Linux-Misc Digest #309, Volume #27                Wed, 7 Mar 01 22:13:04 EST

  Re: Trying to use automated MP3 for store intercom (Jeremiah DeWitt Weiner)
  What NG do I ask questions about apps? (Lloyd Sumpter)
  Re: Importing Addressbooks into Netscape 4.76 (Matt O'Toole)
  ALSA midi synth still doesn't work. ("modinfo" parameters don't help  (CYBERYOGI 
=CO= Windler)
  Re: Linux as terminal emulator. (Joe Doupnik)
  Re: ALSA midi synth still doesn't work. ("modinfo" parameters don't help  ("J. H. 
  WTD: Program to paste text into a textbox (in Netscape) (Stephen Anthony)
  Looking for a program to blank mouse cursor (Stephen Anthony)
  Re: newbie: md5 + C + /etc/shadow (Kevin)
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've burned a CD and 
it won't boot with it. ("Newbie from Win98")
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a CD and 
it won't boot with it. ("Newbie from Win98")
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  (Dean Thompson)
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a CD and 
it won't boot with it. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Hard Drive ("FARFROMNÖRMAL")
  booting problem (vidyasagar koneru)
  Re: Statistic data analysis - Linux/PHP/mySQL ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Trying to use automated MP3 for store intercom ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: LS-120 syntax in fstab and mtab. (Mordak)


From: Jeremiah DeWitt Weiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Trying to use automated MP3 for store intercom
Date: 7 Mar 2001 23:45:33 GMT

        Hmm, interesting problem.  You could kick mpg123 off at the start
of day with something like "mpg123 -z *", and save its PID somewhere.
Then, at times scheduled by cron, you could send it a SIGTSTP to stop it,
play some other mp3, and then send it a SIGCONT to make it go again.  I'm
fairly sure about the TSTP/CONT stuff, as I wrote a script a while back to
pause a playing mpg123, but I'm less sure that you can then play another
mp3, as you may run into issues with /dev/audio - I recall getting annoying
messages about "/dev/audio already in use" or some such.



From: Lloyd Sumpter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux
Subject: What NG do I ask questions about apps?
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 00:00:56 GMT

There used to be a mailing list about linux apps, but it seems to be No More.
I don't see a comp.os.linux.apps either. So where do I ask questions about Linux

   For instance: is there an app available that will play MS-Media Player sound



From: Matt O'Toole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Importing Addressbooks into Netscape 4.76
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 16:06:59 -0800

William T. Trotter wrote:

> I have a Internet Explorer addressbook which
> I would like to import into Netscape 4.76.
> I can export the addressbook as a csv file, but
> Netscape only seems to import addressbooks
> created by another instance of Netscape - and
> not even one of the more current Netscape
> versions running under Windows 95/98/2000.
> Does anyone know a workaround?  I sure hate
> to retype several hundred addresses.
> Thanks in advance.  Tom Trotter

Netscape for Windows should import your Internet Explorer address book 
(sometimes whether or not you want it to).  So do that.  Then with your 
Windows version of Netscape, go to the My Netscape site, or whatever it is, 
and upload your address book to the Netscape server.  They have a utility 
for this, so you can use Netscape webmail, and have your address book with 
you at all times.  Then just go to that site with your Linux version of 
Netscape, and download the address book.

Matt O.


Subject: ALSA midi synth still doesn't work. ("modinfo" parameters don't help 
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 01:09:47 +0100

Pavan schrieb:
> try running
> # modinfo -p snd-card-sbawe
> This gives the parameters the module takes. I could enable the
> synth device passing parameters to the snd-card-ymfpci. But still
> no midi is playing.
> -Pavan

The parameters found this way didn't help yet. Is nobody else here experienced
with ALSA midi synth drivers?

                        MAY THE SOFTWARE BE WITH YOU!

I                  CYBERYOGI Christian Oliver(=CO=) Windler                  I
I         (teachmaster of LOGOLOGIE - the first cyberage-religion!)          I
I                                      !                                     I


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joe Doupnik)
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Linux as terminal emulator.
Date: 7 Mar 01 17:02:43 MDT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Arthur Marsh 
> Hi Frank, I'm a little puzzled as to why the carriage return character
> is said to be ASCII 15 in both formats of the paper. Isn't the carriage
> return ASCII 13 (unless one is using octal representation)?
> Regards,
> Arthur.
        In olden tymes big iron spoke in six bit units, and we employed
Octal to represent the material. None of this late-comer hex stuff. So
015 (in C-speak) has decimal value 13.
        Joe D.


Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 19:04:01 -0600
From: "J. H. Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ALSA midi synth still doesn't work. ("modinfo" parameters don't help 

CYBERYOGI =CO= Windler wrote:
> Pavan schrieb:
> >
> > try running
> >
> > # modinfo -p snd-card-sbawe
> >
> > This gives the parameters the module takes. I could enable the
> > synth device passing parameters to the snd-card-ymfpci. But still
> > no midi is playing.
> >
> > -Pavan
> The parameters found this way didn't help yet. Is nobody else here experienced
> with ALSA midi synth drivers?

There is a thread in alt.os.linux.mandrake from two days ago about your
problem with ALSA.  There was no resolution except ALSA must
specifically support the card, and that one guy got it to work with the
latest drivers.  Doesn't help much.


From: Stephen Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: WTD: Program to paste text into a textbox (in Netscape)
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 22:25:51 -0330

I'm tired of having to type in my email address into text boxes in 
Netscape.  I'm looking for a program that will let me assign text to an 
accelerator.  For example, I select the text box, press Alt-A, and have 
my email address appear there.

I know KDE (khotkeys) has this feature, but I'm using IceWM.  Any info 
is appreciated.



From: Stephen Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Looking for a program to blank mouse cursor
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 22:22:21 -0330

I'm looking for a program that will blank the mouse cursor after some 
predefined time, or even better, after a key is typed.

Its extremely annoying to click on a input text box in Netscape and then 
have to move the mouse again to see what I'm typing :)  I remember 
seeing some type of program like this years ago on the Amiga, is there 
anything similar for Linux?

Any info is appreciated,


Subject: Re: newbie: md5 + C + /etc/shadow
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 20:05:52 -0600

Geez, like not telling the guy is going to stop him from hacking.  Get over your

Villy Kruse wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Mar 2001 19:24:37 +0100, Michal Kolesar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I am newbie to C. I have a question.
> >How is possible to generate from plain text to the encrypted
> >md5 (or I think that it is md5) password looking like /etc/shadow password?
> >
> >Example - Line from my /etc/shadow:
> >
> >test:$1$t1ELPGSv$2sIAmEX7RqDyFAOq6FUpU.:11301:0:99999:7:::134549020
> >
> >where
> >
> >$1$t1ELPGSv$2sIAmEX7RqDyFAOq6FUpU.
> >
> >is a encrypted password 'test' for user test.
> >
> >I would like use some function in C or other stuff to encrypt some plain
> >text
> >to the format which is using in /etc/shadow file.
> Just use crypt() and specify the entire password as the salt.  Current
> crypt version in linux makes a MD5 crypted password if the salt
> starts with the magic character $1 and the salt proper is the
> characters up to the third dollar sign.
> Villy


From: "Newbie from Win98" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've burned a 
CD and it won't boot with it.
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 02:11:14 -0000

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:m%sp6.2880$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In comp.os.linux.networking Newbie from Win98 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear All,
> > please can you help me?
> > I've downloaded the SuSE EVal 7_0 ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?
> > burned a CD and it won't boot with it.  Do I need to unzip it or
> Can your machine boot from a CD?  Not all can....
Yes it can, I've set the BIOS to do that.

> Can you see the files on the CD if you look at it via windows?  You
> if not there is probably a problem in how you burned the CD, or the
> transfer failed partially...  What did you use to burn the CD?

I can see a single file.  I just used Nero to burn the file onto the CD as a
single file...
> There should be some documentation on the CD you can look at via Win, as
> as some floppy disk boot images.  (Use rawrite to write these to a

There is no mention anywhere on the SuSE FTP site of how to burn the ISO
image or make the ISO file write itself and aself expand at the same time.
I've spent 2 days searching the internet and reading the HOT-TO's.  None of
them specifically say the whole steps involved to successfully download an
ISO, burn it to a CD and make it a suitable start up disk - under Windows.

There are some that mention about doing it under Linux but I've yet to get
that far.  For me to get to that stage I need to first burn the ISO from
Windows....catch 22.

> I am not familiar with SuSE, so I can't say for sure...  YMMV
> Good Luck!
> Kris

Thanks for the time Kris.


