Linux-Misc Digest #183, Volume #27               Wed, 21 Feb 01 04:13:04 EST

  Help...lost boot disk!! ("Paul")
  Re: Q: local host name cannot be resolved ?!? (Terence Hoosen)
  IP Masqing (aph3x)
  Re: Boot Problem (Glitch)
  Re: Kernel 2.4 / UIDs larger than 65535 (Adam Gorecki)
  Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Telnetd problems on Linux Mandrake 7.x (Gaurav Navlakha)
  Re: Q: local host name cannot be resolved ?!? (bv)
  Re: Q: local host name cannot be resolved ?!? (bv)
  How to make Linux slim? (bv)
  POP3 server error: -ERR being read already /usr/spool/mail/<username> (Brian 
  Re: Help...lost boot disk!! ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Compile problems ("D. Stimits")
  Can't connect to cups server. Check, check, and recheck your options!!! 
  Re: fdisk /mbr, install issues ("Eric")
  enlightenment iconbox ("Dan Martins")
  Re: runlevel 5 vs runlevel 3 + startx (Villy Kruse)
  <Q> using lpr to number pages ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: "Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help...lost boot disk!!
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 05:32:39 GMT

I have a linux/windows setup. Windows is on the master drive and linux is on
the slave. For whatever reason, I really don't remember now, when I
installed linux, I set it up so that I would have to use a boot floppy. When
the boot floppy was inserted, I would get the lilo prompt which would start
linux as the default. No lilo .... no linux. Well guess what,
my boot floppy is currently unavailable (I will spare you the details) and I
can no longer boot linux. What should I do?
What I can do is mount the drive containing linux on another computer also
running linux. I thought that it should be possible to copy the correct
files from my problem hard drive to make a new boot floppy. Problem is that
I have no idea what file would are required I thought that if I can somehow
get linux to boot from the problem drive, maybe I could reinstall lilo.
Could someone please advise me on how to proceed and where to look for help?



From: Terence Hoosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q: local host name cannot be resolved ?!?
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 06:20:18 +0000

bv wrote:

> Didn't seem to help. I restarted xinetd, but the problem is still there. Do 
> I need to restart my system?

No, definitely don't need to restart your system.  You might need to 
restart X or Gnome or whatever, but not the whole system.

But if the problems still persist in other programs like ping or 
traceroute then a restart won't get you anywhere.

Hmm.  This problem is turning out to be quite fiddly - I definitely 
advise you check the things the other posters to this thread have suggested.



From: (aph3x)
Subject: IP Masqing
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:42:04 GMT

hello all. i have set up a SuSE box to masq a win2k on a ppp dial-up
connection. i have run into some really frsutrating problems though... here's
some thing that might help explain my problem:

i can ping eth0 and ppp0 from the SuSE and the win2k box
i can ping external ip's and resolve names from the SuSE and the win2k box
i can use http, telnet, ftp, and other protocols from the SuSE box

i cannot establish an http connection on win2k with IE. when i type in a url,
it says "web site found, waiting for reply..." and hangs until it times out.

nor can i establish a connection to an ftp server with an ftp client. i can
connect and log into my account on a remote server, but when i 'ls', i get a
'200 PORT command successful" and then after a few minutes a  timeout error '425
cannot build data connection"

however, i can telnet to port 80 on a webserver and issue http methods such as
HEAD, GET, etc. i can also telnet on port 21 to an ftp server and log in using
USER and PASS, and i can also CDUP and PWD, but those are the ONLY two commands
i can issue without getting a 425 error...

as you can probably imagine, im getting rather frustrated ;( any help or ideas
are not only welcomed, but greatly appreciated... thanks in advance.



Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 01:40:53 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Boot Problem

edit /etc/lilo.conf to show:

boot=/dev/hda        (this has to be a drive, not a partition)
image= /wherever/your/boot/image/is
root = /the/partition/your/root/is/mounted
label = of_course_this_is_the_label_of_the_kernel_that_lilo_displays

eveything else that is needed should already be in that file. save it
and run /sbin/lilo to put LILO onto the MBR


Mark Penkower wrote:
> On My Cladera Open Linux 2.4 System, I can only boot from a rescue
> floppy.
> If I try to boot from the hard disk, I get an error message saying, hit
> any key to reboot.
> How do I get Lilo on the Master Boot Record.
> Thanks
> Mark Penkower


From: Adam Gorecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Kernel 2.4 / UIDs larger than 65535
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 07:10:49 +0100

Karl Beckers - Sun Germany - Systems Engineer wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> heard that the new Kernel 2.4 can handle uids larger than
> 65535 ... need that for NFS mounting off Solaris ...
> While the systems seems to accept the uid chown doesn't
> seem to allow me to chown that user any files.
> Seems to be about uid_t defined as int in GNU libc?!?
> Any chances to get this to work?
> Been trying rebuilding fileutils ... should I defined uid_t
> as unsigned log someplace?
> Any help appreciated,
> Karl.

