Linux-Misc Digest #293, Volume #27                Tue, 6 Mar 01 10:13:04 EST

  sound only for root ("Roland Zumkeller")
  Re: Virus checker for Linuix? (Yvan Loranger)
  Re: Do I need Lilo to boot from a partition? (F. Heitkamp)
  /home user profiles and accessing >1 PC with Samba ?? ("John Gill")
  Re: Remote Admin ("Roland Zumkeller")
  Re: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where? (Alex K)
  MOZILLA-ICON.PNG - could someone please send to me? ("Flacco")
  Mode lines for monitor (Eric Ho)
  Re: Virus checker for Linuix? (Russell Marks)
  Re: installing glib (Art Haas)
  Re: Macintosh disk images in Linux / win9x ? (Dickie K)
  HELP - Dual Input Monitor ("Jeff Gentry")
  Re: Virus checker for Linuix? (Robert Heller)
  Re: vfat-Filesystem and UC/LC-conversion (Rod Smith)
  Problems installing PHP & MYSQL (Adrian)
  Debian & CD-writing (wroot)
  Re: Problems installing PHP & MYSQL (Adrian)


From: "Roland Zumkeller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: sound only for root
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 13:16:28 +0100

I have to apologize. The information I gave was wrong. I used to run
xmms as root because of some issues with my mounted file systems. So it
was not xmms, but rather the account I used for logging in.

To summarize: Sound works only for root. For a normal user everything
remains silent (even xmms).
The permessions for /dev/dsp and /dev/sndstat are rw for all users. Do
you know any other permissions that have to be set?

> Which output plugin are oyu using for xmms?
OSS, esound both work (only for root, though).

> What soundcard are you using?
Creative Labs Soundblaster with Ensoniq ES1371

Thank you again,

- Roland


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yvan Loranger)
Subject: Re: Virus checker for Linuix?
Date: 6 Mar 2001 12:44:21 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yvan Loranger)

Robert Heller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yvan Loranger),
>   In a message on 5 Mar 2001 14:07:50 GMT, wrote :
> YL> Possible scenario: I receive an email. The idiot sender attached a MS-Word
> YL> document, with a virus. I wish to forward to a poor colleague who uses
> YL> win9x [or I wish to save for when I will later dual-boot under win9x & I
> YL> only like on-demand virus-checking so let's virus-check now before I
> YL> forget]. Being a good corporate citizen I don't want to send malware to my
> YL> colleague.
> YL> So I could save the attachment, run a ms-dos/windows based anti-viral
> YL> program using DOSEMU or WINE then forward a reconstructed email if need be.
> YL> My personal solution is running f-prot under dosemu. Works for me.
> I believe there are *native running* virus checkers -- they run under
> Linux and check for MS-Windows viruses.  This *normally* makes sense if
> you are, say, running a FTP server on a Linux box and want to check the
> uploads, but I guess it also makes sense (now) if you are running a mail
> server on a Linux box and want to filter infected E-Mail.

Sounds good. I wonder if these filters' virus signature databases are
updated as frequently as those of the M$ world. 
Or is the behaviour blocker model being used? 

Merci.........................Yvan     Pour le plein air: Club Vertige


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (F. Heitkamp)
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 08:02:32
Subject: Re: Do I need Lilo to boot from a partition?

In message <980649$bhg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I guess I need to add that my bootmanager/Lilo setup is
>> able to boot 2.2.x, and some 2.3.x kernels fine.  This
>> problem has come with only the 2.4.x kernels on that
>> particular disk.  The 2.4.x kernels work fine on a Debian
>> partition on another HD in the same system on the same
>> SCSI controller; a LSILogic UW card.  That disks is also a
>> UW 4.3GB Seagate but a older model that evidently came out
>> of a Sun workstation.
>So you copy a working kernel from the debian system to this PC.
>add it to lilo.conf,
>run `/sbin/lilo -v`
>and when you reboot, only this new kernel cannot be booted?

Actually it's the opposite.  I copy the non-booting kernel to
the Debian partition on the same machine, but a different hard
disk and it works.  I have OS/2, Win98, and a big Linux ext2
(in extended) partition on sda, Linux on sdb, and Debian on sdc.

sda is a Seagate Cheetah, sdb is a 4.3 Seagate <mumble> and sdc
is a 4.3 Seagate <older mumble>

>Is it under cyl. 1024?

Don't know for sure off hand but the root partition is the first
or second partition on the disk, there are four partitions.
Three Linux approximately a third of the disk each, and a 170mb
swap partition (last partition on the disk.).
>> I have also wondered if there is a byte/bit or a couple
>> of bytes of some old Lilo on the disk somewhere that is
>> messing up Lilo or the kernel, but I don't know where
>> to look for such things.  The disk has had Linux on it
>> for a long time.
>You did run `/sbin/lilo -v` ?

Yep.  I can post or email it if you want.  If I set the debug
value to four it gets pretty big though.



From: "John Gill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: /home user profiles and accessing >1 PC with Samba ??
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 13:23:36 GMT

I am wondering if how Samba can coordinate my various "local" profiles
withing /home/john when I log into two or more PCs on my LAN.  In fact, I am
seeing some problems to suggest that Samba may be confusing which PC I am
using, and might be mixing-up the profiles.

