Linux-Misc Digest #314, Volume #27                Thu, 8 Mar 01 15:13:03 EST

  Re: Uptodate version (David)
  Re: boot up problem ("D. Stimits")
  Author Wanted: contract position about writing a book (Hun)
  Printer Problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  GCC 2.95.2 from sources (Justin Hibbits)
  Prob with SMC Ether EZ and Ether Power netcard (Uwe Brauer)
  Re: Tk based alarm clock ("Tom Wilkason")
  Dual boot: Linux & WinNT (Alex Lazarevich)
  How similar are Linux distros? (Joel Doucet)
  Linux Scrolling mouse (Darrin)
  Re: RedHat6 FTP HELP (ospadmin)
  Re: What NG do I ask questions about apps? (Chat Everett)
  problems configuring gtk+-1.2.6 on redhat 6 (sysadmin)
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a CD and 
it won't boot with it. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: gtk (from SuSE 7.0 Pro) vs. gtk+-1.3.2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 2 NICs on 1 machine. (moonie;))
  Re: How to read/write CD directly? ("jujubeesRULE")
  GCC 2.95.2 from sources ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Printer Problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Printer Problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Crossposted-To: linux.kernel
Subject: Re: Uptodate version
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 18:12:38 GMT

Vinod Gupta wrote:
> I am not very clear how versioning is coordinated among
> different distros and the software maintainers.
> For instance, many of the hackers and Redhat detect security holes
> and other bugs in Kernel which are promptly incorporated in the
> next release. Then, which of the following is more uptodate:
> Original Kernel newer version 2.2.18    released in Dec 2000 or
> Redhat's Kernel older version 2.2.17-14 released in Feb 2001
> Vinod.

If you are wanting to patch the 2.2.18 kernel for the security problem
found not long ago as well as a few other security tweaks, then you can
use the patch at the link below.

Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538
Completed more W/U's than 99.098% of seti users. +/- 0.01%


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 11:14:33 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: boot up problem

cedric wrote:
> After the line, 'Verifying DMI data pool' and before LILO
> starts during boot up, all that happens is the scrolling of 'x and o' over and
> over and over. The only way to stop it is 'ctl, alt, del.'
> LILO never starts.
> How can I make more boot disk since the only way I can boot
> up is via boot disk.
> cedric

If you are booted in already, you can make boot disks with the
mkbootdisk command. For example, if you have an existing
/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.2, you can:
mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 2.4.2

Check the man page for other options, like initial ramdisk.


Subject: Author Wanted: contract position about writing a book
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 18:41:13 GMT


Mizi Research, Inc. is a Linux company located in Seoul, South Korea. We've developed 
a Linux distribution called "MIZI Linux" since 1998. We proudly says "It's a true 
Desktop Linux." The last version is 1.5 and it has been expanding the market share in 
domestic Desktop OS market, mostly dominated by Microsoft Windows though. 

Now, we are working hard to release MIZI Linux 2.0 soon and looking for a Linux author 
who will write a guide book based on this product. Briefly say, it would be an user 
guide book and introduction about Linux to the end user. 

The contact condition is very open and we believe this opportunity gives good effect 
both of us, more than money.  An experienced author who wrote a book about Linux guide 
or Desktop Linux is welcomed. Well, a person who has writing skills will be accepted.

Visit our web site

If you want to work with us or knows somebody, send e-mail to below address.




Subject: Printer Problems
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 18:45:44 GMT

Someone tell me what the hell went wrong with my printer:  Here's the deal...

I wrote a small script that will just send a ps file throught gs, through my print 
filter(cZ11) and to my printer using su.
Now, after upgrading, failing, and reinstalling half my software, I can't get it to 
work...I can send the prolog to start printing, but
nothing prints...Here is my system as of today...same old hardware as last week, 
but...RH7.0 Base, with gcc 2.95.2 replacement,
glibc 2.1.92, a whole bunch of compiled-from-source programs, like gs6.50, less, and 
cat, neither of which come up with any errors,
except that gs won't send output to the bitcmyk device with -sOutputFile= anything.  
What did I do wrong?????

Justin Hibbits

Posted via
Linux Programmer's Site


From: Justin Hibbits
Subject: GCC 2.95.2 from sources
Date: 8 Mar 2001 17:51:30 GMT


I recently ( last night was the last night ) compiled gcc 2.95.2 from sources using 
the pgcc compiler, and it won't work right.
I know htat is pretty vague, so here is a detailed description of the problem:  When 
compiling any file that requires limits.h, it
spits out the message "/usr/include/limits.h:##:No include path for limits.h", where 
## is the line number with the #include_next
statement.  Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?  I believe the problem is that 
gcc did not copy files right, or set
an internal path to its files properly.  Tell me what to do, so that I can get some 
files right.

