> Tel: (852)26098056      Fax: (852)26036002

Here is a short excerpt from the readme file that was included with so5.1.
I believe the last paragraph probably answers your question.

StarOffice 5.1a

Dear User:

This file contains important program information. Please read these tips
through carefully, before beginning to work with StarOffice 5.1!

Tips for Successful Installation

StarOffice uses both the new glibc2 and the Linux-Kernel-Threads. It was
tested with the versions and
(glibc-2.0.7-7-7.i386.rpm) Before beginning with the installation, check
that the corresponding libraries are setup in your system.

Login as usual with your user ID and run the "setup" program from the
/cdrom/linux/office51 directory. Select the type of installation and an
installation directory. You must have write-access to the installation

To carry out a network installation (multi-user installation), please start
the setup with the /net option (as user root). After the network
installation, it is necessary that each user who wants to work with
StarOffice runs the setup from the bin directory of the network installation
with the own user ID (WITHOUT/net). A workstation installation will be then
available. This installs per user approximately 2 MB of data in the
corresponding Home directory.
A multi-user installation is only permitted with the respective number of


Subject: Re: Lilo error?
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:56:03 GMT

John in SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is very hard to respond to an inquiry where you haven't told us what you
> did.  What LILO version; what kernel version; what hard disk configuration?

   Fair enough.
   Kernel 2.2.16
   lilo version 21
   Drive is spilt between windows and Linux. Windows is on hda1 [almost
4gig]. Hda2 is / [1gig] swap is on hda4 . Second windows section is on hda3
[I think need to check] The rest of the 30 gig drive is linux spilt between
various filesystems.

Trying to write the boot record gives the error message. Doesn't matter
where I try to write lilo. Drive or floppy error message is the same.

> On Thu, 27 Jul 2000 20:16:01 GMT, nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Hole found in map file (alloc_page)
>>What did I do wrong-)



From: Robert Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Listing all the files changed since...
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 06:57:39 -0500

Thaddeus L Olczyk wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 05:24:12 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
> wrote:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thaddeus L Olczyk) writes:
> >
> >> I need to make a list of all the files I either wrote to, changed the
> >> permissions on, changed the owner and group of, or create in
> >> the last n days. Can anyone help?
> >
> >Something like 'find / -mtime n' perhaps?
> Definitely NOT.
> a simple table generated by
> find / -mtime $n |wc -l
> generates
> $n            output
> 1              8
> 2              2634
> 3              23
> 4              37
> 5              4
> 6              62
> ...
> now if find / -mtime $n was generating all the files changed in the
> last $n days then the output would consistently go up.

Try 'find / -mtime -n'.    Note the 2nd "-".



From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: running linux in GUI
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:59:34 +0000

>   Hello again!
>  I tried the "Xconfigurator" and made changes for the monitor,
>  graphics card and resolution but every time I did a test, it would
>  give me an error like this " Could not open default front 'fixed'
> I tried typing "linux 5" at the "LILO boot: prompt" and didnt
> work.
> When i typed "startx" or "xinit" in the console, I get this error:
> Error loading keymap /var/tmp/server-0.XKM Could not load XKB keymap,
> falling back to keymap, pre-XKB Keymap-FontTransSocket UNIXConnet: Can't
> connect: errno = 111 failed to set default font path 'unix/:-1'
> Fatal server error:
> could not open default font 'fixed'

The font server xfs is not running. start it by

/etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs start

You probably will need to have it start when you boot up. run the setup
command and select system services to have it start at boot.

Bob Martin


Subject: Re: libglade ?
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 11:58:55 GMT

Mark Guzzo wrote:

> Hello,
> I just noticed that my home computer will give an error when I try to
> run an app that is somehow linked to "".
> The error is:
> "gfloppy: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/
> undefined symbol: xmlSAXUserParseFile."
> I get this exact same error also with memprof, gedit, etc. ( anything
> that has to do with glade).
> I removed  "libglade-0.13-0_helix_1.i386.rpm" and then installed it and
> ran "/sbin/ldconfig", but that did not work.
> Can someone please help. Maybe even explain as to why this might have
> happened.
> --
> Mark Guzzo / 630-224-6774
> The only reason to have a NTFS partion is to mount it like the b!@ch it is.
> The box said "Install a SECURE STABLE OS", so I installed Linux.
> Linux: Secure, Stable, FREE ! PENGUIN POWER

    Perhaps it's in a later one. Here's what provides it on my box

[ray@gordo ray]$ rpm -q --whatprovides

Ray R. Jones
Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.


