Linux-Misc Digest #171, Volume #27               Tue, 20 Feb 01 05:13:02 EST

  Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else (Aaron Kulkis)
  XFS Panic: xfs_message_installattr (Christoph Kukulies)
  mkdir from within a kernel module ("Massimiliano Caovilla")
  Wednesday 21 February 2001 NYLUG Meeting: Michael Sims, Timothy Lord, and Natalie 
Portman examine freedom^Wlicense in a decently networked world ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: fastest SCSI CDROM drive (Robert Heller)
  Re: tar archive error (Wolfgang Batrla)
  Re: Looking for something Linux (Michael Heiming)
  POP3 account setup ? ("Eric Chow")
  Remove Windows disk? ("Robert Flint")
  Re: replacing startx with startx -- +xinerama (benoit mordelet)
  wanted: back up software (Dafydd Prichard)
  Why i cant make my pc to work as a router or gateway ?  ("Robert")


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Subject: Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 03:13:53 -0500

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
> In comp.os.linux.misc Robert Surenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In comp.os.linux.misc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> On 16 Feb 2001 23:36:41 GMT, Steve Mading <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>In comp.os.linux.advocacy Robert Surenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>: That's why Materialism is hopelessly flawed. We all know that JFK
> >>>: was shot, but can't repeat the experiment. How do we go about
> >>>: proving a historical event.
> >>>
> >>>WTF does that have to do with materialism?
> >>      Whether or not JFK was shot or not is a question of history.
> >>      The techniques of historians are not the subject of this discussion.
> > I though we were disscussing how does a person "know" something?
> > Many have claimed that a repeatable experiment is the only way.
> > I've given an example of a fact that can not be repeated and can't
> > be proven with the Scientific Method.
> Well, we can test your hypothesis. If JFK was not shot, then he must
> have been alive after the event, no? In that case the body buried
> might not have been his. So  go and do a dna test. They just did
> it for the russian royal family remains, it should be a doddle for
> jfk.
> But there are simpler tests. Just ask lots of people if they saw jfk
> alive after the event. And ask the people who filmed him being
> shot how shot he was. You can also ask his wife how she managed to get
> legal permission to remarry! Whilst these are not conclusive tests,
> they can take the probability of error down to negligable values.
> I think he's dead, with a very high degree of certainty.

Unless the body is at the Heisenberg Institute...

in which case, he might spontaneously re-animate for VERY VERY
brief instances 


> Peter

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: Christoph Kukulies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: XFS Panic: xfs_message_installattr
Date: 20 Feb 2001 08:20:26 GMT

Anyone using Tapeware with a DLT 8000 under RH 6.1?
I'm getting strange syslog messages while the backup list
is generated. And it doesn't come to an end in 12 hours. 
Actually, no progress can be seen at all. It just hangs there.

These are the kernel syslog messages 

Message from syslogd@mymachine at Mon Feb 19 20:36:54 2001 ...
mymachine kernel: XFS Panic: xfs_message_installattr: got token w/o data! 

Message from syslogd@mymachine at Mon Feb 19 22:10:38 2001 ...
mymachine kernel: XFS Panic: xfs_message_installattr: got token w/o data! 

Message from syslogd@mymachine at Mon Feb 19 22:19:11 2001 ...
mymachine kernel: XFS Panic: xfs_message_installattr: got token w/o data! 

Message from syslogd@mymachine at Mon Feb 19 22:29:51 2001 ...
mymachine kernel: XFS Panic: xfs_message_installattr: got token w/o data! 

Message from syslogd@mymachine at Mon Feb 19 22:38:29 2001 ...
mymachine kernel: XFS Panic: xfs_message_installattr: got token w/o data! 

Message from syslogd@mymachine at Tue Feb 20 00:39:59 2001 ...
mymachine kernel: XFS Panic: xfs_message_installattr: got token w/o data! 