I am using Red Hat Linux 7 with Samba 2.0.7 with Samba Server as PDC for a
small home- based LAN with a couple of Win98 and WinNT clients.

I am not using roaming profiles, and have not configured login scripts.  The
/home/john directories appear to be taken from one or more of the PCs and
have the same structure of c:\windows\profiles\john.

The point is, how would Samba understand which machine profile to use ??

-- John


From: "Roland Zumkeller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Remote Admin
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 14:25:19 +0100

> machine, you can either run an X _server_ under Windows or you can run

You're right. Of course the X server runs under windows, not the client.

Just to make things clear for anyone:
X server: runs on the machine that physically has screen, keyboard etc.
X client: the program that connects to the X server in order to display

Btw, are there any X *clients* for windows, that make win-apps appear
under X?

- Roland


Subject: Re: source for basic utils like ftp/cp/mv... where?
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 14:39:41 -0100

"Peter T. Breuer" wrote:
> There is no "first distro". And they got it from the authors .. you
> seem to have a hard time accepting this fact: there is no organised
> central distribution of anything. Things do not come from one place.
> They are written and rewritten by many people, sometimes working
> together and sometimes working against each other. Distros make a
> selection from what is "out there" and compile and integrate it for
> you. That is their contribution.

there is a first version of each distro, thats what i meant.
the distmakers making a first dist of course means making _their_
first dist (ie, the first version of their dist).
its obvious from the context. duh!

i know that the sources dont just magically pop up at
but they ARE gathered somewhere. not all off course, but the basic
gnu things, like tar gzip cp are.
i just had a look at LFS. look at appendix III (Official Download
Locations). now think about that...

>> and i wasnt talking about X or python, only those basic things,
>> apparently the gnu utils.
> Which do not include ftp(d or c), for one thing.

oh? then what are all those ftp[d] things in inetutils...

> > first time i looked at i didnt find them. why?
> > i had somehow missed the fact that they are distributed in
> > packages. duh!
> If you mean gnu fileutils, then they are indeed distributed in a
> package. Look on your distro and ask which package the binaries you are
> interested in come from. Then get the srpm, or sdeb (:-) or the tar.gz,
> and see where it says the source and the author is located.

well since they are all located on and prolly very up to
date there i am content with that. i dont need to find all authors
individually now that i've found a main site, if that's what you

> > yepp i was only after the gnu things.
> Then you won't mind if you don't get a basic editor ... (I doubt this
> guy's gonna go for emacs ...). Oh shucks, ed has an info page ...
> but at first glance it's not of fsf origin.

hehe, you are right indeed. in your own words i am a simple person.
^x^c to exit is not my cup of tea.

> > and i dont have a cd, nor rpm[s] or such. just ethernet.
> That's all you need. It's more than you need.

oh i know that. it rocks.
just pointing out that i dont use rpm's and dont have a source cd,
although that of course easily is accessed on my distros site.

  / alex k


From: "Flacco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MOZILLA-ICON.PNG - could someone please send to me?
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 13:42:46 GMT

Could someone please send me this icon?

In Linux, it's placed here by default:


It's in the 0.7xx releases but not the later ones.  I'd DL and install
0.7, but it conflicts with my nightly copies of mozilla, so I'm hoping
someone could just shoot it to me.



Subject: Mode lines for monitor
Date: 6 Mar 2001 13:44:26 GMT


Could someone give me the mode lines for my 19" MAG DJ800 monitor ?
I have been using it for about 2-3 years but I couldn't find the
manual. Recently, I reinstalled Linux and need the modelines for X.

Thanks a million.

Best Regards,
Eric Ho


Subject: Re: Virus checker for Linuix?
From: Russell Marks <russell.marks@spam^H^H^H^>
Date: 06 Mar 2001 13:53:28 +0000

Chris Gordon-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One reason for my posting on this top[ic was a warning I read in 'Linux 
> Format' magazine. It says the following about its cover disc:-
>     ".... we recommend that you run a reliable and up-to-date virus checker 
> on ANY new software."

That's a generic warning the publishers use on all their cover CDs,
IIRC. It's not terribly appropriate for Linux Format. :-)



From: Art Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: installing glib
Date: 06 Mar 2001 08:06:03 -0600

Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> it doesn't seem like i have a problem installing glib, but when i try
> installing gtk, I do.  I use the ./configure --prefix=./bin command like
> the readme says, i have even tried eliminating the --prefix command all
> together.  the installation goes well, but when configuring gtk, it says
> your glib-config --version has reported that you have glib 1.2.9(the
> version im trying to install), but it has been detected that you have glib
> version 1.2.7, try changing you configuration.  i've tried many things, but
> it doesn't seem as if im doing something right.  could someone help me with
> this (probably easily fixed) problem? thank you. 

You probably have a `glib-config' for glib-1.2.7 found in your $PATH
earlier than the `glib-config' for glib-1.2.9.

Fiddle with your path ...

$ export PATH=/path/to/lastest_glib_install/bin:${PATH}

... and see if that fixes things.

