Linux-Misc Digest #281, Volume #27                Sun, 4 Mar 01 17:13:03 EST

  Re: Help with printing to other host ("John Gill")
  Re: how to change root password (Michael Heiming)
  Is gnome pronounced "nome" or "Gee-nome" ??? ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
  Re: rpm unpacking problem (Marcin Tustin)
  Goodwins Law: Thread now dead (Was: Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else) 
("Edward Rosten")
  Linux & Win share mail files on dual boot pc (Stevenson)
  Virus checker for Linuix? (Chris Gordon-Smith)
  Re: Is gnome pronounced "nome" or "Gee-nome" ??? (Jan Schaumann)
  Re: Virus checker for Linuix? (Penpal International)
  Re: Virus checker for Linuix? (Chris Gordon-Smith)
  Re: Virus checker for Linuix? (Jean-David Beyer)
  Multiple ISP's (Penpal International)
  Re: how to play .mp3 files on Linux Mandrake? (Sinner from the Prairy)
  Re: LILO + Mylex 170 (John in SD)
  Re: LILO graphical boot message (John in SD)
  Re: LILO and second master hard-disk (John in SD)


From: "John Gill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with printing to other host
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 19:39:43 GMT

Well, yes I can ping the host.  To be clear, the "host" is not another
Linux/Unix machine.  I have the option of using an NT server with printer
attached, or a print server (Emulex MIO tcp/ip adapter in an HP printer).

I got nowhere with the Emulex print server (although it works fine printing
from NT -- which is an lpd type service), so I tried with an NT server.
Thinking about it now, I think I need to do something with Samba to get
Linux to recognize the NT based printer.

-- JJG

"Jean-David Beyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> John Gill wrote:
> >
> > I running Red Hat 7.0 Linux and cannot print to a printer resident on
> > another host.  I have setup the printer using PRINTTOOL in Red Hat, and
> > used the lpd/lpr setup, trying both the name of the host and the IP
> > of the host, and for "queue" I gave the name of the printer as it exists
> > the host.
> >
> > Nothing seems to work.  At this point, I am wondering if lpd is working
> > properly.  What tests can I perform to debug the lpd and lpr process ?
> >
> > -- John
> Can you ping from your machine without the printer to the machine with
> the printer?
> On the machine with the printer, is there a file /etc/hosts.lpd with
> the IP address of your other machine in it?
> On your machine without the printer, does the /etc/printcap file look
> something like this?


Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 20:09:21 +0100
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to change root password

richard noel fell wrote:

> Referring to my previous post, I found tomsbrt rescue disk and that
> works fine. Now, in my /etc/password file, I have the line
> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
> I have to edit this so root does not have a password upon reboot from
> the hard drive. One reference says to enter
> root::0:0:root:/:/bin/sh. Is this correct since there are some not so
> subtle differences between the two lines.

Nope, you don't write what distro you youse, mine (SuSE) uses shadow
password system,
you find the crypted version of your password in


Delete the bsgfbsfber)&ZF, save this file and reboot, you should now be
able to login as root
without a password...set a new one...

Good luck

Michael Heiming

> Thanks,
> Dick Fell


Subject: Is gnome pronounced "nome" or "Gee-nome" ???
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 12:13:47 -0800

Is gnome pronounced "nome" or "Gee-nome" ???
I believe it is "noMe" but a friend of mine says otherwise. Can anyone
please add to this?



Please send me an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Marcin Tustin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: rpm unpacking problem
Date: 4 Mar 2001 20:14:29 GMT

Tommy Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # rpm -i /floppy/g77.rpm

> unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/
> 2.95.2/f771
> cpio: read failed - Bad filedescriptor

> -- 

>       What does that mean? Were my downloads bad, my floppys busted,
> and/or did I do something incredibly stupid? 
>       I do have the directory /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/
> 2.95.2 on my filesystem. I do not yet have f771 there, it is
> actually the purpose of the whole exercise to get it installed.
> The SuSE 7.0 distro that I bought has a gcc compiler which wants f771,
> but Yast does not seem capable of installing f771 from the CD.