Also, When compiling kde 2.1 the configure log says "configure:4406:string:No such 
file or directory".  That is after I removed
the string directory from my include path, so it now only has string.h in 
/usr/include.  What is that problem all about?
Oh, the line displayed from ./configure is "configure:error:No STL configure"  or 
something like that.

Justin Hibbits

Posted via
Linux Programmer's Site


From: Uwe Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Prob with SMC Ether EZ and Ether Power netcard
Date: 08 Mar 2001 19:25:19 +0000


I tried to use either the SMC Ether EZ (8416)
or SMC 9432 TX (Ether Power II)
under SuSe 6.4
I could not find the driver for the first card. And also the second
listed as experimental did not work neither compiled as a module nor 
embedded in the kernel.

Anybody has experience on this


Uwe Brauer 


From: "Tom Wilkason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.tcl,comp.lang.perl.misc
Subject: Re: Tk based alarm clock
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 14:14:59 -0500

"* Tong *" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
| Hi,
| I'm planing to write a Tk based alarm clock, and make it open source
| tool for the public. So the first thing I have to make sure is that
| there's not such a thing out there. My research is enclosed at the
| end of this email.
| Do you know / heard of such program or anything similar? I'd like to
| hear your comment. Thanks.
| Here is what I've found and the reason that I don't like
| personally:
| xalarm clock: C based.
| alarm clock in tkgoodstuff: too simple and not stand alone.
| Beside, a search in all news in comp.lang.* on alarm/Tk turns out
| nothing....
| Thanks for your comment.
| FYI, when I say alarm clock, I mean something you can set a time
| with, and when the time goes off, it pop up and window with the
| message and sound a alarm sound... When I say Tk based, I mean
| either Tcl/Tk or Perl/Tk. I'm going to write it in Perl/Tk though.

I think you will find this to be an easy (and fun) task. If you are using Tcl/Tk, you
can look at for a sample analog clock (of
course digital is trivial). Iwidgets also as an analog clock widget (home page now at Implementing the alarm functions can be
done with after loops quite easily. If you want to have some fun and use audio as an
alarm, take a look at the snack sound extension (it is cross platform) at

Tom Wilkason


From: Alex Lazarevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dual boot: Linux & WinNT
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 13:24:22 -0600

I'll say right off the bat, I've never used Linux before and I'm pretty
ashamed. Here's my question:

I've got a Windows NT4 machine that I'm doing a lot of work on (XML,
Java, MySQL, Perl, etc.). I need to get Linux on this machine so I can
get some applications running smoothly that are non-functional in NT.
However, I also need NT for certain applications that I can't get in

I'd like to have my machine dual boot with either my current NT or Red
Hat Linux. I've already got a partition on my machine. I've heard about
this bootloader called "lilo" that supposedly comes with Linux, and
supposedly it will automatically install Linux to a partition and create
a dual boot option upon startup. Does this "lilo" come with Red Hat
Linux 6.2? or Red Hat 7 Deluxe Workstation?

Alex Lazarevich
Imaging Technology Group,
Beckman Institute,
405 N. Mathews, Urbana IL  61801  USA
Ph: (217)244-1565 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Joel Doucet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How similar are Linux distros?
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 19:30:24 -0000

I was wondering if I could use my Corel manual with other distributions of 
Linux.  Is this possible?

Posted via CNET


From: Darrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Scrolling mouse
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 19:31:10 -0000

How do I set up my scroll botton to work with Linux KDE? To be able to
scroll trhough Web pages and Xterms.

Posted via CNET


From: ospadmin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat6 FTP HELP
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 19:31:10 -0000

sysadmin wrote:
> sysadmin wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have run into some weirdness with a RedHat 6 linux machine and FTP.
> > For some reason when I connect to the host with FTP it says I'm
> > "connected"... even in the secure logs it says I am connected but I
> > never get a prompt to enter user or password... then it times out
> > disconnecting me saying "Connection closed by remote host". I am so
> > frustrated I don't know what to do. PLEASE! Can anyone help?
> > 
> > If I'm not posting in the right group for this please just let me know
> > ina polite manner. I appreciate any help that you can give me on this.
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > K.
> Things that I've done...
> 1.  Checked DNS (including reverse)... OK
> 2.  Unwrapped FTP (still same problem)... OK
> 3.  Checked hosts.allow & hosts.deny... OK
> Get this... I can telnet to and from the machine fine... FTP only
> outbound... no inbound FTP (disconnects me).
> K.
I am having the same problem
please help

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chat Everett)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: What NG do I ask questions about apps?
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 19:31:13 GMT

I think the original question was regarding players for MICROSOFT Media
Player formatted files.  I don't know if any linux player apps that can
do Microsoft Media Player files.

