Linux-Misc Digest #207, Volume #27               Fri, 23 Feb 01 20:13:02 EST

  why /dev/sdx# is a truly unsafe way to refer to physical devices (David Mathog)
  Re: Odd Question (David)
  Re: mirror terminal window to remote? (steve)
  Re: Linux "error 0x10" (jayslattery)
  Re: Odd Question (Richard Kimber)
  Re: Size of LINUX (Rolie Baldock)
  Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else (Byron A Jeff)
  Re: Size of LINUX (Rolie Baldock)
  Re: Help: apache access denied...problems (Mark Post)
  Re: Seperate firewall machine delema (Warren Bell)
  Re: Linux "error 0x10" (jayslattery)
  Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else (Byron A Jeff)
  Re: Seperate firewall machine delema (Mark Post)
  Re: surviving in a Windows only environment? (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: SSH to RH6.2 through a firewall?? (Micke)
  ...and there was a bootdisk, but He didn't see it was Good... (Robbert Haarman)
  get POP3 accounts ("Jean-Pierre Bergamin")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Mathog)
Subject: why /dev/sdx# is a truly unsafe way to refer to physical devices
Date: 23 Feb 2001 23:11:31 GMT

I never much cared for the Linux convention of /dev/sdx# for referring to
scsi disks.  Now I've got a reason to really hate it.  On one linux system 
I have 5 scsi disks and /dev/sdb had been acting up so after rebooting (for
unrelated reasons) I went to run badblock on it.  With -w.  I had rebooted 
into a mode that doesn't mount anything but the root disk.  Well guess what
folks, on this reboot that disk did not come up.  Because I didn't try to 
mount it no messages appeared to that effect, but the disks were all 
renamed with c->b, d->c, e->d.  Consequently the badblock command munched
the disk that had been, for every other boot, /dev/sdc.  You guessed it -
the users' files.  I had backups, but it's taking a while to restore

There's a very good reason VMS and other Unix's store controller, disk, and 
partition infromation in the device names and don't renumber like this!

Is there an alternate scsi driver around that will use a syntax more like
Irix or Solaris ie: 

   generic           specific         current
   /dev/sdCdDpP      /dev/sd0d2p4     /dev/sdc4


  C controller number
  D disk number (scsi lun)
  P partition

Or is the "short" device form so deeply embedded into Linux that using the
long form would break things? 


David Mathog
Manager, sequence analysis facility, biology division, Caltech 


Subject: Re: Odd Question
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 23:23:16 GMT

Lipid wrote:
> THis is kind of funny...
>    I was tar'ing some files the other day and I created a file that can not
> be deleted. Basically, I used the tar cvf option, but instead of putting my
> filename after the 'f', I accidently used the '--attime-preserve' option.
>    This created a huge file called '--attime-preserve' and I can not delete
> it.
>    When I try, it gives me the following errors:
> # rm --atime-preserve
> rm: unrecognized option `--atime-preserve'
> Try `rm --help' for more information.
>    Tried to rename it then delete:
> # mv --atime-preserve
> mv: unrecognized option `--atime-preserve'
> Try `mv --help' for more information.
>    Any suggestions?
>    Thanks,
>    Bo

Try:  rm -f -- --atime-preserve

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more W/U's than 99.083% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (steve)
Subject: Re: mirror terminal window to remote?
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 23:27:18 -0000

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 22:03:20 GMT, Bob Hauck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 20:36:30 -0000, steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I would like to login remotely to a Linux box (running X) and open
>>an xterm on the remote host's display that would echo my keystrokes.
>>In this  way, someone at the console of the remote host could watch
>>what I'm doing. 
>VNC allows more than one viewer to connect to a display using the
>"-shared" switch.  You and the remote user could both connect to the
>same VNC server and view each other's actions.  Would that be close
>enough to solve your problem?
> -| Bob Hauck
> -| Codem Systems, Inc.
> -|

actually, I'm looking for something built-in to X. I always see/hear bits
about Vincent Zeiwe (forve the spelling) REMOTE-X-HOWTO, and how insecure
X is, because people can read your keystrokes, if for instance, you use xhost+
so I'm wondering: how would one go about doing this, for a perfectly benign 
cause :-) ?
Steve S.