Subject: Re: Lilo error?
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 12:21:03 GMT

John in SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is very hard to respond to an inquiry where you haven't told us what you
> did.  What LILO version; what kernel version; what hard disk configuration?

> On Thu, 27 Jul 2000 20:16:01 GMT, nick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> LILO version 21.5 (18-Jul-2000) source at
> ftp:   dir: /pub/linux/lilo

  I went and grabbed 21.5 and everything seems fine now. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Mp3 player problems
Date: 28 Jul 2000 12:45:59 GMT

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 10:06:24 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>       i have a redhat 6.2 dist running on my box
>my sound card is "creative vibra"
>   while iam playing MP3s on Xmms or mpg123 the slightest disk access,
>for example, opening a new xterm spoils the sound to a very great
>       i am getting really pained,

Tried doing "hdparm -u1 -c1 -m16 /dev/hdX", where X is the letter for
your main hard drive?  That will probably lessen the problem a great
deal, and speed up disk access to a great extent.  If it *still* doesn't
work, try adding "-d1" to those option flags above.  "man hdparm" to
find out what those do.  Good luck,

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /   Tyranny is always better organized     /    than freedom.
=============================/              ==Charles Peguy


Subject: Re: Mp3 player problems
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 09:05:33 -0400

If you are playing mp3's off a cd, use the -d1 option of hdparm to activate
it's dma transfers. This should take care of stuttering problems.

A word of warning : before messing with the hdparms, find out if the kernel
id'd your hdd controller properly.  If it says unknown controller  or
something similar, be careful.
If it says PIIXE , and you have an intel chipset, you should be ok.

The stock 2.2 kernels that I use have no problem with intel's controllers.
But on an amd board, it can't id it. May need a patch or something...

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8lrluu$675$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> hi everyone
> i have a redhat 6.2 dist running on my box
> my sound card is "creative vibra"
>    while iam playing MP3s on Xmms or mpg123 the slightest disk access,
> for example, opening a new xterm spoils the sound to a very great
> extent.
> i am getting really pained,
> please help me out
> thanx
> das
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: Fung Wai Keung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Only root can run StarOffice 5.2
Date: 28 Jul 2000 12:53:01 GMT


I don't know have a Staroffice CD.  I just downloaded staroffice from Sun
Microsystems.  I can't find the "setup" from the single downloaded file.
What should I do?

Robert Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Here is a short excerpt from the readme file that was included with so5.1.
: I believe the last paragraph probably answers your question.

: -----------------------------------------------------------
: StarOffice 5.1a
: -----------------------------------------------------------

: Dear User:

: This file contains important program information. Please read these tips
: through carefully, before beginning to work with StarOffice 5.1!

: -----------------------------------------------------------
: Tips for Successful Installation
: -----------------------------------------------------------

: StarOffice uses both the new glibc2 and the Linux-Kernel-Threads. It was
: tested with the versions and
: (glibc-2.0.7-7-7.i386.rpm) Before beginning with the installation, check
: that the corresponding libraries are setup in your system.

: Login as usual with your user ID and run the "setup" program from the
: /cdrom/linux/office51 directory. Select the type of installation and an
: installation directory. You must have write-access to the installation
: directory.

: To carry out a network installation (multi-user installation), please start
: the setup with the /net option (as user root). After the network
: installation, it is necessary that each user who wants to work with
: StarOffice runs the setup from the bin directory of the network installation
: with the own user ID (WITHOUT/net). A workstation installation will be then
: available. This installs per user approximately 2 MB of data in the
: corresponding Home directory.
: A multi-user installation is only permitted with the respective number of
: licenses.


Wai Keung, Fung

Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T.,
Hong Kong.

Tel: (852)26098056      Fax: (852)26036002



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