On 8 Mar 2001 13:26:10 GMT, Andrew Purugganan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Lloyd Sumpter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>[ There used to be a mailing list about linux apps, but it seems to be No More.
>[ I don't see a comp.os.linux.apps either. So where do I ask questions about Linux
>[ apps?
>[    For instance: is there an app available that will play MS-Media Player sound
>[ files?
>THis would be the next best place to post your queries.
>There's plenty of media players out there (xanim, xmp, lamp trplayer). Go 
>to and scan for 'media' or go to the appindex, in 
>Multimedia. Most of these apps have to play catch-up however as new 
>compression formats crop up. And I find that on my 233 MMX Pentium the 
>voice sometimes doesn't sync with the image; has to do with my setup. I 
>can play using xanim first, if the clip doesn't work then I try aktion, 
>then xmp. Then even though one clip is avi, the app says it has an 
>unsupported codec.
>good luck
>Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
>Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life
>--- OUT THERE??


From: sysadmin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: problems configuring gtk+-1.2.6 on redhat 6
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 14:41:41 -0500

I seem to be having problems configuring gtk+-1.2.6 on RedHat 6. I
really need some help or some input on this. Below is the output of the
part that is dying in the configure script.

configure:4588:X11/Intrinsic.h:No such file or directory
configure:failed programs was:
#line 4587 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
configure:4668:gcc -o conftest -g -02 -Wall conftest.c -lXt 1>&5
configure:In funtion `maint':
configure:4664:warning implicit declatation of function `XtMalloc'
/usr/bin/ld:cannot open -lXt:No such file or directory
collect2:ld returned 1 exit status
configure:failed program was:
#line 4661 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"

int main() {

Thanks for any help on this...



Subject: Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a 
CD and it won't boot with it.
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 19:02:38 +0000

In the sacred domain of uk.comp.os.linux, Joe Bloggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
didnst hastily scribble thusly:
> Your all wrong!!  Just go to the local newsagent and look along the third shelf
> for linux monthly....   hopefully on the cover of it will be a free copy of Red
> Hat all ready correctly burned for you to install. If its not there then wait a
> month...

> Much easier no?

Linux Monthly???
Never heard of it.

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |                                                 |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!"          |
|            in            | "THAT WOULD BE AN ECUMENICAL MATTER!...FECK!!!! |
|     Computer Science     | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"                   |


Subject: Re: gtk (from SuSE 7.0 Pro) vs. gtk+-1.3.2
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 19:09:05 +0000

Young4ert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
> Hi,

> I just went to take a look at the and it mentioned that 
> "GTK+ is a set of libraries to create graphical user interfaces. It has a 
> C-based object-oriented architecture that allows for maximum flexibility, 
> and consists of the following component libraries: GLib, GDK, and GTK".  
> Does this mean I can download the latest gtk+ and replace the gtk-1.2.8 as 
> well as gtkdev-1.2.8 from the SuSE-7.0 Pro distro?

Better to just download the source for Glib and Gtk and recompile...
It's got a better chance of working that way.
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?"   |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|                                                 |
|            in            | "I think so brain, but this time, you control   |
|     Computer Science     |  the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..."  |


From: moonie;) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2 NICs on 1 machine.
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.unix.programmer
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 14:37:33 -0500

On Thu, 08 Mar 2001, Brian wrote:
>"Rick Goh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>news:3aa23a2a$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> Using Linux Mandrake 7.2 with kernel 2.2.17
>i was using Mandrake 7.2 at home and could not connect to it via ANYTHING
>except the keyboard plugged into it, and every time i started
>telnet/samba/ftp/httpd it would shut them down again at the 4:00 am
>crond.daily run
>now, im a redhat user again =o) as i coould not find a way to fix it
>> "andylow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> news:97sj6v$391$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> > What is the netmask you have applied for the 2 IP addresses?
>> >
>> > Andy
>> >
>> >

Must be a configuration problem, I have M7.2 runnin on my router, it does:
Apache (8 vdomains)
Telnet (only avail to inside LAN)
Samba (only avail to inside of LAN)