remove CLOTHES before replying


From: jayslattery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux "error 0x10"
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 23:30:06 -0000

Hey guys,  thanks for the guidance so far.  I did not use fdisk to 
partition.  I used partition magic.  So, below is the info provided to me 
by Partition Magic:
Disk    Partition     Type        Size     Used     Status     Pri/Log
1       *./boot       LinuxExt2   23.5     3.2      None       Primary
1       *.            Extended    8440.4   8440.4   None       Primary
1       *./           LinuxExt2   8369.8   1115.6   None       Logical
1       *.SWAPSPACE2  Linux Swap  70.6     0        None       Logical
1       C:            FAT32       20159.7  13259.8  Active     Primary

That's the info I've currently got.  It seems odd to me that the second 
line item has been completely used.  There is no available space left in 
this partition.  Is this right?  Does anyone  know why it is like this?  
Also, would it make sense for me to undo the partitions I made and 
reinstall RH 7 with the partitionless option?  Hope you can help.  thanks 
again in advance.

Posted via CNET


From: Richard Kimber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Odd Question
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 23:47:06 +0000

Lipid wrote:

> THis is kind of funny...
>    I was tar'ing some files the other day and I created a file that can
>    not
> be deleted. Basically, I used the tar cvf option, but instead of putting
> my filename after the 'f', I accidently used the '--attime-preserve'
> option.
>    This created a huge file called '--attime-preserve' and I can not
>    delete
> it.
>    When I try, it gives me the following errors:
> # rm --atime-preserve
> rm: unrecognized option `--atime-preserve'
> Try `rm --help' for more information.
>    Tried to rename it then delete:
> # mv --atime-preserve
> mv: unrecognized option `--atime-preserve'
> Try `mv --help' for more information.
>    Any suggestions?
>    Thanks,
>    Bo

Try escaping the --s , or (assuming you have no simliarly named files) 
using *atime*.  The latter is reasonably safe if you have the -i option 
enabled, as you are presented with each filename separately.

Richard Kimber


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rolie Baldock)
Subject: Re: Size of LINUX
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 00:06:54 GMT

Hello Grant,

WOW!!!!   Now we are really getting somewhere. The servers simply
provide files from the SCSI disks to the workstations. Nothing more
and nothing less. The files are both programs and data. Example:

MASM and LINK, and . ASM files, .OBJ files and .EXE files

Hope from this example you get the simple picture.


On Thu, 22 Feb 2001 23:10:32 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rolie Baldock wrote:
>>drives attached to 2 servers. The servers are connected to 2 or
>>more workstations which run an old version of DOS. It all works
>>fine with the 2 servers (one at a time) providing access to the
>>appropriate SCSI disks (which are in caddies and can be plugged
>>in as required).  My web connection is done through a separate
>>machine altogether. What I am wondering is: Can I run LINUX in
>>the two servers to which the various SCSI drives are connected,
>>without major DRAMAs.
>Probably, but  you have to tell us what you want the servers
>to _do_.  They apparently server files to DOS machines.  Linux
>does that admirably.
>Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I was born in a
>                                  at               Hostess Cupcake factory
>                                 before the sexual
>                                                   revolution!

--Rolie Baldock.  email:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subtract one thousand and nine for direct email


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Byron A Jeff)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else
Date: 23 Feb 2001 19:05:59 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Aaron Kulkis  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Donovan Rebbechi wrote:
>> On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:58:52 -0500, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
>> >Wrong...Because the Demoncrook party has ALWAYS been in the business of
>> >protecting the financial interests of the socio-economic elite in this
>> >country.
>> That's why Bush's plan primarily benefits the richest 1%, right ? And it's
>Wrong, on three counts.