Message from syslogd@mymachine at Tue Feb 20 02:41:33 2001 ...
mymachine kernel: XFS Panic: xfs_message_installattr: got token w/o data! 

Message from syslogd@mymachine at Tue Feb 20 04:43:12 2001 ...
mymachine kernel: XFS Panic: xfs_message_installattr: got token w/o data! 
[root@mymachine tapeware]# 

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Massimiliano Caovilla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: mkdir from within a kernel module
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:20:37 GMT

I need a driver I'm writing (a kernel module) to be able to create
How can I do that from within the kernel? In the source tree of the vfs
(usr/src/linux/fs) there are do_mkdir() and sys_mkdir() that would do, but I
have not been able up to now to use them, they seem not to be exported (and
they are not defined in any include, I think they are internals to namei.c)
I also tryed to filp_open() the parent and to call mkdir from the parent's
file_operations: anyway, I don't know how to get a dentry to pass to mkdir
along with the parent's inode.
    Can anyone help?
Please don't tell me I shouldn't mkdir from the kernel because I REALLY need
to do so (and I was able to do it in Solaris, why shouldn't I be in Linux?)

    Hello & thanks in advance


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Wednesday 21 February 2001 NYLUG Meeting: Michael Sims, Timothy Lord, and 
Natalie Portman examine freedom^Wlicense in a decently networked world
Date: 20 Feb 2001 03:22:54 -0500

One of the strengths of the Free Software Movement is the extraordinary
speed with which large forces of irregulars may be assembled and shipped to
any contested node of the Net.  It is said that we have won some ground by
sheer terror, the Enemy deserting the field the moment the deep joyous
ground shaking roar of our horde is heard.

But what exactly is the logistical infrastructure that supports such
remarkable tactical efficiency?  Surprisingly often the whole drilled down
below the brainstem manoeuvre begins with a simple troll on Slashdot.  And
among aficionados of the troll, the Sims-Lord-Portman troll is known as a

Official NYLUG notice below.

Jay Sulzberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Corresponding Secretary LXNY
LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.


      *** New York Linux Users Group February 2001 Meeting ***
                        - -

            A Day in the Life of a Slashdot Poster
                          - with -
             Michael Sims and Timothy Lord of /.

 IBM Headquarters Building
 590 Madison Avenue at 57th Street
 Check in at lobby for badge and room number


 Please join us for a glimpse into "A Day in the life of a Slashdot
 Poster". Our presenters will be michael (Michael Sims) and timothy
 (Timothy Lord) of /. fame. Timothy and Michael will discuss Slashdot's
 history, what it's like working on one of the busiest sites on the Web,
 and other issues of importance to the Linux and Open Source community.

 As a special treat, attendees will be given an inside look into the new
 "Bender" release of Slashcode, the Perl programming that produces the
 Slashdot site.  Also, thanks to Peter Norton, who will be providing us
 with wireless mobile Internet access so that we can peer into the dark
 corners of Slashdot at the meeting.

 About Slashdot...

 Slashdot, the "News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters" weblog site, serves
 about 30 million page views per month. Slashdot is also a committed Linux
 shop, running the site on VA Linux servers under Debian Linux.

 Slashdot is also helping fund development efforts with the mySQL team to
 add database replication and rollback capabilities to mySQL, one of the
 most widely used SQL engines under Linux.

 Prepare to be Slashdotted!

 And then after the meeting... Join us around 8:15pm or so at the Typhoon
 Brewery & Restaurant located at 22 East 54th Street between Madison and
 5th Aves.

 March 2001 Meeting Preview:
 We are pleased to announce that Donald Becker, known to most as the
 source of NIC drivers that actually work, and to many as the Beowulf
 Guy, will be returning to NYLUG in March.  Donald is the Chief
 Technical Officer and acting president of Scyld Computing Corporation,
 which develops and supports high performance computing solutions based
 on Open Source systems such as Linux Beowulf clusters.