# Art Haas
# (713) 689-2417


From: Dickie K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Macintosh disk images in Linux / win9x ?
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 14:04:46 GMT


> On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 16:52:40 +0100, Alexandros Sklavos
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >    does anybody know how mac diskette images can be created in Linux or
> >in Win95/98 ??
> 1) macintosh format disks can't be created w/ PC hardware, irregardless
> of the operating system.  They're CLV where there are more sectors on
> the outer tracks.

This statement is incorrect. There are several Windows programs that can read
and write Mac disks and diskettes. The only limitation is on double density
(and less) diskettes. HD diskettes are no problem. You can even use DOS
Diskcopy to copy Mac diskettes, formatting and all. I've done it.

> 2) macintoshes since around '92 have been able to read/write pc format
> disks.
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From: "Jeff Gentry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP - Dual Input Monitor
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 14:23:26 GMT

Hello All,

I am researching dual input monitors.
I will soon be upgrading to RedHat 7.0 on an Intel x86 host
platform due to project constraints.
I have limited work space but a generous equipment budget.
Can someone tell me if RedHat will support dual input monitors?
If so, can I get the vendor and model numbers for the video card(s)
and monitor?

Thanks much


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Virus checker for Linuix?
Date: 6 Mar 2001 08:25:20 -0600

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yvan Loranger),
  In a message on 6 Mar 2001 12:44:21 GMT, wrote :

YL> Robert Heller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
YL> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yvan Loranger),
YL> >   In a message on 5 Mar 2001 14:07:50 GMT, wrote :
YL> >
YL> > YL> Possible scenario: I receive an email. The idiot sender attached a MS-Word
YL> > YL> document, with a virus. I wish to forward to a poor colleague who uses
YL> > YL> win9x [or I wish to save for when I will later dual-boot under win9x & I
YL> > YL> only like on-demand virus-checking so let's virus-check now before I
YL> > YL> forget]. Being a good corporate citizen I don't want to send malware to my
YL> > YL> colleague.
YL> > YL> So I could save the attachment, run a ms-dos/windows based anti-viral
YL> > YL> program using DOSEMU or WINE then forward a reconstructed email if need be.
YL> > YL> My personal solution is running f-prot under dosemu. Works for me.
YL> > 
YL> > I believe there are *native running* virus checkers -- they run under
YL> > Linux and check for MS-Windows viruses.  This *normally* makes sense if
YL> > you are, say, running a FTP server on a Linux box and want to check the
YL> > uploads, but I guess it also makes sense (now) if you are running a mail
YL> > server on a Linux box and want to filter infected E-Mail.
YL> Sounds good. I wonder if these filters' virus signature databases are
YL> updated as frequently as those of the M$ world. 
YL> Or is the behaviour blocker model being used? 
YL> cheers 

I believe these filters are from the same people (MacAffe, et. al.) that
provide M$ virus protection software, so I would guess that they are
equally up-to-date.

YL> --
YL> Merci.........................Yvan     Pour le plein air: Club Vertige

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153

Posted Via Nuthinbutnews Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
          ** SPEED ** RETENTION ** COMPLETION **


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: vfat-Filesystem and UC/LC-conversion
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 15:00:12 -0000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt) writes:
> One problem you will have if you burn any CD in WinME is that it uses all
> upper case for any filenames that adheres to the 8.3 naming convention and
> you cannot do anything about it.  This is contrary to Win95/98 which by
> default displayed DOS files with the first letter capitalized and the rest
> small, or honored the case of any filename set in Windows.  This is not a
> problem for Windows which ignores case, but can mess up any case sensitive
> app or os.

This is probably something that varies with the CD burning software and
how the filename is recorded. For instance, it's possible to store a
"long" filename for an 8.3 name, just to get the case right. I don't
have any Windows CD-R software installed at the moment, but my hunch is
most of them would honor the "long" filename and preserve case for
those. For more Unix/Linux-like features, it might also be worth looking
into the Windows ports of mkisofs and/or mkhybrid. These are ports of
the Unix/Linux tools to Windows. I don't know offhand what they'll do
with raw 8.3 filenames, but they ought to at least not mess with the
case of anything that's stored with an extended FAT filename.

Author of books on Linux & multi-OS configuration


From: Adrian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Problems installing PHP & MYSQL
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 23:07:22 +0800


I have a problem installing PHP & MYSQL together.  I have verified that
each works indepenently but when using a PHP script with a call to
mysql, I get the following error returned to the browser :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in
on line 255

Does anybody know what the cause of this is???

Many thanks in advance.



From: wroot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,linux.debian.user
Subject: Debian & CD-writing
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 10:07:19 -0500


Will I need to recompile Debian stable to enable CD - writing?




From: Adrian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Problems installing PHP & MYSQL
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 23:10:33 +0800

Sorry....I forgot...RH7 with the following modules installed....


Adrian wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a problem installing PHP & MYSQL together.  I have verified that
> each works indepenently but when using a PHP script with a call to
> mysql, I get the following error returned to the browser :
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in
> on line 255
> Does anybody know what the cause of this is???
> Many thanks in advance.
> Adrian



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