Linux-Misc Digest #323, Volume #27                Fri, 9 Mar 01 16:13:03 EST

  Re: 2 kernel issues ("Robert Wiegand")
  Re: Mandrake Question - Simple ("Robert Wiegand")
  Kernel Upgrade crashed X-Server (Mathias Kohlenz)
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a CD and 
it won't boot with it. (robert mansfield)
  Re: Question: setup cable modem, Linux and Windows (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Drawing/Ploting Tools in Linux (Grant Edwards)
  Re: adding LOTS of users (quickly) (Grant Edwards)
  Re: suse 7.1 (Young4ert)
  Re: boot up problem ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Need identd for IRC behind firewall? ("D. Stimits")
  Re: CRC error b4 decompressing kernel? ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Netscape and !lock file. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Drawing/Ploting Tools in Linux (Big Daddy)
  Linux 2.4 and NTFS (Andre Kostur)
  Re: 2 kernel issues (Doug O'Leary)
  Re: Linux 2.4 and NTFS (Adam K Kirchhoff)
  Re: cross-posting (Floyd Davidson)
  memory management (Mihai Cartoaje)
  Re: error on post ("Peter T. Breuer")
  users can mount? (Martin Greco)


From: "Robert Wiegand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2 kernel issues
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 12:54:42 -0600

In article <jY7q6.1364$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Doug O'Leary"

>       I'm getting multiple unresolved module dependencies when booting
> the system.  All the dependencies are for functions/systems that I  have
> configured out of the kernel because they're not installed or won't be used on
> this system.  I've done the 
> make modules; make modules_install
> However, still getting the errors.

FIrst, I would suggest that you delete the old modules before intalling the
new ones. Or better yet - change the kernel name so you can have both
sets around. The modules are in:

Also check:



From: "Robert Wiegand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mandrake Question - Simple
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 12:48:22 -0600

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jean-David Beyer"

>> You need to login as root to build a kernel.
> It seems to me that you should need to be root only to INSTALL a kernel.
> Anyone with permission to write in /usr/src/linux-[release] should be able to
> build one.

At least on my Mandrake system the only one with permission to write to
/usr/src/linux is root. So you either need to be root or change the



From: Mathias Kohlenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel Upgrade crashed X-Server
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 19:14:55 GMT


Yesterday evening, I intended to upgrade my 2.2 kernel to 2.4.2. I=20
configured everything with "make xconfig", then performed "make dep" and=
"make clean". I copied the bzImage over to /boot and then wanted to=20
create an image-file of the kernel. I got my first doubts, when the=20
system wasn't able to find the command "mkinitrd" anymore. I thought a=20
reboot could help here. During the boot of the old kernel everything=20
seemed to be fine, but when entering graphical login, all I saw was a=20
constantly self-refreshing text-screen. There was an error message there=
but it was hard to figure out what it said, because as soon as it was=20
displayed the screen would go blank again. What I could figure out of th=
error message was something like "... seems to be running alread=
... however it was mysteriously murdered ...".=20

I am able to login in runlevel 2, text-only mode, so there is a chance I=
could fix something if I only knew where to begin! My guess is that "mak=
clean" deleted some much needed files, however this is just a guess. I=20
looked in /usr/lib, but there was no entry for the 2.4.2  kernel, that's=
all I found out so far.=20

Any help or links to documentation highly appreciated!


From: robert mansfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a 
CD and it won't boot with it.
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,linux.redhat
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 19:43:28 GMT

James Knott wrote:

