Linux-Misc Digest #188, Volume #27               Wed, 21 Feb 01 17:13:02 EST

  Re: renaming 500+ files based on contents of an existing text file ("The Spook")
  Zipping an entire installation ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else (Aaron Kulkis)
  KDE2 update problems and solutions (Steve White)
  Re: Doom for Linux (Peter Petersen)
  Re: netscape lock file (Jeff Kempe)
  Re: Parallel port in 2.4 kernel (Thaddeus L Olczyk)
  Re: icq chat  port (Terence Hoosen)
  VARIABLE default ROUTE (Kevin)
  Re: *** Change standard file permissions *** ("Andrew G. Bacchi")
  Re: possible to change rc.d sequence? ("Andrew G. Bacchi")
  Re: Verify crontab, please ("Joe Knapp")
  bash scripting tips needed (sherror)
  Re: Netscape 4.76 with Junkbuster Proxy (Art)


From: "The Spook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: renaming 500+ files based on contents of an existing text file
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 21:14:29 +0100

Glitch wrote ...
-- Cut --
>Is it possible to make a shell script to read the output of the text
>file generated by f-prot and then search for the correct zip archive on
>the hard drive and have the shell script automatically rename teh zip
>file to the name of the virus f-prot found it be infected by?
>Here is what the output of f-prot looks like:
>C:\ZIP2\VIRII\UNIXLO~1.SH  Infection: Unix/LoveLetter
>C:\ZIP2\VIRII\VBSFRE~1.VBS  Infection: VBS/FreeLinks.A
>Infection: W95/Cerebrus.1482
>I'd have the shell script find anything after "Infection:" and make that
>the filename for the file listed on that same line.
> would be renamed to
-- Cut --

Of course it is possible -- it's Linux, ain't it ?-)

The following script would give you the outline (I've inserted your strings
from above into a variable for demonstration purposes, and I echo the
resulting filenames instead of renaming).

Beware of folded lines.

---- Begin: Cut here ----
#! /bin/bash
V='C:\ZIP2\VIRII\UNIXLO~1.SH  Infection: Unix/LoveLetter
C:\ZIP2\VIRII\VBSFRE~1.VBS  Infection: VBS/FreeLinks.A

IFS=" "
echo $V |
while read Line
  echo "$Line" | sed 's/.*Infection: //;s/.*\///'
---- End: Cut here ----



Subject: Zipping an entire installation
Date: 21 Feb 2001 20:31:54 GMT

        I've been playing around with Linux from Scratch to learn the
basic Linux system and not be afraid to fuck things up if I make a
mistake.  But reinstalling LFS takes hours with all the source
compiling. So I'd like to take a basic LFS install immediately after
completion, with nothing added except SSH, and zip it all up in its
perfect pristine state. Then after a screw up, I could just unzip the
whole thing and have a clean system again in a few minutes instead of
hours. I tried going to the root directory and tar/bzipping the whole
thing, but that didn't work. I don't have a CD-R, so this seems like the
best way to back it all up.  Any suggestions?

"We need your fax number in order to respect your wishes not to receive
        -- Microsoft Developer's Network


From: Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:40:09 -0500

Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:58:52 -0500, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> >Wrong...Because the Demoncrook party has ALWAYS been in the business of
> >protecting the financial interests of the socio-economic elite in this
> >country.
> That's why Bush's plan primarily benefits the richest 1%, right ? And it's

Wrong, on three counts.

Suppose you earned $2,000,000 this year...putting you into the
top 0.1% of income.  Would that mean that you are one of the
top 0.1% richest people in the country?

Come have a strong, math background, worthy of someon

Clue for the clueless.  The slope of a curve is NOT the same
thing as the area beneath it.

This is why SALES TAXES are far more ethical than income taxes.

Under Bush's plan, the top wage earners STILL pay the higest tax rates.


Do you have some particular problem with tax-relief being proportional
to how much taxes a person pays?

> also why the democrats are opposing it -- because giving huge tax breaks
> to all the millionaires is not in the interests of the socio-economic
> elite ?
> >Very good.  And in this country...$$$$$ = Power.
> No, they're not the same thing. For example, the president is one of the
> worlds most powerful men, but probably not one of the worlds richest.

Don't be so naive.

Not a single cent of government money gets spent without his signature,
or 2/3 override in BOTH houses.

By merely refusing to sign a piece of paper, the president causes
both houses of Congress to re-vote, AND raises the bar to 2/3 passage.