 Please see our home page at for the HTMLized
 version of this announcement, complete with graphics and additional
 hyperlinks to related information.

 February 2001 - The New York Linux User's Group,

 Jim Gleason                VA Linux Systems
 phone: 212-858-7684        President, New York Linux Users Group
 fax:   212-858-7685



From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fastest SCSI CDROM drive
Date: 20 Feb 2001 01:41:49 -0600

  John Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  In a message on 19 Feb 2001 22:11:29 -0600, wrote :

JH> >>>>> "Robert" == Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
JH>     Robert> These Nx numbers for CDROM drives are somewhat deceptive.
JH>     Robert> These are *instantaneous* transfer rates and are a
JH>     Robert> function of rotation speed.  There are two major gotchas
JH>     Robert> for ALL CDROM drives:
JH> Thanks for the very helpful response.  I was beginning to fear that
JH> given the high entry price on most SCSI items, that the IDE bus was
JH> winning out due to an economy of scale.  Your response suggests that
JH> this is not the case.

There a bit of a myth about SCSI vs. IDE: people often do an apples vs.
oranges comparison.  As a general rule, *equal* quality SCSI and IDE
components are pretty much equal in price (with a small variability),
but people often compare the cheap, low-cost (read: junk) IDE hardware
with often much higher quality SCSI hardware.  Part of this is that
there is not a market for 'cheap' SCSI devices -- the people who buy SCSI
only buy good stuff.  The people who buy IDE are generally not looking for
devices that will last 5 (or more) *years* -- the IDE crowd is thinking
of some sort of upgrade in 2 years (or less).  There is the added cost
of a SCSI controller card.

JH> It also explains why one of my damned CDROM drives is constantly
JH> spinning up and down and is slow as hell.  It must be pinning up,
JH> working in burst mode, flooding the bus, and spinning back down.  Its
JH> damned annoying is what it is.

Yep.  It gets worse.  I sometimes need to install software on (remote)
server machine's hard drive, which is NFS mounted on a workstation with
a CDROM drive.  I have discovered that the install actually goes
*faster* with a 'slower' CDROM drive -- the 'faster' drive with the
added factor of NFS, becomes *worse* with its spin up/spin down games.

JH> What is MTBF?  (Mean time before failure?)  A quick web search
        MTBF = Mean time before failure
JH> suggested that it is measured in hours, usually lots of them.
        We *hope* "lots of them" :-)

JH> In any case, this helps a lot.  Am I to infer from your response that
JH> most any SCSI CDROM will probably deliver the max speed, that is 8x?

        On average.  You will get faster burst speeds at times.  And the
spin up/spin down will slow things down at other times.  It depends on
the sort of data you are transferring (size of file, what else is going
on on the SCSI bus, etc.).

        The whole spin up/spin down issue relates to the fact that
CDROMs were designed for a particular speed, specificly for playing
audio tracks.  There are issues relating to mass size, etc. that have
determining effects on the machcanics of CDROM drives.

JH> John Hunter

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153

Posted Via Nuthinbutnews Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
          ** SPEED ** RETENTION ** COMPLETION **


From: Wolfgang Batrla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tar archive error
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 09:44:06 +0100

in order to clarify a misunderstanding about the tar
the file exists on a piece of quarter inch cassette tape. i
did not download anything. so even if there is an end of
fie, the information should still be there in one form or an


From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking for something Linux
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 09:52:48 +0100

iQXth wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 13:31:54 +0100, Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > beware to compare Linux and anything made by M$, Linux is a UNIX OS!
> Oops! I am sorry to have offended anyone.

No problem, you didn't offend me, I just wanted to tell it to you, as
there are people
who may get offended if they hear something like you wrote...:-)

Michael Heiming

> The only comparison I was making was the way I felt about using each
> operating system for the fist time. DOS/Windows felt very 'alien'
> before, the way Linux feels 'alien' to me now. I know DOS/Windows
> systems very well and think this is because I was able to 'start from
> scratch' and build on that to gain experience and become comfortable
> with the system.
> I want to do the same thing with Linux, meaning 'start from scratch'.
> Those URLs you posted will be very helpful.
> Thanks for posting.
> --- iQXth ---
> Please respond to this thread
> or post with 'ulvfboqj' in the
> subject to get my attention.