> Your message would be easier to read, if you used proper
> English.
> vicka wrote:
>> its possible to MOUNT THIS FILE like any other
>> so if u mount it like smth iso96xxx then u can
>> browse it like simple cd
>> of course if u have no x near 2 u it will not work
>> :(
>> i just downloaded iso file to
>> and i think i will install mandrake first and ONLY
>> then 3BSD :)
>> newbie too --> vicka
>> John Winters wrote:
>> >
>> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> > Peter Brylde  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > >Newbie from Win98 wrote:
>> > >
>> > >> Dear All,
>> > >>
>> > >> please can you help me?
>> > >>
>> > >> I've downloaded the SuSE EVal 7_0 ISO file.  Now what do I do with
>> > >> it?  I've
>> > >> burned a CD and it won't boot with it.  Do I need to unzip it or
>> > >> something?
>> > >>
>> > >> I do not have any copies of Linux on this box and I have not
>> > >> installed Linux before.
>> > >>
>> > >> The filename is: live-evaluation-i386-70.iso
>> > >>
>> > >> It's my first time trying Linux so please be gentle with me, no
>> > >> flames please.
>> > >>
>> > >> Thanks for any help you an give me.
>> > >>
>> > >> Martin.
>> > >
>> > >If you have burned the iso file directly to the CD nothing will work.
>> > >You must burn it using the 'raw data' option.
>> >
>> > Just to clarify a bit - you *must* burn the iso file directly to the
>> > CD.  It's
>> > the other way around which won't work.  If you've made a CD with a copy
>> > of the ISO on it (as a file) then it won't work.
>> >
>> > John
>> > --
>> > John Winters.  Wallingford, Oxon, England.
>> >
>> > The Linux Emporium - the source for Linux CDs in the UK
>> > See
Make sure if you have burned it correctly. That you have it booting from 
the cd-rom first in the bios


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Question: setup cable modem, Linux and Windows
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 19:55:42 GMT

In article <o2%p6.16582$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris wrote:

>> > This is the right one if you set up firewall capability on the Linux
>> > box. The cable modem probably has no firewall capability. This requires
>> > two NICs in the Linux box.

I'd complain to whoever gave you the cable-modem.  There's no
excuse for handing out something that doesn't doesn't act as a
NAT firewall -- unless they _want_ people breaking into your

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  PARDON me, am I
                                  at               speaking ENGLISH?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: Drawing/Ploting Tools in Linux
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 19:57:04 GMT

In article <98a7bm$9h5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>I am going to draw some diagrams in linux for
>my report. Most of them are block diagram, state
>machine, flowchart and some circuits.

I used to use xfig for block diagrams and the like, but
switched to sketch a while back.  It has some nice features
(opaque objects, for example) that xfig lacks.

I've never done circuit diagrams under Linux....

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  You should all JUMP
                                  at               UP AND DOWN for TWO HOURS
                                 while I decide on a NEW


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: adding LOTS of users (quickly)
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 19:58:47 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Doug Poulin wrote:
>I am setting up a mail server (qmail).  All our users are in an NT 4
>domain.  I can get a list of users from the domain.  Is there a script I
>could run on Linux to quickly add all the users, or will I have to do it
>by hand?  Each user would need a home directory (in NT, you can do
>something like /home/%username%, so jsmith would get /home/jsmith).  Any
>ideas?  I'm not much of a programmer, so the simpler the better! 

RH comes with a "useradd" program.  You should be able to do
something like:

for userName in `cat userNameFile`
  useradd $userName  [whatever options you like]

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I feel like a wet
                                  at               parking meter on Darvon!


From: Young4ert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: suse 7.1
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 19:51:53 GMT

Dances With Crows wrote:

> On Thu, 8 Mar 2001 15:30:53 -0800, jmtd staggered into the Black Sun and
> said:
> >How can I download SuSE 7.1 in iso format? I am looking for the
> >download installable distribution, not the cheesy demo they have on
> >their ftp site
> The "cheesy demo", otherwise known as "evaluation-7.1.iso", is basically
> the first CD of the 6-CD set of 7.1, plus a couple of freely
> distributable commercial programs like Netscape 4.73 and Acrobat Reader.
> SuSE do not make their entire commercial distro available as ISO images
> because their commercial distro includes payware like OSS.
> The evaluation ISO installs a fully functional system.  You will have to
> fill in the holes from their download site, since everything except the
> payware is available there.  If this doesn't work for you, try
> Cheapbytes.  HTH,

I believe most Linux distros don't provide all their distros in an ISO 
format for download for a number of reasons, i.e. the inclusion of 
commercial programs (as mentioned above).  I have been looking for ISO CDs 
of anykind of Linux distro and only found mostly the ISO of their 1st CD.  
Also, I don't recommend anyone to spend $80 to get a copy of newly released 
SuSE Pro package as SuSE will come out to release a new distro every 


Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 13:16:14 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: boot up problem

cedric wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "D. Stimits"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > cedric wrote:
> >>
> >> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "D. Stimits"
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> > cedric wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> After the line, 'Verifying DMI data pool' and before
> >> >> LILO starts during boot up, all that happens is the
> >> >> scrolling of 'x and o' over and over and over. The
> >> >> only way to stop it is 'ctl, alt, del.' LILO never
> >> >> starts.
> >> >>
> using 2.2.14-5.0 / RH 6.2 / KDE 1.1.2.
> I've thought about upgrading to RH 7 but hear RH 7 has
> problems. What distrobution would you recomend for a user, not a
> techie? I write fiction, use the net for research and
> e-mail. That's about it.
> Thanks again,
> cedric