        Lets look at the likely scenarios that might produce this:
(Apologies if any of this insults your intelligence, as 1 might)
1) You used text/ascii mode to download a binary file via ftp. (If you used a browser, 
use a propoer ftp client this time)
2) You used busted floppies (you did use different floppies?)
3) the rpm is fucked on the server side.

        If 3, try getting the tarball, and installing from there. Note that you may 
have to set options within the install scripts to get it to install with your setup.


From: "Edward Rosten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.test,misc.test
Subject: Goodwins Law: Thread now dead (Was: Re: MS to Enforce Registration - or Else)
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 20:34:03 +0000

>>>> The fact is that after the government privatised the railways, safety
>>>> went down the tube and they're having to bail out the company that
>>>> owns th railways with more public money.
>>> Lousy management is its own reward.
>>> Of course, since you guys have become sooooooo fucking socialist, all
>>> of
>>Yeah, sure. Whatever.
>>> your best managers left LONG ago for the United States.
>>So its come down to "my country is better than yours" arguments. This is
>>my last word on this thread.
> I suppose we can throw in a gratuitous mention of Nazi conspiracies and
> Hitler.
> Ooops! I guess I killed the thread. :-)


*******FUCK******* Goodwin


> All discussions on Usenet will, no matter the original topic, devolve
> into an argument about one or more of a couple dozen recurring themes.
> These themes have been floating around the net for years and show no
> signs of dying.

Goodwin was right to an extent. All threads eventually turn in to a
discussion of one of a very limited number of topics. Nazis are just one
of those topics. I don't think there can be much more than about 6 of

> All discussions will become cross-posted to more and more irrelevant
> newsgroups. If left unchecked, they would be cross-posted to every
> single newsgroup eventually.

Good idea :-)


                                                     | Edward Rosten
                                                     | u98ejr@ 
             This argument is a beta version.        | ecs.ox


From: Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux & Win share mail files on dual boot pc
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 15:52:40 -0500

My goal is to be able to get/send mail from my ISP whether logged in as
Linux or Windows AND have 1 single set of mail files that I can examine
from either Linux or Windows.   I work about 1/2 the time booted on
each, so this would be handy.

I have a dual boot pc with one of the windows partitions read/writeable
to linux.  Win 95, Redhat Linux 6.2, Intel pentium desktop.
I could upgrade to W2K, but have no compelling reason, yet.

I have Netscape 4.75 working under Windows.
I have Netscape 4.72 working under Linux (can be upgraded to 4.75). 
I almost have it working but I think Netscape uses a different set of
summary files for Linux & windows.  I might be able to softlink the
linux name to the windows name. 

Ideally, I'd like to use MS Outlook on Windows (let's not get
sidetracked with MS comments) & Netscape or Mozilla on Linux.

I thought I'd run it past a couple netscape & linux newsgroups before
proceeding, in case anyone else has already done it or finds it
interesting.    This is the 1st time I've looked under the hood at

My ultimate goal is quick, consistent access to my email.  Maybe I'm
barking up the wrong tree.   Maybe there's a different solution.
Any advice is appriciated.

Chuck Stevenson


From: Chris Gordon-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Virus checker for Linuix?
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 21:09:26 +0000

I've been running Linux for a month or so now and have yet to come across a 
virus checker. It would be nice to think that the apparent lack of such 
tools is due to viruses being less common in the Linux world than 
elsewhere. However, I assume that viruses do exist in the Linux / Unix 

Can anyone recommend a good virus checker for Linux?

Chris Gordon-Smith
London UK


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Schaumann)
Subject: Re: Is gnome pronounced "nome" or "Gee-nome" ???
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 21:08:42 GMT

> Is gnome pronounced "nome" or "Gee-nome" ???
> I believe it is "noMe" but a friend of mine says otherwise. Can anyone
> please add to this?

> Please send me an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

$ cat /dev/null | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Jan Schaumann <>

We are Microsoft.  Unix is irrelevant.  Openness is futile.  Prepare
to be assimilated.


From: Penpal International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Virus checker for Linuix?
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 21:09:55 GMT

Virus are almost non-existance under linux. The are a few, but they
don't affect the system if they aren't invoked as root. 
You really don't have to worry about virusses under linux...