So..even though his salary isn't the greatest, he is powerful because
he has CONSIDERABLE influence upon the spending of TRILLIONS OF
more so than ANY other single person on the face of the earth.

And *THAT* is what makes the Pres. of the US so powerful.

> >Simple...if you're really benefits your efforts to keep--and acquire
> >MORE--power, if special exceptions are written in to the tax law...just for you.
> >
> >Remember all of the "tax loopholes" that everybody complained about?
> >
> >Exactly *WHO* put them there?  Remember...The Demoncrooks controlled the
> >House of Representatives CONTINOUSLY from 1944 to 1980, and the Senate for
> >all but 4 years between 1944 and 1980.
> >
> >Are you going to buy into the argument that in the 2 seperate 2-year stints
> >when the Republicans had a Senate majority, that they managed to ram ALL of
> >these tax loopholes through the DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES?
> It's not as simple as that. To "control" the senate in any reasonable sense,
> you need 60% (preferably 67%) of the seats. The senate rules basically imply
> that a deadlock will ensue unless there is some compromise.

Unless the president vetoes the tax-code changes, all that's needed is
a simple majority in both houses.

Which the Demoncrooks had almost continously from 1944 to 1994,
And they had a 10% margin for 75% of that time.

And yet, during those years, the tax-loopholes for "the rich"
certain friends of Democrats) multiplied like rabbits.

Why is that?

> --
> Donovan Rebbechi * *
> elflord at panix dot com

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve White)
Subject: KDE2 update problems and solutions
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 12:51:58 -0800

Yesterday I upgraded my RedHat 7.0 system's KDE to v. 2.0.1, 
using rpm's I found at

The upgrade did not proceed smoothly, but I've got it up and running.
Here's what I did.

First, there were some libraries missing, notably
which I got from

I had a lot of trouble with dependencies during the install.  I made
a big mistake by not going through and removing the old kde packages
first.  Anyway, I first installed 
   libmng and htdig
and then force-installed
The others then installed smoothly.

Next, I couldn't get any binary to run, including kbuildsycoca.  It
turns out that KDE2 is sensitive to old versions of qt being available.
I had been loading a qt1 version for backwards compatibility, but
to get kbuildsycoca to run, I edited
so that only qt 2.0.2 loaded. Then I ran ldconfig.

Next, kbuildsycoca reported some other errors like
    kio (KService*): WARNING: Invalid Service : gnome/System/UNIX.desktop
In the directory
I found files like "UNIX.desktop", which I moved out.  There are also 
entries in a file
that referred to these files.  I removed the references.

That made kbuildsycoca run!  At this point, other KDE2 apps would run.

Next, I tried to use "switchdesk" to switch from my GNOME desktop to 
KDE2.  Wouldn't work.  Finally, I just put "startkde" in my $HOME/.xinitrc 
file, and re-started X.  This started KDE, but I don't think it's a 
permanent solution.

KDE2 came up beautifully.  But my kpanel menus were all messed up.
Most were just showing a default icon.  Some were showing oversized icons.
I ran
   find /usr -name applnk
to find several directories with menu entries.  Specifically, I had
which I moved elsewhere, and then re-ran kbuildsycoca.

That cleared up most of the problems.  There were still a few glitchy
icons, which were cleared up by running kmenuedit (as root, for global
menu items, as my usual login for local ones).  The GNOME menus are
a big mess still though.  But they're a mess in GNOME, too.


Remove "nospam" from my name to reply by e-mail.


From: Peter Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Doom for Linux
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 22:08:04 +0100

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

>   I am a linux newbie so that is why I am asking this basic question. I 
>downloaded the Doom for Linux (its on the most popular list on 
> and put it on my linux computer. The question is: How do you 
>run it? I try and open sdoom or xdoom but it asks me what program I want 
>to use it with. What program do I want to use it with?


Don't just run doom without doing "cd" to the doom directory.
And, of course, there are the .wads you need, yes?