I've tried out RH 7.1 beta for a while now. It has some minor problems,
like needing to chmod the xterm program so non-root can use it (I
reported problems I found to bugzilla). These should be fixed when the
non-beta 7.1 comes out. Probably I would recommend 7.1 beta if you don't
mind some minor fixes. Otherwise I would wait for the RH 7.1 final; 7.1
appears to be far nicer than 7.0. In any case, there are a lot of good
things to say about other distributions as well, for example, a lot of
people like the ease of updating from Debian. SuSE has come up recently
with updates as well. Since you already use RH, and assuming you can
wait a little while longer, I'd use RH 7.1; if you are in a hurry, get
hold of a 7.1 beta, it seems very stable. Regardless of which version
you get, install all the compatibility libs you can get. FYI, Abi Word
works nicely in 7.1 beta.


Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 13:20:48 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Need identd for IRC behind firewall?

Lloyd Sumpter wrote:
> Hi.
>    I'm trying to use IRC on my Mandrake 7 box (7.2 I believe). When I try to
> connect to a server, it says I have to run identd. I'm running identd on my
> machine.
>    I'm behind a firewall, which is another Linux box (Mandrake again) using
> ipchains. It is also running identd. The user I'm using on my machine is not on
> the firewall.
>    Is there some setup required for identd? Is there a special command I need
> for ipchains to allow the IRC server to access my identd? When the IRC server
> asks for an Ident, does it stop at the firewall,so do I have to have my username
> on the firewall (I REALLY don't want to!)
> Lloyd Sumpter

I have noticed some popular IRC servers that are broken. I run identd as
well, and can even set ipchains to log every auth request. I can connect
to non-broken IRC servers that also require identd. But many of the
popular efnet servers access identd and fail to see a valid identd (such
as, which isn't a prison). There is nothing you can do on
those particular servers since the admins don't seem to care.

In terms of identd, just make sure port 113 is open.


Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 13:23:17 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CRC error b4 decompressing kernel?

Andrew Purugganan wrote:
> Sometimes when I power on my home PC (Mandrake Linux 2.2.13-22mdk) and
> lilo switches the video mode, instead of the usual
> Decompressing kernel....
> I get CRC error, system halted
> and I have to power off then on about 2 or 3 times before it finally
> gives in and lets the boot process continue. Any idea what is causing
> this, and how can I prevent a recurrence?
> --
> jazz
> Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
> Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life
> --- OUT THERE??

The last time I saw this it was bad ram, and required replacing a DIMM


Subject: Re: Netscape and !lock file.
Date: 9 Mar 2001 15:27:29 -0500

Young4ert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin Brewer wrote:

>> When I load Netscape, I get a lock file message. Then I have to manually
>> have to go in and remove the lock file so this message will not
>> re-appear. Anyone know how to get rid of this?

> When netscape is launched, it creates ~/.netscape/lock file and If you do 
> not gracefully shutdown the netscape, the ~/.netscape/lock file remains 
> there and if you relaunch the netscape, you will get such a warning 
> message.  The only way I know of getting rid off such a message is to make 
> sure the netscape is gracefully shutdown or else manually remove the 
> ~/.netscape/lock file.

Well ... "gracefully"? Sometimes closing Netscape down properly (FILE|QUIT)
gives an error and leaves the lock file.

I used a small script to go offline (close down my ppp connection) which
also deletes any lock file (and as I don't like the large number of files
I pick up in my cache, delete my cache files).

By the way, does Netscape 6.01 create a lock file (I can't find one).


From: Big Daddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Drawing/Ploting Tools in Linux
Date: 9 Mar 2001 20:23:25 GMT

Scribbling furiously, Grant Edwards managed to write....
: I used to use xfig for block diagrams and the like, but
: switched to sketch a while back.  It has some nice features
: (opaque objects, for example) that xfig lacks.

: I've never done circuit diagrams under Linux....

It's been mentioned already, but Dia ROCKS.  Does tons o' stuff... ER, 
Network, Circuit............

Big Daddy

Life is a sexually transmitted condition, and it's always fatal.