A long time ago we agreed to disagree on this subject. However I can't 
resist responding.

>Suppose you earned $2,000,000 this year...putting you into the
>top 0.1% of income.  Would that mean that you are one of the
>top 0.1% richest people in the country?

Nope. It's the difference between total net worth and total net/gross income
for one year.

To clarify: B. Gates would be one of the richest people in the world even if
he never earned another dime in his lifetime.

Point taken.

>Come have a strong, math background, worthy of someon
>Clue for the clueless.  The slope of a curve is NOT the same
>thing as the area beneath it.
>This is why SALES TAXES are far more ethical than income taxes.

Here's the problem with sales taxes (which by definition taxes one's 
consumption instead of one's income): its normally presented as a flat tax.
Its regressiveness impacts the folks with the least disposable income the

If you proffered a progressive sales tax, I might bite:

1) All sales tax on the first X dollars spent exempted.
2) Sales tax becomes steeper as you spend more total dollars.
3) Luxury taxes on items over a certain amount.
4) No income or capital gains taxes.

This might work. One is taxed on what one spends, and one is taxed more as
one spends more. No tax at all unless you spend it.

Might work.

>Under Bush's plan, the top wage earners STILL pay the higest tax rates.

Not really relevant for two reasons:

1) Lots of tax loopholes.
2) The resulting disposable income is still significant.

Go back to your $2,000,000 income earner. Even after paying the top 28%
tax, the over $1 million is disposable income is infinitely more than
the thousands of $50000 earners who has little or no disposable income yet
are still being taxed.

That's why I kind of like the progressive sales tax, because it can target
those with the most disposable income. Also it'll spur savings/investing
across the board because those dollars won't be taxed.

>Do you have some particular problem with tax-relief being proportional
>to how much taxes a person pays?

Yes. You knew that was coming.

Like many Democrats, I do believe in income redistribution. Forced charity
is probably what you'd call it. I believe in it because income and net worth
acquistion isn't fair. I know you believe that if you work hard, you'll become
rich, or at least comfortable. Those who do not or are incapable of raising
their standard of living you have labeled as lazy or stupid in the past. But
we are not all born into the same circumstance. We don't all have the
opportunity to be that $2,000,000 earner, or Mark Cuban, or Gates. We don't
all get a chance to inherit, like a Rockerfeller. Many of the richest
people in the world became that way be being married to, family of, or
children to someone who built the fortune. They got all the benefit without
doing the hard work. Income/asset acquisition isn't fair, not by a long shot.

So yes I do believe that taxation according to disposable income, or net worth
should in fact be a bit unfair. so as to provide benefit to the maximum number
of people, instead of benefitting a select few, who in fact need the benefit
the least.

So I do have a problem with any equal taxation (flat rate). Through exemption,
proportial taxation, and targeted refunds there should always be a positive
flow of dollars from those with the highest disposable income to those with
little or no disposable income. I could agree with the sales tax outlined
above for example. But unless the $2 million earner either saves, invests,
or gives money to charity, they'll be taxed and the benefit will go to
folks who don't/won't make $2 million over their whole lifetime.

If you take $10000 away from a $2 million earner or a $2 billion net worth,
there's barely a drop, much less a ripple. However take that $10000 away from
someone earning $26500 a year and watch the devestating impact.

It's about disposable income Aaron. Those who have it should give. Those
who don't should get help. It ain't fair in your world view. But life isn't
fair. Which is exactly my point.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rolie Baldock)
Subject: Re: Size of LINUX
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 00:13:03 GMT

Hello Glitch,

OLD and SLOW, Don't give a HOOT what you call me. I have been too busy
doing Electrical engineering to follow up the subtleties of the
computer software world. As I said, I have a system to do electrical
engineering and it does it well, but my friends say LINUX would do it
better. But like me they are too busy to tell me how to do it, and if
I can do it in my existing hardware.