I think you need glib 2.2.0 for this issue.
See on suse's homepage for description of new 7.1 package.

Kind regards,


Ford-Werke AG \ Adam Gorecki \ MD/DME-29
Henry-Ford-Str. 1 \ D-50735 Koeln
eMail private  Uni Duisburg :[EMAIL PROTECTED]
eMail business Ford-Werke AG:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else
Date: 21 Feb 2001 07:00:58 GMT

On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:58:52 -0500, Aaron Kulkis wrote:

>Wrong...Because the Demoncrook party has ALWAYS been in the business of
>protecting the financial interests of the socio-economic elite in this

That's why Bush's plan primarily benefits the richest 1%, right ? And it's
also why the democrats are opposing it -- because giving huge tax breaks
to all the millionaires is not in the interests of the socio-economic 
elite ?

>Very good.  And in this country...$$$$$ = Power.

No, they're not the same thing. For example, the president is one of the
worlds most powerful men, but probably not one of the worlds richest.

>Simple...if you're really benefits your efforts to keep--and acquire
>MORE--power, if special exceptions are written in to the tax law...just for you.
>Remember all of the "tax loopholes" that everybody complained about?
>Exactly *WHO* put them there?  Remember...The Demoncrooks controlled the
>House of Representatives CONTINOUSLY from 1944 to 1980, and the Senate for
>all but 4 years between 1944 and 1980.
>Are you going to buy into the argument that in the 2 seperate 2-year stints
>when the Republicans had a Senate majority, that they managed to ram ALL of

It's not as simple as that. To "control" the senate in any reasonable sense,
you need 60% (preferably 67%) of the seats. The senate rules basically imply
that a deadlock will ensue unless there is some compromise.

Donovan Rebbechi * * 
elflord at panix dot com


From: Gaurav Navlakha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Telnetd problems on Linux Mandrake 7.x
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 01:12:41 -0600

Hello everyone,

I have both inetd and xinetd on my installation.
As far as I know, xinetd uses the /etc/xinetd.d/*** files.

I used "/usr/sbin/inetdconvert telnet" to generate the file

Then I restarted the xinetd daemon. Earlier, when I tried telnetting (to
test whether the telnetd daemon is running or not), it used  to say:

Connected to 0.
Escape character is'^]'

and then Connection Refused...

But now after the third line (Escape character), it just hangs. Total

Can someone point out what may be wrong?

My /etc/xinetd.d/telnet file looks like this:

service telnet
    socket_type     = stream
    protocol        = tcp
    wait            = no
#I tried with wait = yes also, though that shouldn't be correct, right?
    user            = root
    server          = /usr/sbin/tcpd
    server_args     = in.telnetd
    disable         = no

I'm not sure which configuration files are really used here. Any help
(enlightenment) will be appreciated!



Subject: Re: Q: local host name cannot be resolved ?!?
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:37:42 +0100


> Do you have a line like this in your /etc/sysconfig/network file:

> It does not need to be fully qualified, but there should be something
> there.

[root@tornado /]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network

> What does "hostname" return:

[root@tornado /]# hostname

> Do you have an /etc/nsswitch.conf file? With a line like this:
> hosts:      files nis dns

[root@tornado /]# cat /etc/nsswicth.conf | grep hosts:
#hosts:   db files nisplus nis dns
hosts:     files nisplus nis dns

> The important part is that "files" be before "dns", if "nis" were
> important, you'd already know it.

Hmmm.. all seems in order. But when I try smbclient:

[bv@tornado bv]# smbclient //phil/cd6

It tells me hostname tornado cannot be resolved.

Bastian Voigt


Subject: Re: Q: local host name cannot be resolved ?!?
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:46:00 +0100

Terence Hoosen wrote:

> But if the problems still persist in other programs like ping or
> traceroute then a restart won't get you anywhere.

Ping is no problem. Surfing, e-mail, news (as you see :) ) works fine too.
Only the services on my local system, and smbclient, don't work at all. 
GNOME and the X-Server give me a error message at startup, but work 

> Hmm.  This problem is turning out to be quite fiddly - I definitely
> advise you check the things the other posters to this thread have
> suggested.