Subject: Linux 2.4 and NTFS
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andre Kostur)
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 20:31:19 GMT

Does anybody know how to mount an NTFS volume set under Linux (read-only is 
fine for our purposes)?  I've found an old patch, but it's against 2.3.18, 
and the low-level functions have changed quite a bit since then (and I 
haven't really looked at how to modify it for 2.4)?


From: Doug O'Leary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2 kernel issues
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 20:42:03 GMT

Robert Wiegand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> FIrst, I would suggest that you delete the old modules before intalling the
> new ones. Or better yet - change the kernel name so you can have both
> sets around. The modules are in:
> /lib/modules/<kernal_name>

Aha!  That was it!  Or, at least a good portion of the problem. To keep 
things in chronological order:

1.      As mentioned, I reconfigured the box not to use loadable modules.
Everything came up the way it's supposed to.  However, the individual
that I'm building the box for neglected to tell me that the s/w he's
using needs loadable modules.  Back to square one.

2.      While disabling the loadable modules, I *enabled* ramdisk support
and loopback device support.  That allowed me to run the mkinitrd command
that was causing problems before.  This, I believe, allowd the kernels
with the modules support to boot - an issue that I was having previously.

3.      Blowing away the old modules directory and reruning "make modules;
make modules_install" removed the numerous module dependency error msgs
I was receiving.

Result:  Box configured the way it's supposed to be.

Thanks!  I appreciate the help!


Douglas K. O'Leary
Senior System Administrator


From: Adam K Kirchhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux 2.4 and NTFS
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 20:51:53 GMT

Andre Kostur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anybody know how to mount an NTFS volume set under Linux (read-only is 
> fine for our purposes)?  I've found an old patch, but it's against 2.3.18, 
> and the low-level functions have changed quite a bit since then (and I 
> haven't really looked at how to modify it for 2.4)?

NTFS read-only mounting is supported with current kernels.



From: Floyd Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cross-posting
Date: 09 Mar 2001 11:07:15 -0900

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Drew Roedersheimer) wrote:
>Lew Pitcher wrote:
>>Rules of thumb
>>1) don't multipost when crossposting will do
>>2) don't crosspost when single posting will do
>>3) set "followups to" on multiposts and crossposts

I think that should be DO NOT set followups-to on crossposts
unless there is some specific reason.  Otherwise not everyone
who reads the original message will see the responses to it,
and resulting confusion may happen.

>>4) read the RFC1855 "Netiquette Guidelines" before posting

>You are indeed correct Lew....  And now that you mention it, I remember
>why I said that about the original post.  The original poster had, in
>fact, defined the "Followups to" header as alt.os.linux, which, on my
>NG server at least, is not a valid NG.  Either way, thanks for clearing 
>up my error.

I believe that is a good example of why all responses should
normally be crossposted exactly the same as the original

The one catch is the case where the original message is a troll
or is so off topic in some group that it causes a distrubance
there.  In that case it should either be deleted from the list
of crossposted groups in all responses, or the followups-to
header should be set to eliminate it.

In all cases where the followups-to header is set, that fact
should be noted in the text of the message body.  And of course
each person responding should consider who would be an
appropriate audience for _their_ article and possibly override
the headers.

Floyd L. Davidson         <>
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Mihai Cartoaje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: memory management
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 20:53:11 GMT

I have noticed that the Slackware boot disk comes with a
moderately-featured kernel, and yet when typing "free" after
booting, less than 1.5MB are occupied.

Conversely, on RedHat, after installing a minimal kernel, removing
all init services except keymap, removing all mingettys and
executing directly /bin/sh, there are still 3.9 MB occupied.

Would anyone tell me how to fine-tune RedHat so that it takes as
little memory as Slackware, or what causes the difference?

And also has anyone tested the other distributions to know how much
memory is used after a boot?



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: error on post
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 21:45:46 +0100

> The question that I just submitted a little while ago has an error.
> I meant to say how do you change the default login manager?

You replace the one you don't like with the one you do like.

Or you replace the line in the startup scripts that starts an xdm that
you don't like with a line that starts an xdm that you do like.

Etc. What did you think? Magic?



From: Martin Greco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: users can mount?
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 17:14:25 +0000

I want to give common users mount priviliege, but I don't know how to...

I tried to give user x permission of the mount file, but it won't work 
(only root can do that)
any tip?...





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