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 00:56:40 -0500, Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Grant Edwards wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rolie Baldock wrote:
>> >drives attached to 2 servers. The servers are connected to 2 or
>> >more workstations which run an old version of DOS. It all works
>> >fine with the 2 servers (one at a time) providing access to the
>> >appropriate SCSI disks (which are in caddies and can be plugged
>> >in as required).  My web connection is done through a separate
>> >machine altogether. What I am wondering is: Can I run LINUX in
>> >the two servers to which the various SCSI drives are connected,
>> >without major DRAMAs.
>> Probably, but  you have to tell us what you want the servers
>> to _do_.  They apparently server files to DOS machines.  Linux
>> does that admirably.
>Rolie is a little slow. Give him time and eventually he will actually
>answer teh question needed to be answered so that others in here can
>help him with greater accuracy.

--Rolie Baldock.  email:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subtract one thousand and nine for direct email


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Post)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Help: apache access denied...problems
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 00:23:39 GMT

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001 23:45:57 GMT, goble@gtech (David. E. Goble) wrote:

>So now I got it working again, I still do not know what went wrong. I
>did not bother to try to compare the two files ( sic did not know how

diff -U 999 oldhttpd.conf newhttpd.conf | less

Mark Post

Postmodern Consulting
Information Technology and Systems Management Consulting
To send me email, replace 'nospam' with 'home'.


From: Warren Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Seperate firewall machine delema
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 16:27:29 -0800

> Warren Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > behind the firewall.  How can I pass all requests for HTTP, FTP and mail
> > through the firewall machine to the internal one?  Can I do this with
> > ipchains?  I've heard this is the best way to set up a firewall but
> > can't figure out what to use for this.
> Use "ipmasqadm portfw" for this (there are other ways, but that's what
> I use).

Thanks.  I have ipmasqadm installed but what are the other ways?


From: jayslattery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux "error 0x10"
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 00:30:04 -0000

Hey guys, not sure if my last post went through so i'll post again.  I did 
not use fdisk to partition.  I used partition magic.  Here is the info 
that Partition Magic gives me:

Disk  Partition     Type      Size     Used    Status     Pri/Log
1     *./boot       LinuxExt2  23.5    3.2     None        Pri
1     *.            Extended   8440.4  8440.4  None        Pri
1     *./           LinuxExt2  8369.8  1115.6  None        Log
1     *.SWAPSPACE2  Linux Swap 70.6    0       None        Log
1     C:            FAT32      20159.7 13270.3 Active      Pri

I used the wizard in partition magic to develop the partitions for a Linux 
install.  It seems really odd that line 2 (Extended type) is completely 
used up.  That can't be right, can it?  Also does it make sense for me to 
return my partitions to normal (just C:) and reinstall RedHat 7 with the 
partitionless install option?  Are there any downsides to this option?  I 
hope someone can help.  Feel free to email me as well at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thanks in advance for the help.
jayslattery wrote:
> so i managed to install redhat 7.  after finishing the install, i get 
> black screen and some various system messages.  one looked odd, saying 
> that some file failed because it was too large.  odd since, i've 
> partitioned 8 GB for the linux section of my hard drive.  thought 
> of it.  when i install the emergency disc to bring up lilo (currently 
> only way i can access it) i press enter, and i get the following: "error 
> 0x10"  i've looked everywhere and haven't been able to find the meaning 
> this error or the solution.  i have an athlon processor, maybe that is 
> part of the problem.  please help!! i'm getting more frustrated with 
> windows by the day and am anxious to start linux.  thanks in advance.
> --
> Posted via CNET

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Byron A Jeff)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else
Date: 23 Feb 2001 19:27:48 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Wed, 21 Feb 2001 23:14:47 -0500, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
>>2.  Death Taxes are the LEADING cause of failure for businesses 
>>that last more than 10 years....not to mention an INCREDIBLE burden
>>upon farming families.
>Must be very well-to-do "farming families". What's the threshold again ?
>IIRC you don't pay a cent unless you're a millionaire. 