After the first boot of the newly installed Mandrake power failed after a 
short time. Could it be that some important script execution was 

Bastian Voigt


Subject: How to make Linux slim?
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 18:13:05 +0100


for my company I installed a linux "server" (an old Pentium I with 16 megs 
RAM) with the following services:

Samba           file- and authentication server, 4 win98 clients
Squid           caching http proxy, 3 megs RAM-cache, 100 megs disk-cache, 4
                win98 clients
isdn4linux      PPP-dialup networking
dhcpd           giving the win98 machines their ip-adresses
ssh             for remote administration

When all these services are running, the system is unbelievably slow, the 
startup takes over 3 minutes. How can I reduce the memory load?

At the moment I user kernel 2.2.14-15mdk from the Mandrake distro, would 
another kernel help (perhaps 2.4.1?), can it be configured to use less RAM?

thanks in advance for your help....

Bastian Voigt


From: Brian Cochrane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: POP3 server error: -ERR being read already /usr/spool/mail/<username>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:58:53 -0800

I hope someone can help me figure this out... web searches have so far
proven less than helpful.

The problem I'm having is when trying to fetch mail from my Linux box
with a POP3 client, I get the following error:

    -ERR being read already /usr/spool/mail/brian

If I telnet to port 110 and authenticate with USER and PASS, it gives
the same error.  I have discovered that if the maildrop
(/var/spool/mail/brian) is not present or is zero bytes, then I get

    +OK 0 messages ready for brian in /usr/spool/mail/brian

I have searched high and low for any stale lockfiles (in /tmp, /var/tmp,
/var/lock, var/spool/mail) and have found none.  I've even gone as far
as killing sendmail in case it was locking the luck.  ps
-ax shows no process that I can imagine would have any reason to lock
the maildrops.

A little background information:
    /usr/bin/in.pop3d tells me it's version 1.005l (that's a lowercase L
at the end, not a numeral 1).
    permissions on /var/spool/mail: drwxrwxr-x, user:root, group:mail
    permissions on /var/spool/mail/brian: -rw-rw----, user:brian,
    kernel is v2.0.34 (yes, I know it's old...but I had POP3 working on
this box before)
    distribution is Slackware v3.5.0

I'd love to get this working, but I'm out of ideas.

Brian Cochrane


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 01:07:36 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help...lost boot disk!!

Paul wrote:
> I have a linux/windows setup. Windows is on the master drive and linux is on
> the slave. For whatever reason, I really don't remember now, when I
> installed linux, I set it up so that I would have to use a boot floppy. When
> the boot floppy was inserted, I would get the lilo prompt which would start
> linux as the default. No lilo .... no linux. Well guess what,
> my boot floppy is currently unavailable (I will spare you the details) and I
> can no longer boot linux. What should I do?
> What I can do is mount the drive containing linux on another computer also
> running linux. I thought that it should be possible to copy the correct
> files from my problem hard drive to make a new boot floppy. Problem is that
> I have no idea what file would are required I thought that if I can somehow
> get linux to boot from the problem drive, maybe I could reinstall lilo.
> Could someone please advise me on how to proceed and where to look for help?
> Thanks
> Paul

You can mount the drive anywhere temporarily, e.g., from your other
machine or a Tom's root boot:

Then use the chroot command to make it believe the mount point is "/",
and run lilo again. If you don't want to use lilo, but keep using a
floppy, you can then use mkbootdisk to create a new floppy.



Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 01:11:38 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compile problems

Eric Ho wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just installed Slackware 7.1 (actually Slackware-current),
> and also upgraded the kernel to 2.4.1.
> Everything is ok, except my Sound Blaster 16 doesn't work anymore,
> and all of my K programs don't compile anymore. For example,
> when try to compile my favorite ICQ program (KICQ), it gives the
> following errors :
> bash-2.04# make
> make all-recursive
> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kicq-0.3.0'
> Making all in kicq
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kicq-0.3.0/kicq'
> Making all in pics
> make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kicq-0.3.0/kicq/pics'
> make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.

This "Nothing to be done for `all'" leads me to believe there is stale
code still there, compiled with your old system. Also be sure the
directory "/usr/include/kde/" exists, and that the user doing the
compile can cd there, and read files (those are the kde files it claims
below as missing).