Chris Gordon-Smith wrote:
> I've been running Linux for a month or so now and have yet to come across a
> virus checker. It would be nice to think that the apparent lack of such
> tools is due to viruses being less common in the Linux world than
> elsewhere. However, I assume that viruses do exist in the Linux / Unix
> world.
> Can anyone recommend a good virus checker for Linux?
> Chris Gordon-Smith
> London UK


From: Chris Gordon-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Virus checker for Linuix?
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 21:29:06 +0000

Thanks.  I hope it stays that way.

Chris Gordon-Smith
London UK  

Penpal International wrote:

> Virus are almost non-existance under linux. The are a few, but they
> don't affect the system if they aren't invoked as root.
> You really don't have to worry about virusses under linux...
> Chris Gordon-Smith wrote:
> > 
> > I've been running Linux for a month or so now and have yet to come
> > across a virus checker. It would be nice to think that the apparent lack
> > of such tools is due to viruses being less common in the Linux world
> > than elsewhere. However, I assume that viruses do exist in the Linux /
> > Unix world.
> > 
> > Can anyone recommend a good virus checker for Linux?
> > 
> > Chris Gordon-Smith
> > London UK


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Virus checker for Linuix?
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 16:24:04 -0500

Chris Gordon-Smith wrote:
> I've been running Linux for a month or so now and have yet to come across a
> virus checker. It would be nice to think that the apparent lack of such
> tools is due to viruses being less common in the Linux world than
> elsewhere. However, I assume that viruses do exist in the Linux / Unix
> world.
> Can anyone recommend a good virus checker for Linux?
I have never gotten a virus, either on Linux or Windows 95 for that
matter (as far as I can tell). Most of my friends claim that their
problems are caused by virus's, and possibly they are right, but
mostly their problems are due to either the conjenital weakness of the
proprietary binary-only operating-system they use or their own
ignorance of how to use it. I do not claim that there are no virus's,
but just that they may be more rare than commonly supposed, at least
by my friends.

In Linux, and probably other UNIX-based operating systems, there are
several ways to protect yourself.

First of all, setup your /etc/hosts.deny, /etc/hosts.allow, and
/etc/inetd.conf to disable all the services that you do not need. This
makes life much more difficult for crackers to mess you up. Be
especially careful to turn off telnet and ftp (use ssh and scp instead
if you need the capability), and really almost everything else.

If you run sendmail, be sure to use an up-to-date version and do not
enable relaying unless you really must. Even then, read how to do it
so you do not get uses as a spam relay host.

If you fear that others my lie to you and send stuff with false IP
addresses, you may wish to use ipchains to deny them access to your
machine. For example, my sendmail relays only from my machine and one
other on my LAN. So I have it setup to relay that way (in
/etc/mail/access). But I also have ipchains deny access for any
message coming in on my modem from the Internet that claims to have
the IP address of any machine on my LAN. This reduces problems (or so
I suppose).

The other problem with crackers is that they send attachments that can
mess up your machine if you let them run. Fortunately, most of them
seem to be in Microsoft Visual Basic and you need to be able to run
that on your machine to get much harm from them. I have never obtained
WINE, nor do I ever run dosemu, so I cannot run ordinary .exe files
that I sometimes see as mail attachments. I cannot run Microsoft Word
or Microsoft Excel, so I am unable to activate a lot of common
virus's. I can import Word or Excel documents into Applixware, but I
cannot execute the Visual Basic stuff.

In conclusion, there is a lot you can do for free with tools that come
with your distribution. The first thing to do is read all about how to
use them. One link for this stuff would be:

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey 
^^-^^ 4:10pm up 1 day, 23:16, 4 users, load average: 2.29, 2.14, 2.10


From: Penpal International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Multiple ISP's
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 21:21:38 GMT


Over a few months (in expect it to be years) we're gonna have ADSL here.
At the moment I have the cable. I was wondering is you could somehow
combine those 2 together for even faster internet. I have heard from
MHR, multiple homed routing, but I don't know if that will work if I
have 2 entirely diffrent networks...

Thanks in advanced,

Frank de Bot!