I did want to address this one point. The problem with many farms is the
disparity between the net worth of the farm vs. its yearly income. It
becomes an issue of a farm being worth more dead than alive.

Consider the situation where the farm is valued at $2 million because of
the land, stock, and equipment. However the farm only generates $75000 a year.
Millionare on paper, ordinary guy in reality.

The owner dies. Two equally horrible outcomes ensues:

1) The family goes into debt to pay the estate tax. One bankrupt family.

2) The family sells the farm and pays the tax. They cannot buy another farm
with the resulting cash. One dead farm, and one displaced family.

What the family probably wanted was to simply continue to own the farm and work
it, making the $75000 a year. But that dream is gone.

Now dropping the estate tax isn't the way to solve the problem either. Then you
get the situation where billions of dollars get passed from one estate to
another completely untaxed.

Better would be a system where the tax only comes due in a couple of

1) The estate is in fact sold. You liquidate within 5-10 years of death, you
pay the tax.
2) The estate is worth enough that it can withstand the tax hit. This 
probably need to be computed using a mix of actual worth and income potential.
But it isn't cut and dried. Raising the estate limit could serve the same
purpose. Say $15 million or so. A $15 million farm could be sold, taxed and
the proceeds used to buy another farm. Or it could be determined that the
$15 million valuation only returns $350k a year which isn't enough income
to support the tax hit. Like I said, it's fuzzy.

In this new situation, the family simply keeps and works the farm, which is 
what they wanted to do anyway.

But what something's worth isn't the same as what it can earn. That's where 
the problem occurs.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Post)
Subject: Re: Seperate firewall machine delema
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 00:36:34 GMT

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001 20:07:18 -0800, Warren Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have Mandrake 7.2 as my main machine connected to the net running
>HTTP, FTP and mail.  Then I have my windows machine networked to it and
>using it's connection to the internet through ipchains. What I want to
>do is add a third machine running Linux just as the firewall machine. 
>This will be the main machine with the net connection but not running
>any services.  Then I want my current machine running all the services
>behind the firewall.  How can I pass all requests for HTTP, FTP and mail
>through the firewall machine to the internal one?  Can I do this with
>ipchains?  I've heard this is the best way to set up a firewall but
>can't figure out what to use for this.

ipchains and 'ipmasqadm portfw' will do what you want.

Mark Post

Postmodern Consulting
Information Technology and Systems Management Consulting
To send me email, replace 'nospam' with 'home'.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: surviving in a Windows only environment?
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 00:51:45 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Georg Schwarz wrote:
>Is there a way to survive (with Linux) in a Windows only environment?
>More precisely, the company is using W2K and Office 2K. There's heavy
>usage of Word and PowerPoint attachments as well as Outlook's calendar
>function. The only mail server is MS Exchange and does not speak POP3 or
>IMAP (AFAIK). File access is provided by Netbui over TCP/IP. There's no
>NTP server to synchronize clocks (just some proprietary Windows method).
>Could Sun's StarOffice be of help here? Any other ideas?
Yes .. it's an OS, not a religious issue, so behave like a professional
and use what the company supplies or change jobs.

Take care,

\ Real name     : Juergen Heinzl                \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /


Subject: Re: SSH to RH6.2 through a firewall??
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 01:00:05 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bo Berglund wrote:
>How can I connect to my RH 6.2 machine if I install SSH?
>The machine sits behind a NAT firewall (dedicated box) on which I can
>set up port forwarding to any computer inside the firewall. By default
>only outgoing connections are allowed but I can open up any TCP or UDP
>port and specify which internal computer should handle the traffic.
>So how do I set this up so I can connect through the Internet to my
>Linux box, but only using SSH?