> make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kicq-0.3.0/kicq/pics'
> c++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/kde/include 
>-I/usr/lib/qt/include   -O2 -Wall -c main.cpp
> In file included from main.cpp:8:
> mainwindow.h:8: ktopwidget.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from preferences.h:12,
>                  from mainwindow.h:21,
>                  from main.cpp:8:
> prefuser.h:8: kintegerline.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from preferences.h:13,
>                  from mainwindow.h:21,
>                  from main.cpp:8:
> prefserver.h:8: kintegerline.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from preferences.h:16,
>                  from mainwindow.h:21,
>                  from main.cpp:8:
> prefproxy.h:8: kintegerline.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from mainwindow.h:22,
>                  from main.cpp:8:
> findwindow.h:9: ktablistbox.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from findwindow.h:16,
>                  from mainwindow.h:22,
>                  from main.cpp:8:
> uinwidget.h:9: kintegerline.h: No such file or directory
> make[2]: *** [main.o] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kicq-0.3.0/kicq'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kicq-0.3.0'
> make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
> bash-2.04#
> Can someone tell me what I did wrong or what I can do to fix the
> problem ?
> Best Regards,
> Eric Ho


Subject: Can't connect to cups server. Check, check, and recheck your options!!!
Date: 21 Feb 2001 09:13:20 +0100

I've installed Mandrake 7.2 with CUPS 1.4. (security level=3Dmedium)
During installation all seems working fine: test page are printed, etc...
When Mandrake ask me if I whish LPD or CUPS I set CUPS
Once rebooted Linux... nothing!
- Kups displays the message "can't connect to cups server. Check your options!"
- /etc/printcap & cupsd.conf seem good.
- status of cupsd is "running"
- The error_log shows some errors like :
   Listening from 0000000:631
   E [blah] ... network unreachble... browsing stopped ... 
   and so on...
- Some intuitive manipulations to cupsd.conf does not reach any result.
- Web admin tool at port 631 works, but it doesn't display "no printers" installed
- If I try url http://localhost:631/printers/okipage, it shows my "okipage" info such 
as it is correctly installed and it correctly prints the test page.
- XPP doesn't show any printer on the combo above.
- A W98 workstation on my small network area (2 pc) can view (by Samba) the printer 
and can send a test page to it. But spooling file rests archived in /var/spool/samba 
and non sent to printer.

Is this a puzzle with any solution? It seems it doesn't recognize printers installed, 
but when I "force" the name on address row in its web admin tool, it works.
Can you help me?


Gianni Tommasi
Lecce (Italy)

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via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG


From: "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: fdisk /mbr, install issues
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:17:42 +0100

> this query is in response to a previous query i had about installing red
> linux 6.2 in a dual boot environment with windows me.  the original
> arose when i tried to partition /boot because my windows partition
> beyond the 1024 sector.  it was suggested that i do the following:
>     1. run "fdisk /mbr" from dos.
>     2. install red hat linux 6.2, choose to install lilo over the mbr
>     3. configure lilo to boot either linux or windows
> i just wanted to verify that this sounded correct, or if someone saw a
> problem with it.  this is my first stab at setting up a dual boot system,
> some of these things are new to me.  also, if i have a problem doing the
> above, is there a way to recover?  i guess what i would like to know is
> exactly does "fdisk /mbr" do, and how does one return to the state prior
> running it?

How would this solve anything?
/boot will still be above cyl. 1024, and DiskDruid will stilll complain.

fdisk /mbr just reinstalls the DOS bootcode, which means as much as:
boot from the active partition.

The best thing to do: shrink C: and make a /boot at the start of the HDD.



From: "Dan Martins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: enlightenment iconbox
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:19:41 GMT

There may be a more proper group to post this in, but i couldn't find
one, so..

I started using enlightenment as my window manager yesterday. I was
messing around and closed my iconbox, now i'm wondering how to start it
up again. I looked through all the options and couldn't find anything..

Any tips?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Subject: Re: runlevel 5 vs runlevel 3 + startx
Date: 21 Feb 2001 08:22:01 GMT

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001 03:12:08 GMT, japhilp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Advantages :
>1) you are saved the keystrokes.
>2) you get a graphical screen , instead of a text screen
>3) The user can select the desktop of choice with a dropdown listbox. I
>think with startx, one has to put some files into one's home directory, and
>edit them to achieve the same.
>The disadvantage is that if there's something wrong with X, you're rather
>inconvenienced. If you use startx, then one is dropped back to the cli
>terminal when x finishes/fails . Appropriate steps can be easily taken and
>startx reissued.
>For more , you'll have to wait for the more knowledgable to respond.

Actualy IMO it is a matter of personal preferences.  If you never use
anything but X-windows, by all means run at runlevel 5, so you can log
in directly to X-windows.  If you just use X-windows occasionaly, you
stick with startx.   



Subject: <Q> using lpr to number pages
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 08:53:13 GMT

Hi. is there a paramter I can pass to lpr to have it number the pages
when I print? I am tired of having to hand number documents every time
I print a web page from netscape :-)




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