Something different:
What doom do you use?
There are several different versions around (lxdoom, legacy doom,
While this may be controversial, I am very pleased with prboom/glboom,
it runs very well in opengl and it gives me all the sounds (FX and
midi, the latter thanks to timidity which can be used for midi,
something very important to me, since I have enormous problems with my
not so well supported VIA AC97 onboard soundchip, which means that
normally there is no midi at all and that there is no quake sound,

Hope, this is of some help


From: Jeff Kempe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: netscape lock file
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:07:17 -0500

James Silverton wrote:

> Eric Wertman wrote:
> >
> > All-
> >
> > Netscape continues to complain about a $HOME/.netscape/lock file, when
> > no such file exists.  Anyone seen this and know the answer?  Thanks!
> >
> > Eric Wertman
> In my experience, it is usually caused by attempting to have more than
> one instance of Netscape open at the same time. I have even managed it
> by accidentally double-clicking the Netscape item in KDE!
> Jim
> --
> James V.  Silverton
> Potomac, Maryland.

What version of Netscape are you using?

I checked my own ~/.netscape/ (with ls -al) and the 'lock' link was there,
although it was broken (pointed to
an invalid socket). It doesn't seem to matter to my installation whether
that link is there or not. I can start as
many netscape sessions as I want.

My advice would be to get the latest distribution of Netscape (4.* ) and
reinstall it.

Jeff Kempe
Research Programmer
Physics Research and Education
London Regional Cancer Center
790 Commissioners Road East
London, Ontario
N6A 4L6

Office: (519) 685-8600 ext. 53318
Fax:    (519) 685-8658

Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thaddeus L Olczyk)
Subject: Re: Parallel port in 2.4 kernel
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 21:15:42 GMT

On 21 Feb 2001 17:50:01 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin
Croxen) wrote:

>When configuring your kernel for compiling, in addition to enabling the 
>parallel port support in the parallel port section, did you also enable 
>parallel port printing support in the "character mode device" section? 
>Without both enabled, your LJetII becomes a large doorstop, regardless of
>bios settings.
That fixed it!
You do have to admit it would have made a very effect doorstop though!


From: Terence Hoosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: icq chat  port
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 21:29:28 +0000

Mathias Rodenstein wrote:

> hi,
> i was just curious if anyone knew the port icq uses for chat...need to know
> tia, m

To connect to mirabilis your icq client takes any free non-restricted 
UDP port (ie. greater then 1023) communicate with mirbilis on UDP port 
4000 (on their side).

Whenever you initiate a msg or try to get information about a user from 
his/her client (eg. their n/a message) your icq client will take any 
free TCP port and use this to connect to your friend's client.

You must also have a range of tcp ports listening for direct conections.
I've read that these are usually between 1024 and 2000, and my 
experiments with netstat confirm this.

So basically, if you're setting up a (stateless) firewall, you have to 
allow a small window in which other clients can connect to yours.  Some 
ICQ clients (esp. linux ones) are highly configurable in this regard.




Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: VARIABLE default ROUTE
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 21:39:29 GMT

I would like for my default route to change based on whether or
not my ppp connection is up.  I thought that ppp would take over
the default route by adding "defaultroute" to /etc/ppp/options.
But, this doesn't seem to work.

pppd[32068]: pppd 2.3.10 started by dialout, uid 0
pppd[32068]: Using interface ppp0
pppd[32068]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
pppd[32068]: not replacing existing default route to eth0 [123.456.789.1]
pppd[32068]: local  IP address
pppd[32068]: remote IP address

How can I default route traffic through ppp0, when ppp is up, and
return to routing through eth0, when ppp is down?

Of course, I plan to have some static routes always to through
eth0, regardless of ppp state.  A later complication will be the
addition of eth1, a local intranet.


Unless otherwise noted, the statements herein reflect my personal
opinions and not those of any organization with which I may be affiliated.


From: "Andrew G. Bacchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: *** Change standard file permissions ***
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:41:56 -0500

Change the umask of the user you want to create the files as to 111.  A
umask is subtracted from the 777 permissions, so if you subtract 111
from 777 you wind up with permissions of 666.  Read 'man umask'.  Good

Werner Hofer wrote:
> Hi
> how can i change the standard file permission ( 644 ). I would not
> use every time the chmod command....
> I would like to generate files automaticly with the permisssions 666.
> How can i do that ? ( I have root permissions )
> Thanks a lot
> Werner Hofer

When all else fails, read the documentation.

Andrew G. Bacchi
Sr. System Administrator
Hanover, NH


From: "Andrew G. Bacchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: possible to change rc.d sequence?
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:50:10 -0500

I believe all you need to do is change the number in the symlink. 
Example:  S85xxxx will start later than S50xxxx.  Make sure you start
the dependencies earlier than the service, or you will have a bunch of
broken services.