All on a P133 with 48MB, it does slow down at 4:00am, but nothing stops!

moonie ;)

Registered Linux User #175104
   (Registered at:

Kernel 2.4.0-test5
XFree86 4.0 Nvidia .94 drivers
RAID 0 Striped
Test-Pilots-R-Us ;)
ICQ #83003404
AIM mooniesdl3


From: "jujubeesRULE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to read/write CD directly?
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 19:46:51 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Timothy Stark"

> Hello folks:
> On Windows system, I have DirectCD drivers on them.  I can put and get
> files on CD directly without using CD writer software.  On Linux, I
> tried to read and write the same CD but I can't both. DirectCD-based CD
> is inaccessible to Linux system.  How do I write and read files on it
> without switch back to Windows to do?
> Thank you!
> -- Tim Stark
directcd uses packet writing (udf filesystem) so you'll need to have a
kernel with udf support. It used to be that you had to apply a patch to
older 2.2.x kernels, I don't know if it has been included in the more
recent 2.2 kernels or not (it is in the 2.4 kernels).

I don't know if you compiled your own kernel, what distro you're using, or
if the distro you're using includes udf support out of the box, so I won't
be much help.

One thing you could try is "mount -t udf /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom" (assuming
that the cdwriter is master on the 2nd ide{/dev/hdc}, and that /mnt/cdrom

You should get a "mount: fs type udf not supported by kernel" message if
you don't have support.

If you don't have support, you'll have to rebuild a kernel with support.
If you do have support, it should mount it, and you should be able to read

As for writing, I personally have no use for burning udf cds, so I haven't
looked into it, but I think writing them is still experimental. Hopefully
someone else can tell you if it works or not, but AFAIK, there's nothing
really comparable to directcd for linux. cdrecord has support for writing
udfs but its not going to function like directcd does (which , IMO, is not
a bad thing as packet-writing wastes alot of space, and, as you have
found, dramatically reduces the usefullness of the cd-- i.e., no


Subject: GCC 2.95.2 from sources
Date: 8 Mar 2001 19:04:46 GMT


I recently ( last night was the last night ) compiled gcc 2.95.2 from sources using 
the pgcc compiler, and it won't work right.
I know htat is pretty vague, so here is a detailed description of the problem:  When 
compiling any file that requires limits.h, it
spits out the message "/usr/include/limits.h:##:No include path for limits.h", where 
## is the line number with the #include_next
statement.  Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?  I believe the problem is that 
gcc did not copy files right, or set
an internal path to its files properly.  Tell me what to do, so that I can get some 
files right.

Also, When compiling kde 2.1 the configure log says "configure:4406:string:No such 
file or directory".  That is after I removed
the string directory from my include path, so it now only has string.h in 
/usr/include.  What is that problem all about?
Oh, the line displayed from ./configure is "configure:error:No STL configure"  or 
something like that.

Justin Hibbits

Posted via
Linux Programmer's Site


Subject: Printer Problems
Date: 8 Mar 2001 19:06:22 GMT

Someone tell me what the hell went wrong with my printer:  Here's the deal...

I wrote a small script that will just send a ps file throught gs, through my print 
filter(cZ11) and to my printer using su.
Now, after upgrading, failing, and reinstalling half my software, I can't get it to 
work...I can send the prolog to start printing, but
nothing prints...Here is my system as of today...same old hardware as last week, 
but...RH7.0 Base, with gcc 2.95.2 replacement,
glibc 2.1.92, a whole bunch of compiled-from-source programs, like gs6.50, less, and 
cat, neither of which come up with any errors,
except that gs won't send output to the bitcmyk device with -sOutputFile= anything.  
What did I do wrong?????

Justin Hibbits

Posted via
Linux Programmer's Site


Subject: Printer Problems
Date: 8 Mar 2001 19:07:46 GMT

Someone tell me what the hell went wrong with my printer:  Here's the deal...

I wrote a small script that will just send a ps file throught gs, through my print 
filter(cZ11) and to my printer using su.
Now, after upgrading, failing, and reinstalling half my software, I can't get it to 
work...I can send the prolog to start printing, but
nothing prints...Here is my system as of today...same old hardware as last week, 
but...RH7.0 Base, with gcc 2.95.2 replacement,
glibc 2.1.92, a whole bunch of compiled-from-source programs, like gs6.50, less, and 
cat, neither of which come up with any errors,
except that gs won't send output to the bitcmyk device with -sOutputFile= anything.  
What did I do wrong?????

Justin Hibbits

Posted via
Linux Programmer's Site



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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