From: Sinner from the Prairy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to play .mp3 files on Linux Mandrake?
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 16:47:35 -0500

Gaurav Navlakha wrote:

> I tried using Xmms, but when I select an mp3 file to play, it spits out
> the following message:
> Please check that:
> 1. You have the correct output plugin selected
> 2. No other programs is blocking the soundcard
> 3. Your soundcard is configured properly
> Anyone has a clue as to what the problem might be? My soundcard is good
> with windows. And I have no other programs accessing the sound card open
> (afaik)


I've had the same problem with various Mandrakes in different machines.

What I do is the following:

1.- close xmms and open it again after a few seconds.

2.- make sure that artsd (KDE 2.0 "sound system") is not enables

3.- make sure that xmms is ccnfigured right: Ctrl-P, Output PLugin ->
OSS Driver; Configure -> Use alternative device /dev/dsp. 

If this doesn't work, use the default device (the module for your osnd

Playing with the devices (module/alternate) always have solved this. I
guess that the problem arises when xmms tries to use the audio module
when an application is using it/was using it recentle. Example: system
sounds, RealPlayer, CD-Player...

Hope this helps.

[MaDuiXa PoWeR]
                  |\                 Linux User # 89976
=====Sinner==== >=--[]>- a Mach 2.5!!  Running on Mandrake 7.2
__________________|/                     Linux Machine # 38068


From: John in SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO + Mylex 170
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 21:51:24 GMT

If  "lilo -T geom" didn't find it, chances are it does not exist.  A second
check can be from the lilo source code directory, do a "make floppy"; boot
this floppy.  It runs "lilo -T geom" in real mode, in the exact boot
environment that the boot loader sees.  If it does no see any more device
codes, then they are not being assigned by the BIOS.  You are out of luck.

You can put the LILO boot directory on a DOS partition on the IDE drive.  LILO
is happy with the files there.  Just don't move them.  (Disk defrag, e.g.).


On Thu, 1 Mar 2001 11:34:45 -0700, "Steve Wolfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> The boot installer (21.6 and later) can tell you about device codes with
>> -T diagnostic switch
>> lilo -T help
>> lilo -T geom
>> should give you geometry and device code information.
>> lilo -v3 will tell you what device codes lilo is trying to use when it
>> installs the boot loader and map file.
>  OK.  Now I've gotten a little farther.  Booting to the IDE drive, lilo -T
>geom says that the only BIOS drive is the IDE drive.  The SCSI card shows
>that the BIOS is installed, so I'm not sure why the machine's BIOS doesn't
>see the drive.  In any event, it looks like I need to specify the device
>code (i.e., bios=0x???).  But.... how do I find out what the device code is?

LILO version 21.7 (24-Feb-2001) source at
patches at


From: John in SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO graphical boot message
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 21:52:45 GMT

On Thu, 1 Mar 2001 17:17:17 -0000, "Chris West"

>Anyone know how I can create a new graphical boot message for LILO.
>Redhat 7.0 uses this from the message entry in /etc/lilo.conf but I can't
>tell what format the graphic file is.

RedHat uses a 320x200 PCX file.

>$ cat /etc/lilo.conf
>$ file /boot/message
>/boot/message: data

LILO version 21.7 (24-Feb-2001) source at
patches at


From: John in SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO and second master hard-disk
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 21:57:37 GMT

On 2 Mar 2001 16:08:31 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dustin Puryear) wrote:

>On Fri, 02 Mar 2001 22:59:54 +1100, Stanislaw Flatto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>map-drive = 0x80
>>            to = 0x82
>>map-drive = 0x82
>>            to = 0x80
>>> the problem is that windows always wants to be the first (primary master)
>That's odd. Then why can I boot it off the secondary master drive if I disable 
>the primary via BIOS? It's still on the IDE1 cable.

With the primary master disabled in BIOS, the primary slave becomes the first
drive (0x80), the secondary master becomes the second drive (0x81), and the
secondary slave becomes the third drive (0x82).  Windows is now happy because
it is booting off the C: drive (0x80).


LILO version 21.7 (24-Feb-2001) source at
patches at



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