Jan Vandesompele wrote:
> Hello,
> Can anyone tell me if it is possible to change the sequence of the rc.d
> scripts at bootup? So the sequence of the scripts like this: Sxxxxxx
> cheers,
> Jan Vandesompele

When all else fails, read the documentation.

Andrew G. Bacchi
Sr. System Administrator
Hanover, NH


From: "Joe Knapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Verify crontab, please
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:54:38 -0500

Warning: I think you may have been hacked. I came across your
message because I noticed the exact same problem on my
RedHat 6.2 machine and typed in the string "*/5 * * * * /usr/sbin/init"
into DejaNews and sure enough you noticed the same strange
crontab entry.

Here is the chronology:

On Feb. 19, I noticed that the "named" daemon was not running. It turned out
that the named executable was MISSING. The /var/log/messages file showed
that something bad
had happened:

Feb 19 06:07:47 copperas inetd[2706]: finger/tcp: unknown service
Feb 19 06:12:22 copperas inetd[2706]: /usr/sbin/nmbd (pid 2719): exit status
Feb 19 06:12:23 copperas inetd[2706]: /usr/sbin/nmbd (pid 2720): exit status
Feb 19 06:12:23 copperas inetd[2706]: /usr/sbin/nmbd (pid 2721): exit status
Feb 19 08:59:38 copperas inetd[2706]: /usr/sbin/nmbd (pid 3335): exit status
Feb 19 08:59:38 copperas inetd[2706]: netbios-ns/udp server failing (looping
being flooded), service terminated for 10 min

I reinstalled the bind package to recover named and everything appeared to
be OK. But then it turned out my cron jobs weren't running. This was the
output of crontab -l:

# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/cr0n installed on Mon Feb 19 06:07:47 2001)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
*/5 * * * * /usr/sbin/init

So it looks like the crontab was reloaded from a file /cr0n at 6:07:47 that
morning, the exact time as the finger entry in the messages file, right
before things got hosed. Furthermore,
the date on cron itself was:

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       318004 Feb 19 06:07 /usr/sbin/init

Urp! Someone modified init and set it up to run every five seconds!

There was also an in.smb file with the same timestamp.

Running strings on init yielded the following possibly suspicious output:

%s %s %s

Now, why would IP addresses be embedded in init?

Running nslookup on the above IP addresses yields:

I am still looking into this but be warned it might be some kind of crack
job. I haven't seen anything else so far, so if this thing is malicious it
hasn't sprung yet. Perhaps some kind of DOS attack in the making?


"Robert Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Because of some hardware problems involving my tape drive, I screwed
> around with crontab quite a bit in the past few days. With everything
> fixed, I decided to remove the extra entries in crontab. I was surprised
> to find they're already gone, along with the one I wanted to keep.
> That's no problem; it's just a matter of doing it again. What bothers me
> is an entry that I don't remember seeing before. Could someone verify
> this should be in RH6.0?
> [root@localhost rj]# crontab -l
> # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
> # (/tmp/crontab.20475 installed on Tue Feb 13 06:00:08 2001)
> # (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp
> $)
> */5 * * * * /usr/sbin/init
> Looks like I'm running init every 12 seconds.
> Thanks
> --
> It is better to live rich than to die rich.
>                 -- Samuel Johnson
>   6:06am  up 2 days, 13:58,  2 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.12, 0.07


From: sherror
Subject: bash scripting tips needed
Date: 21 Feb 2001 21:18:39 GMT

Need some tips on making some scripts.
Is it possible to parse an alias like a command?
Say you have an alias, using bash, that is something like:

alias bigdirpath='/usr/local/src/big/long/pathname'

And say that directory has a bunch of files in it.
How could I parse the alias so I could use the TAB key afterwards
to see the files in that directory?
I'm sure there is a billion ways to do this, but I'm just learning and in need of some 
tips. Or maybe there is a totally different way to do this, like making a executable 

Posted via
Linux Programmer's Site


Subject: Re: Netscape 4.76 with Junkbuster Proxy
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 22:01:56 GMT

Fred Smith wrote:

> Have you tried using the explicit IP address of localhost instead of 
> the text "localhost" ? I've seen that sometimes work differently with
> some browsers...


Your idea worked.  Thanks for the help.

What also worked was putting the local address on the Netscape command
line, ie:  "$ netscape", but your way is cleaner.




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