Guess this will do for a start..

ipchains -A input -P tcp --dport xxxxx -j ACCEPT -l
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $IPDDR xxxxx -R 192.x.x.x 22

>Bo Berglund

Finding out what goes on in the C.I.A. is like performing acupuncture
on a rock.
                -- New York Times, Jan. 20, 1981


From: Robbert Haarman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ...and there was a bootdisk, but He didn't see it was Good...
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 02:04:44 +0000

Howdy folks,

I am trying to make a linux bootdisk, just to see how that works, but I never get it 
to work.
I want a small (modularized) kernel, and a compressed disk image, so that I can have a 
reasonable amount of tools on one disk.
I compiled the kernel with ide (I also use it on my HDD), ext2, fat, msdos, vfat, 
minix, ramdisk, initrd (hope I didn't miss anything) support.
I tried the following methods to make the bootdisk:

1. Transfer the kernel and disk image to the bootdisk, then use rdev (described in 

Writing the disk image fails:

# dd if=bzImage of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k
690+1 records in
690+1 records out
# dd if=rootfs.gz of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k seek=691
dd: advancing past 691 blocks in output file `/dev/fd0': Permission denied

This happens even though I'm root.

So I thought: let's just write it to a file, then dump that to disk.

# dd if=bzImage of=image bs=1k
690+1 records in
690+1 records out
# dd if=rootfs.gz of=image bs=1k seek=691
567+1 records in
567+1 records out
# dd if=image of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k
1258+1 records in
1258+1 records out

I thought "well that's it, let's reboot".
Obviously, I forgot to rdev, so I booted from floppy, but everything was just as if I 
booted from HD (loading the kernel took a bit longer :-) ).

So I did (as instructed by the bootdisk-HOWTO):

# rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/fd0
# rdev -R /dev/fd0 0
# rdev -r /dev/fd0 17075

Now, rebooting resulted in the normal "Loading......." being displayed, and after a 
while, a reboot.
I suppose the kernel gets loaded, but causes a reboot as soon as it's executed.
Anyway, I gave up on this method, and decided to try the next method.

2. Use lilo to put it on the bootdisk (also described in bootdisk-HOWTO)

Here, lilo fails with the message:

Reading boot sector from /dev/fd0
Fatal: open /dev/fd0: Permission denied

I couldn't figure out why exactly it fails or how to prevent it.

Deciding was unable to create a bootdisk myself, I thought I might just as well 
download a bootdisk and customize it.

3. Use an existing syslinux bootdisk

I downloaded a trinux disk image, which happened to be a DOS diskette, using 
ldlinux.sys to load a kernel and a ramdisk.
I tested the disk and it worked fine.
Then I replaced the supplied bzimage by my own bzImage.
Booting from floppy now resulted in the message (after a lot of normal kernel 

request_module[block-major-1]: Root fs not mounted
VFS: Cannot open root device "ram" or 01:00
Kernel panick:  VFS:  Unable to mount root fs on /dev/ram

I tried changing /dev/ram to /dev/ramdisk, /dev/ram0 /dev/initrd, but that didn't work 
Changing it to /dev/fd0 gives a message:

Warning: This kernel has no ramdisk support

Everything seems to work, though, but of course I didn't have all the init stuff on 
the DOS disk.
The weird thing is that I configured my kernel to have ramdisk support, but it says it 
hasn't got it?!
That explains a lot I guess...but what to do about it?

Can anyone please help me out?

Ash nazg durbatuluk
Ash nazg gimbatul
Ash nazg thrakatuluk
Agh burzumishi krimpatul


From: "Jean-Pierre Bergamin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: get POP3 accounts
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 02:05:59 +0100

Hello there

Could you give me a hint how I can get all POP3 accounts?

I want to write a script that adds all the accounts in a mysql-database (for
a webmail reader so that every user also gets an
account for the mailreader.





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