From: "Newbie from Win98" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a 
CD and it won't boot with it.
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 02:15:29 -0000

"John Winters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:985mao$q3l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Peter Brylde  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Newbie from Win98 wrote:
> >
> >> Dear All,
> >>
> >> please can you help me?
> >>
> >> I've downloaded the SuSE EVal 7_0 ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?
> >> burned a CD and it won't boot with it.  Do I need to unzip it or
> >>
> >> I do not have any copies of Linux on this box and I have not installed
> >> before.
> >>
> >> The filename is: live-evaluation-i386-70.iso
> >>
> >> It's my first time trying Linux so please be gentle with me, no flames
> >> please.
> >>
> >> Thanks for any help you an give me.
> >>
> >> Martin.
> >
> >If you have burned the iso file directly to the CD nothing will work. You
> >burn it using the 'raw data' option.
> Just to clarify a bit - you *must* burn the iso file directly to the CD.
> the other way around which won't work.  If you've made a CD with a copy of
> ISO on it (as a file) then it won't work.

That's exactly what I have done.  I used Nero Creative.  It came
with a Creative CD-RW drive.  I simply chose to make a Data CD and dragged
the file over to the blank CD area and pressed Burn - there is no setting
for making a "Boot Image" in this version of Nero.

I can see the ISO file under Windows on the CD.  It's just a big single

Something tells me that I need to "work" the ISO as it is being put onto the
CD.  How?

> John
> --
> John Winters.  Wallingford, Oxon, England.
> The Linux Emporium - the source for Linux CDs in the UK
> See

Thanks John for your time.



From: Dean Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've 
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 13:17:02 +1100


>> Can you see the files on the CD if you look at it via windows?  You
>> if not there is probably a problem in how you burned the CD, or the
>> transfer failed partially...  What did you use to burn the CD?
>I can see a single file.  I just used Nero to burn the file onto the CD as a
>single file...

I woudl say that this is the problem.  You have burnt the file onto the CD
like you would any other way.  A ISO file needs to be treated differently.  It
actually must be imported/specified as a "burn image file" and not just burnt
to the CD like a normal file.

Under NERO, try to find an option which says "load file from", "load image
from", "specify image file".  It has been so long since I have worked with
Nero, that I can't remember the option, but you need to specify your ISO file
there.  The fact that you see only one file is a give away sign that the file
has been burnt as normal and not as a ISO file.

See ya

Dean Thompson

| Dean Thompson              | E-mail  - [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Bach. Computing (Hons)     | ICQ     - 45191180                         |
| PhD Student                | Office  - <Off-Campus>                     |
| School Comp.Sci & Soft.Eng | Phone   - +61 3 9903 2787 (Gen. Office)    |
| MONASH (Caulfield Campus)  | Fax     - +61 3 9903 1077                  |
| Melbourne, Australia       |                                            |


Subject: Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a 
CD and it won't boot with it.
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 02:00:18 +0000

In the sacred domain of uk.comp.os.linux, Steve Doney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> didnst 
hastily scribble thusly:
>> John
>> --
>> John Winters.  Wallingford, Oxon, England.
>> The Linux Emporium - the source for Linux CDs in the UK
>> See

> Any relation to the John Walters mentioned in one of the PC mags :-)

> You're luck they didn't call you Julie Walters.

why? He's called John WINTERS.

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | "I'm alive!!! I can touch! I can taste!         |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|  I can SMELL!!!  KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel and    |
|            in            |  get out the puncture repair kit!"              |
|     Computer Science     |     Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf              |


Crossposted-To: ak.os.linux,alt.comp.linux,alt.linux,ar.linux,at.linux
Subject: Hard Drive
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 20:49:22 -0000

I have a Quantium Fireball on an ATA66 controller and Phatlinux 3.3.

On boot Phatlinux detects my drives in this order:
hdc: CD-ROM
hdd: CD-RW
hde: HDD
Then hangs...

I have tried changing the boot order in my BIOS, but that changes nothing. I
have disconnected my CD drives and it doesn't change where the hard drive is

 But I am new to linux and
don't know anything really.



From: vidyasagar koneru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: booting problem
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 20:28:40 -0600


I use the kde desktop manager.
My machine is a dual boot system.
Loaded using LILO . Now I have a problem. The machine was not shut down 
properly . It was rebooted several times.
After that , kde does not come up.
Also, the system says that the file system on hda5 has bad blocks or 
corrupted .
I can get to the shell using the root password for adminstration.
Do not know what to do from here.
Tried startx and kde from the command prompt.
No success as such.
Can anyone help me to figure out what to do.
Can I uninstall at this point the linux and reinstall it.
Or what should I do

_sagar Koneru


Subject: Re: Statistic data analysis - Linux/PHP/mySQL
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 02:43:25 GMT

>   I have to build a web page with a questionnaire. People will
> respond to some questions, then send the results back to me. We
> already have decided on the PHP4/mySQL/Apache alternative, running
> on a Linux system (RedHat 6.2). What I'm looking for a an
> application, running on Linux, which could do data analysis.