From: "Eric Chow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: POP3 account setup ?
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 16:17:26 +0800


Would you please to teach me how to create a POP3 account that only can
receive mail but not allow telnet, rlogin, rsh, FTP, and any others ?

Anyway this account only can use to receive email or use a mail client to
get smail.

Is there any shell script to do this in one step ?

Best regards,


From: "Robert Flint" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Remove Windows disk?
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:53:59 -0000

I have a PC that dual boots between Windows 95 on the primary master HD and
SuSE Linux 6.3 on the primary slave HD. I want to remove the windows disk
and just run Linux. What will I need to do?

I'm guessing that all the entries in /etc/fstab will need changing as the
Linux disk will now become the primary master drive (hda instead of hdb?).
What else will I need to do and how will I boot the machine after the
Windows disk has been removed?

Any advice would be gratefully received.




From: benoit mordelet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: replacing startx with startx -- +xinerama
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 09:53:39 +0100

Chris Elvidge wrote:
> Chris Nelson wrote:
> >
> > Hello: This weekend I finally got a working config file for using 2
> > monitors on a g400 max.
> >
> > My problem however is that right now my etc/inittab file has me going to
> > only run level 3. if I change this value to 5, the systems takes me to a
> > graphical logon..but with only one monitor. My guess is that the system
> > is still strying to run startx as opposed to startx -- +xinerama. Where

when running in runlevel 5 (on a RH), it is not startx that is run but

> > do I need to make a change so this can be automoated? Any advice is
> > appreciated...
> >
> > P.S. Any idea how I can have the system default to KDE as opposed to
> > gnome? Thought I would throw this in as well
> >
> > Chris
> Have you got a file ~/.xinitrc? Try:
> /path/to/xinerama &
> /path/to/startkde

xinerama isn't a separate application that you can run like this, it is
an option of the X server. I don't know how to tell xdm to use this
option automatically, but adding the following line in your
$HOME/.bashrc file should start X correctly when using startx :
alias startx startx -- +xinerama



From: Dafydd Prichard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: wanted: back up software
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 09:24:49 -0800

my company recently switched from a Mac based server to Linux. our server
has a DAT tape for backup, but I'm struggling to find suitable backup
software. With the Mac I used Retrospect which met all my criteria (simple
to use, incremental and full back up, the ability to restore individual
files, etc). Does anyone know of a similar product for Linux? - I'd be happy
to buy a commercial product if that's the best option.

I would be very grateful if anyone can e e-mail me with details


From: "Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Why i cant make my pc to work as a router or gateway ? 
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 09:29:23 GMT


In my schools lab I have a PC connected to the network with an IP address of from our network manager,  shown as PC1 below. Since I have
three computers, I want to connect all of them to the network. I have
therefore put two net cards in PC1 and using IP masquerading to connect the
others computer through PC1 to the network too, or making PC1 as a router /

I have installed and running ipchains and ipfwadm. I can only ping from PC2
and PC3 to both net cards of PC1, but I cant Ping to other computer
connected to the network. From PC1 i  can ping to all computer connected to
my network, but not from PC2 and PC3.

The scripts I use for the packet forwarding are as followes.

ipfwadm -F -f
ipfwadm -F -a accept -P tcp -S  -D 0/0 80
ipfwadm -F -a accept -P tcp -S 0/0 80 -D

I am using Linux RH 6.2 in all machines. I would appreciate any help or
suggestions to solve my problem.

Best regards   Robert

My network configuration

      Eth0-PC3 -------------------------|



    Eth0-PC2 ------------------------------------eth1=PC1=eth0--------------
To Network




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