>   What I mean is, the system should be able send the responses of
> the user to an application, running on the server, which would do
> some medium to advanced statistic analysis on the data, and then
> send some results back to the user, and store them in the DB
> too. So, I'm looking for suggestions on how to do this? Is there any
> Linux application available (free or not) that could automatically
> get data from a mySQL DB, or any other data source which I could
> produce using PHP/mySQL, and then do a series of computation,
> returning the results in my DB or in some other way...?

It sounds like something you likely don't want to create from scratch,
and also like it goes beyond what would be naturally offered by PHP.

You might want to look into one of the following numerically-oriented

a) Octave  

b) R (sort of a clone of S) 

c) Scilab

d) Fiasco

Precise approach to integrate this in is pretty "free-form;" you would
probably want to write scripts using PHP (or similar) to write out
data into files in the favored stats package's favored format.  And
then have that package write out data in a form that can be readily
parsed and pushed back into your database.
(concatenate 'string "cbbrowne" "")
Would-be National Mottos:
Tibet: "It's all downhill from here!"


Subject: Re: Trying to use automated MP3 for store intercom
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 02:53:08 GMT

"David Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Maybe somebody can help me out here.  I work at an electronics store and I'm
> are trying to set up a computer to take the place of the intercom's radio.
> So that way we can play a harddrive full of MP3 music and stick in little
> commercials and announcements about our own store in there too.  We want to
> use Linux for this for a variety of reasons, and I have it all figured out
> except for one thing..  We want to have certain messages be automated at
> certain times of the day.  For example, 15 minutes before the store closes
> we want to announce a message that the store is closing.  I need to be able
> to set this somehow to be automated.  I know I could use something like
> MPG123 and setup a cron job or something.. but then how would I also work
> that in with a playlist or random selection throughout the rest of the day?
> Any ideas?

I think I'd probably write a Perl script.

Step 1.
 -> Load the list of names of mp3 files into an array.

 -> Create a loop that basically looks at the present time, and checks
    to see if it's 14-16 minutes 'til closing time or less.  If so,
    play a "closing in 15 minutes" mp3.  Similarly, 9-11 minutes
    invokes "10 minutes," 4-6 invokes "Closing shortly - please bring
    purchases to front."  

    Otherwise, pick an element at random from the array, and play it
    via system("mpg123 $whateverfile");

You might be able to do _slightly_ better if you have durations for
each song, and could be picky about which songs to play when it gets
close to 15 minutes before closing time.  For instance, if there are
17 minutes left, it would be a Bad Idea to play a 7 minute song, thus
missing some of the "announcements."
(reverse (concatenate 'string "gro.gultn@" "enworbbc"))
How is my programming?  Call 1-800-DEV-NULL


From: Mordak <>
Subject: Re: LS-120 syntax in fstab and mtab.
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 03:08:50 GMT

Hi Donald,
Initially I was unable to get it to mount using your setup. But, I
forgot one simple thing: mkdir /ls120
It's amazing sometimes the little stuff we forget. Now it works
Thanks so much,
Registered Linux User #200164

Donald Arseneau wrote:

> You put it in fstab; mounting puts it in mtab.
> First, check which isa connector it is plugged into and whether
> master or slave.  It is probably secondary master (c) or slave (d).
> Assuming it is d, as above, but you might want options "noauto,user",
> so the system doesn't try to mount it at bootup, and a regular user can
> mount it.
> You call it /floppy, but I call mine /ls120.  Why?  Linux wouldn't
> boot from a (rescue) floppy in the ls120 drive!  Maybe new kernels
> fixed this, but I installed an ordinary floppy drive for /floppy.
> So that makes the fstab entry:
> /dev/hdd                /ls120              vfat   noauto,user     0 0
> Now, if you run automount or autofs you should configure the
> auto-mount description files.
> Finally, when I set up scsi emulation so I could burn CDs,
> the scsi emulator took over the ls120!  This leads to a fstab
> entry like:
> /dev/sda                /ls120              vfat   noauto,user     0 0
> Donald Arseneau                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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